Gardai have not heard from city march organisersGardai have not been contacted by the organisers of a Reclaim the Streets party in Dublin, which is set to coincide with Sunday…Fri Sept 20 2002 - 01:00
Senate would 'reconnect citizens with EU project'The European Union should have a permanent "senate" drawn from politicians in the member-states, the Forum on Europe has been…Wed Sept 18 2002 - 01:00
Ireland must not miss out on debate - De RossaThe people of central and eastern Europe should not be "held hostage" to Ireland's internal debate on the EU's future, the president…Tue Sept 17 2002 - 01:00
Office development for Tara Street approvedÍarnród Éireann has won approval for an office development higher than Liberty Hall on the site of Dublin's Tara Street railway…Fri Sept 13 2002 - 01:00
Responses invited on stadium projectThe Government has formally appealed for expressions of interest from the private sector in the development of a national stadium…Fri Sept 13 2002 - 01:00
Size really matters in cyberspaceTHE LAST STRAW: When the Internet first came into our lives, it promised to open up a world of endless possibilities, including…Sat Sept 07 2002 - 01:00
High scores for An LarPatrick, a reader from Malmö, wrote recently with kind words about the columnSat Aug 31 2002 - 01:00
Challenge for North is 'to show the centre can hold'Northern Ireland shares with South Africa a responsibility to show the world that even the most intractable conflicts can be …Sat Aug 17 2002 - 01:00
The cat's in the cradleTHE LAST STRAW: Ideas about child-care have changed a lot over the past centurySat Aug 17 2002 - 01:00
Dublin Airport now 'worst in Europe' for flight delaysDublin Airport is now the worst in Europe for flight delays, with more than one in four planes taking off at least 15 minutes…Fri Aug 16 2002 - 01:00
Students 'need' exam celebrationsStudents have a real need to celebrate their Leaving Cert results, and parents only alienate them by taking hardline stances …Tue Aug 13 2002 - 01:00
Killorglin returns to RepublicKillorglin is expected to rejoin the Republic of Ireland later today, after its short annual flirtation with monarchyMon Aug 12 2002 - 01:00
IMO to ballot hospital doctors on strikeThe Irish Medical Organisation will begin balloting non-consultant hospital doctors today on a proposal to extend industrial …Wed Aug 07 2002 - 01:00
Out of CavanThis column provides an occasional service in interpreting modern Ireland to the Diaspora, which explains an e-mail I received…Sat Aug 03 2002 - 01:00
Bord Gais describes work at ancient burial site as 'unfortunate'Bord Gáis has described as "unfortunate" the fact that an ancient burial site in Co Meath went unnoticed during preliminary construction…Fri Aug 02 2002 - 01:00
Get ready for that intense exposure to loved ones Family HolidaysAll across Europe, August is the wicked month when the annualfamily holiday occurs, but is it a descent into relationship hell…Thu Aug 01 2002 - 01:00
Students protest over capitation increaseStudents and Opposition politicians marched on the Department of Education headquarters in Dublin yesterday in protest at the…Wed Jul 31 2002 - 01:00
Ireland bought same strain of smallpox vaccine as UKIreland has stocked the same strain of the smallpox vaccine that has been called into question in the UK, writes Frank McNally…Wed Jul 31 2002 - 01:00
Prisoners 'prefer jail' to a homeless life outsideMany prisoners would choose to stay in jail at the end of their sentences because they have nowhere to go when they come out, …Wed Jul 24 2002 - 01:00
A cleaner environment on the way with the compost showerThe more committed type of environmentalist has traditionally been associated - no doubt unfairly - with a reluctance to wash…Mon Jul 22 2002 - 01:00
Employers' group wants ESB cost rise to be phased for industryThe employers' group IBEC will seek to have an impending ESB price rise introduced on a phased basis for industry when it meets…Mon Jul 22 2002 - 01:00
Woman held by gang for ransom freedThe wife of a Dublin postmaster was freed unharmed after an apparently failed attempt to secure a ransom yesterday.Sat Jul 20 2002 - 01:00
When no news is bad newsTHE LAST STRAW: A newspaper is, in many ways, like a great sailing shipSat Jul 20 2002 - 01:00
Submissions sought on TV sportMembers of the public have been invited to make suggestions, including possible additions, to a proposed list of sporting events…Sat Jul 20 2002 - 01:00
Security response to drug use is criticisedThe Government seemed intent on adopting a security-based response to the drug problem, an approach which had failed elsewhere…Fri Jul 19 2002 - 01:00
Sports bodies say games may sufferSporting bodies affected by the Government's proposed list of events designated for free TV coverage have warned that the move…Thu Jul 18 2002 - 01:00
EU car sales reform could mean higher prices hereNew EU rules aimed at increasing competition in car sales could paradoxically mean higher prices in Ireland, industry sources…Thu Jul 18 2002 - 01:00
Support groups react angrily after arrestsImmigrant groups criticised the scale and manner of yesterday's arrest operation and questioned whether human rights had been…Wed Jul 17 2002 - 01:00
Sculpture from school tree commemorates Pearse brothersThe remains of a century-old Californian redwood tree have been transformed into a sculpture commemorating Pádraig and Willie…Mon Jul 15 2002 - 01:00
Creche's scroll of honourMost recently, they arrived home with two Father's Day cards, spoiling the effect a little by insisting one of them was for their…Sat Jul 06 2002 - 01:00
Board appointed for new tourism authorityThe Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Mr O'Donoghue, has appointed the interim board of the State's new tourism development…Fri Jul 05 2002 - 01:00
Big improvement in food safety evidentFood businesses are displaying dramatically improved standards of hygiene this year, reflecting the effects of both public demand…Fri Jul 05 2002 - 01:00
Humbert school ponders the realities of a changed and changing worldThe presidency of George WWed Jul 03 2002 - 01:00
Travellers in protest outside Leinster HouseTravller groups mounted a picket outside Leinster House yesterday after legislation creating the offence of criminal trespass…Tue Jul 02 2002 - 01:00
6,000 likely to join gay pride marchSome 6,000 people are expected to participate in the annual Dublin Pride parade, which takes place on the streets of the capital…Sat Jun 29 2002 - 01:00
Greens, SF to campaign against amendmentThe Green Party and Sinn Féin led the opposition to the the Government's proposed amendment and promised to campaign strongly…Fri Jun 28 2002 - 01:00
Grocers' group rejects claims of rising pricesDetails of the euro zone price survey brought contrasting reactions from either side of the retail counter yesterday, with the…Thu Jun 27 2002 - 01:00
Cost of running a car up by 10%, AA findsThe cost of running a family car has risen by 10 per cent for the second consecutive year, according to the Automobile Association…Thu Jun 27 2002 - 01:00
Week ahead should be dry but cloudyThe good news is that the next few days should be mainly dry, thanks to the Azores High, the Atlantic pressure system whose movement…Mon Jun 24 2002 - 01:00
Report alleges unsafe sterilisationThe Irish Patients Association has called for an independent inquiry to establish if inadequate sterilisation of equipment at…Mon Jun 24 2002 - 01:00
Dublin golf club approves move to Enniskerry siteThe members of Dún Laoghaire Golf Club have overwhelmingly approved a deal with a Dublin development company which will see them…Sat Jun 22 2002 - 01:00
Bord Pleanala puts an end to U2 fight to save studioU2 have lost the battle to save their studio in Dublin's docklands, after An Bord Pleanála approved plans for development of …Tue Jun 18 2002 - 01:00
Tough job being a fanThe behaviour of our fans in Japan and Korea is, of course, a source of pride and joy to us allSat Jun 15 2002 - 01:00
FG grabs a share of Irish feelgood factorFine Gael doesn't believe in making life easy for itselfThu Jun 06 2002 - 01:00
Anti-tobacco day is no match for smokersIt was World No Tobacco Day yesterday, an annual event organised by the World Health OrganisationSat Jun 01 2002 - 01:00
PDs' shopping basket proves most nourishing on a €14 budgetThe Progressive Democrats emerged victorious in a shopping basket competition yesterday, but Fianna Fáil will be happy to hear…Fri May 31 2002 - 01:00
Harney beats the odds to confound punditsIt was an otherwise quiet day for the bookmakers when the Tánaiste called to collect her election winnings at the Paddy Power…Wed May 22 2002 - 01:00
Art moves centre stage as politicians bow outFresh from hosting the Labour Party's election press centre, the Royal Hibernian Academy opened its annual exhibition last night…Tue May 21 2002 - 01:00
Day threatens to give new meaning to term 'floating voter'ANALYSIS: So much for the Fianna Fáil election machineSat May 18 2002 - 01:00
Feathers fail to fly as fox confronts chickenIn the protracted run-up to last night's debate, Fine Gael sought to portray the Taoiseach as a debate-fearing chicken, confident…Wed May 15 2002 - 01:00