Objections to Lahinch surf lodge plan raisedSURFERS IN Lahinch, Co Clare, and beyond are objecting to plans to build a €5 million national surf lodge overlooking the resort…Wed Mar 24 2010 - 00:00
Jones Lang LaSalle profits fell 39% to €2.9m in 2008PRE-TAX PROFITS at one of the State’s best known property firms, Jones Lang LaSalle, dropped by 39 per cent to €2Thu Mar 18 2010 - 00:00
Council allows rail and road museumCLARE COUNTY Council has given the go-ahead for Ireland’s largest rail and road museum at Moyasta, west Clare, in spite of concerns…Tue Mar 09 2010 - 00:00
Galway diocese reiterates opposition to use of church as a funeral parlourTHE CATHOLIC diocese of Galway has said it is standing firm on its policy of not permitting any of its churches to be used as…Tue Mar 09 2010 - 00:00
Corncrake conservation plan to cost €200,000THE DEPARTMENT of the Environment yesterday confirmed that it is to spend over €200,000 on a conservation programme for one of…Sat Mar 06 2010 - 00:00
Other cases will point to same failings, says FinlayCHILDREN'S CHARITY: HEALTH SERVICE Executive reports into the deaths of children who have died in State care will point to the…Fri Mar 05 2010 - 00:00
Bishop to meet parish group on church banA DELEGATION from the north Clare village of Liscannor is to travel to Galway tomorrow in a bid to have the Bishop of Galway …Wed Mar 03 2010 - 00:00
US extends its pre-clearance facility at Shannon airport to private aircraftCORPORATE JET travellers will be able to “cross the US border” at Shannon airport following the extension yesterday of the airport…Tue Mar 02 2010 - 00:00
Role of journalist faces challenge, says ombudsmanTHE DISTINCTIVENESS of journalism as a profession is rapidly disappearing and no other generation of journalists has faced such…Wed Feb 24 2010 - 00:00
State seeks to have trial of former GP Carmody transferred to DublinTHE STATE is to apply for the transfer of the trial of former doctor Paschal Carmody from Co Clare to Dublin following Mr Carmody…Tue Feb 23 2010 - 00:00
Limerick boundary extension into Clare opposedTHE MAYOR of Clare last night outlined opposition to a Government move that could result in extending the Limerick city boundary…Fri Feb 19 2010 - 00:00
Limerick man pleads guilty to importing imitation gunsA SECURITY breach on board a flight bound for Shannon airport was detailed yesterday after a Limerick man admitted to placing…Fri Feb 19 2010 - 00:00
Judge blames council's negligence for deathA JUDGE said yesterday that gross negligence and dereliction of duty by Clare County Council officials directly led to the death…Thu Feb 18 2010 - 00:00
Shannon zone shed 1,000 jobsMore than 1,000 jobs were lost in the Shannon Free Zone last year, new figures released yesterday confirm.Tue Feb 16 2010 - 00:00
Shannon region tourists down 27%OVERSEAS TOURIST numbers to the Shannon region dropped by 27 per cent for the first nine months of last year.Fri Feb 12 2010 - 00:00
32 councillors shared €1m in expenses and paymentsCLARE COUNTY Council last night published details of individual payments and expenses topping €1 million made last year to its…Thu Feb 11 2010 - 00:00
Opening date for rail corridorINTERCITY PASSENGER rail services are to recommence between Limerick and Galway for the first time in 30 years next month.Tue Feb 09 2010 - 00:00
Civic reception for Kilfenora bandCLARE COUNTY Council’s high-tech chamber last night provided a platform for the Kilfenora Céilí Band to showcase its talents…Tue Feb 09 2010 - 00:00
£4m loss for KFC in Ireland and ScotlandTHE BELFAST-BASED group that operates the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise across Ireland and Scotland incurred a pre-tax…Mon Feb 08 2010 - 00:00
HSE to meet principals over 'head shops' in ClareTHE HEALTH Service Executive (HSE) has called a special meeting with Co Clare’s school principals in response to mounting concern…Thu Feb 04 2010 - 00:00
District Court judge claimed over €91,000 in expensesONE DISTRICT Court judge last year received more than three times the average industrial wage in expenses by claiming €91,909…Thu Feb 04 2010 - 00:00
€800,000 spent on crisis funding to 1,135 flood victimsALMOST €800,000 has been paid out to date to provide emergency funding to assist 1,135 victims of the recent floods.Tue Feb 02 2010 - 00:00
Usit more than doubles pretax profits to 2.1mSpecialist student and independent travel firm Usit last year more than doubled its pretax profits to €2Tue Feb 02 2010 - 00:00
Irish unit of Argos triples profitsThe Irish unit of retail giant Argos last year almost tripled its pretax profits to €16Sat Jan 30 2010 - 00:00
Irish unit of Argos triples profitsThe Irish unit of retail giant Argos last year almost tripled its pretax profits to €16Sat Jan 30 2010 - 00:00
Minister 'concerned' at growth in legal aid feesMINISTER FOR Justice Dermot Ahern has expressed “extreme concern” at the latest increase in payments to solicitors and barristers…Wed Jan 27 2010 - 00:00
Minister 'concerned' at growth in legal aid feesMINISTER FOR Justice Dermot Ahern has expressed “extreme concern” at the latest increase in payments to solicitors and barristers…Wed Jan 27 2010 - 00:00
'Massive' fall in number of air passengers using ShannonTHE FALL in passenger numbers at Shannon airport is so dramatic that unless there is a turnaround it will become irrelevant and…Mon Jan 25 2010 - 00:00
'Massive' fall in number of air passengers using ShannonTHE FALL in passenger numbers at Shannon airport is so dramatic that unless there is a turnaround it will become irrelevant and…Mon Jan 25 2010 - 00:00
Anger at blocking of seaplane planTHE CHIEF executive of a company planning to launch a seaplane service on the Shannon, which will take tourists to the west, …Tue Jan 19 2010 - 00:00
Anger at blocking of seaplane planTHE CHIEF executive of a company planning to launch a seaplane service on the Shannon, which will take tourists to the west, …Tue Jan 19 2010 - 00:00
Bomb-scare accused remandedA DUTCH national arrested at Shannon airport and charged with causing a mid-air bomb scare aboard a transatlantic jet this week…Sat Jan 16 2010 - 00:00
Bomb-scare accused remandedA DUTCH national arrested at Shannon airport and charged with causing a mid-air bomb scare aboard a transatlantic jet this week…Sat Jan 16 2010 - 00:00
Dutchman charged with causing mid-air bomb scareA 44-YEAR-OLD Dutchman was charged yesterday with causing a mid-air bomb scare on board a transatlantic jet.Fri Jan 15 2010 - 00:00
Dutchman charged with causing mid-air bomb scareA 44-YEAR-OLD Dutchman was charged yesterday with causing a mid-air bomb scare on board a transatlantic jet.Fri Jan 15 2010 - 00:00
Judicial review in right of way disputeTHE ROW over a disputed right of way at Doonbeg golf course has taken another twist with the High Court granting a judicial review…Thu Jan 14 2010 - 00:00
Judicial review in right of way disputeTHE ROW over a disputed right of way at Doonbeg golf course has taken another twist with the High Court granting a judicial review…Thu Jan 14 2010 - 00:00
Man charged over plane bomb scareA Dutch national (44) has been charged at Shannon District Court in Ennis today with causing a mid-air bomb scare on board a …Thu Jan 14 2010 - 00:00
Shannon Heritage staff take 10% pay cutA HIGH-PROFILE tourism company in the midwest has imposed salary reductions of 10 per cent on its 300 staff in response to the…Wed Jan 13 2010 - 00:00
Shannon Heritage staff take 10% pay cutA HIGH-PROFILE tourism company in the midwest has imposed salary reductions of 10 per cent on its 300 staff in response to the…Wed Jan 13 2010 - 00:00
Poor season for dolphin-watching in Shannon EstuaryEVEN THOUGH dolphins were located on more than 90 per cent of trips in the Shannon Estuary last year, it was a relatively poor…Tue Jan 12 2010 - 00:00
Poor season for dolphin-watching in Shannon EstuaryEVEN THOUGH dolphins were located on more than 90 per cent of trips in the Shannon Estuary last year, it was a relatively poor…Tue Jan 12 2010 - 00:00
Family in Clare robbed at home at gunpointA CLARE family is recovering after being robbed at gunpoint at their home on Thursday night.Sat Jan 09 2010 - 00:00
Family in Clare robbed at home at gunpointA CLARE family is recovering after being robbed at gunpoint at their home on Thursday night.Sat Jan 09 2010 - 00:00
Call to end rezoning for retail in midwestTHE MIDWEST Regional Authority is calling on local authorities in the midwest not to zone any more land for retail development…Fri Jan 08 2010 - 00:00
Call to end rezoning for retail in midwestTHE MIDWEST Regional Authority is calling on local authorities in the midwest not to zone any more land for retail development…Fri Jan 08 2010 - 00:00
Councillors call for debate on death penaltyCALLS WERE made yesterday for a national debate on the reintroduction of the death penalty for certain offences.Thu Jan 07 2010 - 00:00
Councillors call for debate on death penaltyCALLS WERE made yesterday for a national debate on the reintroduction of the death penalty for certain offences.Thu Jan 07 2010 - 00:00
Seaplane plan for west meets with 'fierce opposition'THE PROMOTER of plans to commence a scheduled commercial seaplane service for tourists in the west of Ireland said yesterday …Thu Jan 07 2010 - 00:00
Seaplane plan for west meets with 'fierce opposition'THE PROMOTER of plans to commence a scheduled commercial seaplane service for tourists in the west of Ireland said yesterday …Thu Jan 07 2010 - 00:00