Budget 2021: Ireland faces five big economic challengesCovid-19 and Brexit form a bleak backdrop to plans for Government spending next yearFri Oct 02 2020 - 05:51
Landlords urged to make ‘concessions’ to struggling businessesVoluntary code of conduct suggests giving rent-free periods and splitting the cost of rentThu Oct 01 2020 - 08:55
Ireland had one of highest rates of home-working during Covid-19 crisisEU survey finds Ireland had the second-highest levels of working from home after BelgiumThu Oct 01 2020 - 08:02
Recurring Covid restrictions will kill off many viable businessesOnly a personal buy-in to good sense will defeat this virus, not ever-stricter rulesWed Sept 30 2020 - 05:45
Unemployment falls only marginally as recovery stalls in face of new restrictionsLatest figures put the headline rate at 14.7 per cent in SeptemberTue Sept 29 2020 - 15:26
Mortgage holidays keep arrears problem at bayPayment deficits fall in second quarter as banks give borrowers payment breaksMon Sept 28 2020 - 15:15
More financial firms setting up or expanding in Ireland despite Covid-19New Government legislation is expected to further fuel investment in the industryMon Sept 28 2020 - 04:47
Hotel bookings collapse in wake of additional Covid restrictionsUp to 88 per cent of hotel rooms expected to lie empty in November, survey findsSun Sept 27 2020 - 13:56
New lockdowns would cause lasting damage to banks, Moody’s warnsAgency says second wave of pandemic poses serious threat to global banking systemThu Sept 24 2020 - 15:35
Staff to work from home for rest of year, 40% of bosses sayDigital and remote working trends accelerated under pandemic, poll findsThu Sept 24 2020 - 05:00
Coronavirus vaccine: 15 billion doses needed to inoculate the planetOnly four to six plants in the world capable of producing vaccines on such a large scaleWed Sept 23 2020 - 05:32
PropertyLocator.ie announces strategic tie-up with LawOnlineCommercial property and legal websites join forces to streamline processTue Sept 22 2020 - 00:10
European lockdown fears trigger worst stocks sell-off in three monthsTravel stocks slump as UK ponders national lockdown againMon Sept 21 2020 - 18:17
Irish consumers pessimistic about cost of living despite fall in pricesKBC Bank survey finds disparity between official inflation data and consumer perceptionsFri Sept 18 2020 - 04:30
Slide in bank shares puts an end to market winning streakUK financial institutions struggle after Bank of England’s negative rates talkThu Sept 17 2020 - 18:39
Economy faces double shock of Covid-19 and hard Brexit, study warnsESRI research suggests no-deal Brexit would broaden range of sectors experiencing hitThu Sept 17 2020 - 09:54
Donohoe on Budget 2021: No new income tax, USC or PRSIFinance Minister says major changes in taxation would be counter-productiveThu Sept 17 2020 - 06:16
‘Multi-year stimulus’ needed to restore Covid-depleted Irish economyIrish Fiscal Advisory Council calls on Government to use budget to announce packageThu Sept 17 2020 - 06:14
House completions to hit 18,000 despite construction shutdownReport says sector proving more resilient than anticipated in face of Covid-19 crisisThu Sept 17 2020 - 05:21
Government to frame Budget on basis of no-deal BrexitDonohoe says Budget 2021 will not bring in major tax increasesWed Sept 16 2020 - 14:24
Ibec warns Ireland’s total Covid bill could reach €50bnEmployers’ group says Government needs to provide an extra €6bn package of supportsWed Sept 16 2020 - 01:00
Will Ireland’s long winning streak on tax soon come to an end?Our tax regime has withstood many attacks, but Brexit and Covid could change the gameWed Sept 16 2020 - 01:00
State’s chief economist warns on public finances ahead of budgetDepartment of Finance’s John McCarthy highlights Republic’s precarious fiscal positionMon Sept 14 2020 - 19:07
Wise to assume no-deal Brexit – Central Bank governorGabriel Makhlouf warns economy likely to suffer economic shock from Brexit next yearMon Sept 14 2020 - 17:16
Varadkar warns Ireland could suffer ‘multiple economic hits’Tánaiste compares Covid-19 pandemic to a war or an invasionFri Sept 11 2020 - 16:25
New mortgage contracts fall 35% as Covid-19 crisis dents activityFigures show Irish borrowers are still paying higher rates than euro area counterpartsFri Sept 11 2020 - 12:19
Planning permissions for new homes fall 30% due to Covid-19CSO figures show number of permissions granted between April and June was 6,807Fri Sept 11 2020 - 11:21
Cost of building homes can be ‘much cheaper’Figures show cost of public sector building a three-bed home averages less than €300,000Fri Sept 11 2020 - 06:00
European shares fall as ECB leaves policy unchangedMarkets report: Most European sectors end in negative territoryThu Sept 10 2020 - 21:49
Aryzta in advanced takeover talks with activist hedge fund‘No certainty’ that discussions will result in offer for embattled baked goods groupThu Sept 10 2020 - 21:39
Negative narrative around Irish economy is ‘fundamental misreading’Ibec chief executive says Ireland likely to be one of this year’s top performing economiesThu Sept 10 2020 - 18:26
Inflation hits 10-year low as restrictions push prices lowerConsumer prices 1% lower in August compared with same month last yearThu Sept 10 2020 - 11:45
Johnson ‘adopting Trumpian madman’ approach to Brexit negotiationsFormer Irish ambassador to EU says UK’s position is increasingly difficult to gaugeWed Sept 09 2020 - 17:54
Sterling weakens on souring Brexit talksInvestec’s Justin Doyle says outlook for pound looks increasingly negativeWed Sept 09 2020 - 13:12
Unemployment rate drops to 15.4% in AugustLatest figures suggest as many as 359,288 are still unemployedWed Sept 09 2020 - 11:29
Unaffordable housing poisons youth view of Fine Gael and Fianna FáilBottom Line: Demographic locked out of market is deeply alienated from main partiesWed Sept 09 2020 - 05:14
Expert says State needs to build 1.4m extra homes by 2050 to meet demandThis equates to 49,000 new units a year for 30 yearsMon Sept 07 2020 - 18:58
Ireland in recession as economy contracts by more than 6%Decline in economic activity from impact of Covid-19 offset by increase in value of exportsMon Sept 07 2020 - 11:18
Pepper Money retreats from Irish lending market, citing ‘challenging conditions’Shannon-based group to cease commercial lending businessFri Sept 04 2020 - 16:00
Irish construction suffers record 45% contraction in outputFall-off in activity as a result of coronavirus was nearly four times bigger than euro area averageFri Sept 04 2020 - 12:07
Gig economy: What is it? Who works in it? Why is it in the news?Q&A: Over the past 20 years, there’s been a gradual shift from stable, permanent workFri Sept 04 2020 - 10:34
European shares drop as US tech rout turns contagiousEuropean tech stocks mark worst day in over four monthsThu Sept 03 2020 - 18:20
Public finances sink into €9.4bn deficit as pandemic spending soarsCorporation tax provides a bright spot, with income tax also resilientWed Sept 02 2020 - 16:30
Coronavirus: Epidemiology has been a political football from the get-goIreland now appears to be in a lose-lose scenario compared with SwedenWed Sept 02 2020 - 08:54
Housing units in planning system drop by 27% as coronavirus dents activityReport also warns of fall-off in demand in State’s rental sector due to travel restrictionsTue Sept 01 2020 - 16:28
Rebound in manufacturing loses speed amid pick-up in coronavirus casesLatest AIB purchasing managers’ index remains positive but growth slowsTue Sept 01 2020 - 05:40
European shares end lower on poor inflation data but gain for AugustTravel and leisure stocks outperform in August, adding nearly 15%Mon Aug 31 2020 - 18:35
‘Staycation’ boom sparks accommodation and transport spendCentral Bank data also show increase in eating out and various other entertainmentMon Aug 31 2020 - 13:42
No comment from Aryzta on reported plans to sell off troubled US armBaked goods manufacturer is reportedly ready to exit US marketFri Aug 28 2020 - 20:51
Will Covid make the jobs market more unfair?Pandemic may accelerate divide between low-paid service jobs and more secure employmentFri Aug 28 2020 - 05:25