Explainer: Why are so many workers facing tax bills for 2020?If your employer benefitted from the temporary wage subsidy scheme, you will be billedWed Jan 06 2021 - 05:00
Your money in 2021: Four things to watch out forFrom your pay packet to the property outlook, here’s what’s coming down the roadTue Jan 05 2021 - 05:37
New car sales plummeted last year to recession-era levelsToyota Corolla is still Ireland’s top selling car but industry forecasts ‘difficult’ start to 2021Mon Jan 04 2021 - 15:54
Insurance reform must be prioritised to help businesses recover, says SME groupAlliance for Insurance Reform says nothing Government has done so far has workedMon Jan 04 2021 - 13:58
Seniors Money reopens ‘reverse mortgage’ loans for over-60sLifetime loans available to older borrowers again at fixed rate of 5.5%Mon Jan 04 2021 - 11:02
Department of Finance seeks views on funding of new homesConsultation to assess adequacy of funding for residential developmentMon Jan 04 2021 - 10:33
Residential landlords paid tax on only 63% of rental incomeLandlords claimed allowable expenses of more than €1bn to cut tax billsWed Dec 30 2020 - 07:30
Want to move somewhere sunnier to remote work? Read the small print . . .Greece and Barbados are enticing digital nomads, but read the small printTue Dec 22 2020 - 05:34
Brexit: British banks to stay open for Irish customersBarclays and Lloyds Banking Group closing some accounts for customers in certain countriesMon Dec 21 2020 - 05:19
Consumers need more than another report on insurance pricingIf dual pricing is detrimental to consumers we must not wait another year to actWed Dec 16 2020 - 05:15
Top tips: How to shake up your finances this ChristmasFinancial advisers share their tips on budgeting, future planning, pensions and moreTue Dec 15 2020 - 05:39
Ires Reit acquires 146 apartments at Phoenix Park Racecourse for €60mIreland’s largest private landlord will pay an average €410,958 per unitMon Dec 14 2020 - 16:28
Lockdown difficulties for Irish explorer Botswana DiamondsDiamond sales and prices fell, but the company is now looking at a ‘substantial recovery’Mon Dec 14 2020 - 16:08
Loyal customers pay considerably more for insurance than switchersOlder consumers who are more likely to be loyal to their provider are missing outMon Dec 14 2020 - 12:18
Open Orphan gets green light for Covid-19 nasal vaccine trialVaccine could be one of the first to provide long-term immunity from Covid-19Mon Dec 14 2020 - 07:55
Cork credit union set to impose charge on savingsFirst South to introduce €1 charge on deposits following widespread limits on the level of savingsFri Dec 11 2020 - 15:02
Majority of Custom House Capital clients still awaiting compensationICCL is now waiting on court ruling to allow compensation to proceedFri Dec 11 2020 - 14:06
Fiona Reddan: Who would be a first-time buyer in 2021?With Help to Buy and mortgage applications at record highs will supply be adequate?Wed Dec 09 2020 - 07:52
Record numbers of first-time buyers apply for Help to BuyNumbers applying for tax rebate of up to €30,000 to fund deposit on new house rocketWed Dec 09 2020 - 07:01
Fiona Reddan: Do children need private health insurance?There are no private hospitals for children, but there are some reasons to insureTue Dec 08 2020 - 05:43
VHI offers families €200 back due to falling claimsInsurer saw lower than expected claims in 2020 due to coronavirus pandemicMon Dec 07 2020 - 15:33
Irish funds industry to be worth €5.3 trillion by 2025Sector has potential to create 6,000 new jobs over next five yearsMon Dec 07 2020 - 13:05
Credit union tells members to cut savings to just €15,000Progressive Credit Union in north Dublin tightens restrictions after increase in savingsMon Dec 07 2020 - 10:23
Venn Life Sciences wins another Covid-19 drug studyOpen Orphan subsidiary to manage Phase 2 clinical trial for European pharma companyMon Dec 07 2020 - 08:15
Tullow gets licence extensions in KenyaMove will allow oil group to reassess Kenyan projectMon Dec 07 2020 - 07:29
Elliott says Aryzta bid not conditional on having agm postponedUS hedge fund makes fresh €734m bid for troubled Swiss-Irish food groupMon Dec 07 2020 - 07:02
Will income taxes have to rise to pay for Covid-19 crisis?With the Government borrowing billions to cover the pandemic, workers may be worried they will be asked to pay for itWed Dec 02 2020 - 05:30
Numbers paying tax at top rate to fall by 10% in 2021Revenue estimates show impact of pandemic on income of higher earnersTue Dec 01 2020 - 17:09
With current account fees on the rise, is it time to switch?Customers rarely change accounts, but as costs go up here are the options if you doTue Dec 01 2020 - 05:38
Confidence in Irish manufacturing sector improves as new orders increaseSector ‘coped well’ with lockdown, according to AIB surveyTue Dec 01 2020 - 05:06
Beware of ‘ghost brokers’ offering cheap insurance, consumers warnedBrokers Ireland welcomes first conviction in the State for fraudulently selling policiesMon Nov 30 2020 - 13:20
Mary McAleese and Fontaines D.C. among beneficiaries of artists’ tax exemptionScheme allows artists to earn up to € 50,000 a year on creative work free of taxMon Nov 30 2020 - 13:03
Davy stockbroker targets UK growth with three new hiresExperienced banking professionals to head up capital markets division in UKMon Nov 30 2020 - 12:06
Draper Esprit maintains portfolio value despite Covid challengesDublin-listed venture capital firm’s 10% rise in portfolio valued at €784m despite pandemicMon Nov 30 2020 - 07:32
Farm safety equipment to benefit from improved capital allowancesMove is due to high rate of fatal workplace incidents in the agriculture, fishing and forestry sectorFri Nov 27 2020 - 20:11
Second large Aryzta shareholder voices opposition to proposed takeoverLodbrook Capital says €735m Elliott offer ‘grossly undervalues’ groupFri Nov 27 2020 - 15:45
Topshop owner fights for surivival putting Irish jobs at riskArcadia Group looks set to file for administration in the UKFri Nov 27 2020 - 13:51
‘Completely different economy’ needed to tackle emissionsNew initiative Circuléire is aimed at improving environment and cutting wasteFri Nov 27 2020 - 12:24
Over 100 Kepak workers in Cornwall test positive for Covid-19Council says up to 85% of positive cases at meat processing plant are asymptomaticFri Nov 27 2020 - 10:17
Fiona Reddan: Who’s afraid of Revolut? Not AIB and BOI it seemsDespite popularity of fintech payment app, pillar banks are still hiking up their feesWed Nov 25 2020 - 05:02
How to gift your child a house deposit . . . tax freeThe small-gift exemption scheme may be a no-brainer but do your homework firstTue Nov 24 2020 - 05:30
BOI customers to be charged twice with bank fees on New Year’s EveSavers who keep thousands in account to avoid charges will now be hit with fees of more than €70 a yearMon Nov 23 2020 - 16:48
Parents worried parental leave will damage career prospectsRemote working seen as another potential obstacle to career progression research findsMon Nov 23 2020 - 12:10
CCPC approves Hickey’s takeover by UnipharDeal, worth up to €60 million, will add 36 pharmacies to Uniphar’s networkMon Nov 23 2020 - 08:01
Trading environment remains ‘positive’ for Total ProduceFruit and veg group forecasts full year results to be ‘slightly ahead’ of 2019Mon Nov 23 2020 - 07:37
No access to retirement benefits from age 50 under new proposalsGovernment eyes more simple pensions and abolition of multiple productsWed Nov 18 2020 - 05:02
Yet another pensions report – but what have we learned?State pension age looks likely to increase, and early access to funds is not on agendaWed Nov 18 2020 - 05:01
How do savers find a home for their money and get returns on deposits?Returns on deposits are now trending to zeroTue Nov 17 2020 - 04:54
Central Bank reprimands mortgage lenders for Covid-19 lending approachesBorrowers urged to tread carefully amid ongoing uncertainty as banks tighten policiesMon Nov 16 2020 - 17:16
Clevernet acquires wi-fi provider Connect2FiDeal will enhance Irish technology company’s capability and offeringMon Nov 16 2020 - 09:39