High earners in public sector to bear brunt of pay cutsPAY CUTS for the country’s 315,000 public servants will be staggered according to salary, from just below 4 per cent for the …Tue Dec 08 2009 - 00:00
Backlash from Fianna Fáil TDs makes leave deal unlikelyANGER AMONG Fianna Fáil TDs at the prospect of unpaid leave being accepted by the Government as a substitute for wage cuts in…Fri Dec 04 2009 - 00:00
Energy report highlights need for ocean researchA NEW report by an Oireachtas committee on the long-term energy needs of Ireland has recommended substantial financial support…Thu Dec 03 2009 - 00:00
Labour calls for retention of €8m funds for rural transport programmeTHE LABOUR Party has called for the retention of some €8 million in funding for the rural transport programme, which is “critical…Wed Dec 02 2009 - 00:00
Cowen defends Vatican's dealings with commissionTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen has unexpectedly defended the Vatican’s dealings with the Commission of Investigation into the Catholic…Wed Dec 02 2009 - 00:00
Increasing tax on higher earners back on agendaA TAX or levy for higher earners has come back onto the table in the Government’s internal budget negotiations, according to …Wed Dec 02 2009 - 00:00
Aid pledge of €10m may rise - TaoiseachTHE €10 MILLION in emergency funding for those affected by the flooding crisis will be increased if necessary, Taoiseach Brian…Fri Nov 27 2009 - 00:00
FG unveils utilities planFine Gael has said it will invest over €18 billion to transform the energy, water and broadband sectors.Fri Nov 27 2009 - 00:00
Tax cuts in FG budget proposalsFINE GAEL last night unveiled some of its alternative proposals for the upcoming budget by saying it would introduce tax cuts…Wed Nov 18 2009 - 00:00
Gormley not surprised at no deal on climateMinister for the Environment John Gormley has said that this week's assessment from world leaders that it was not possible to…Wed Nov 18 2009 - 00:00
Cabinet derided over lack of vision for crisisREACTION: OPPOSITION PARTIES yesterday derided the Government for its “appalling mishandling” of the economy, and for lacking…Fri Nov 13 2009 - 00:00
Gormley criticised on climate billThe Minister for the Environment John Gormley faced strong opposition criticism today for not having climate change legislation…Wed Nov 11 2009 - 00:00
Lenihan to consider scrappage schemeMINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan has told the Fianna Fáil parliamentary party he will consider the possibility of introducing…Wed Nov 11 2009 - 00:00
Tánaiste's trip to UAE cost €5,000THE COST of Tánaiste Mary Coughlan’s accommodation and air travel during a three-day trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last…Tue Nov 10 2009 - 00:00
Minister to stand over decision on biofuelsMINISTER FOR Energy Eamon Ryan is standing over his decision on new rules from next July obliging fuel companies to include a…Tue Nov 10 2009 - 00:00
Outburst over Kenny earnings on showRTÉ FRONTLINE presenter Pat Kenny was forced to cut short an interview with Minister for Social Affairs Mary Hanafin last night…Tue Nov 10 2009 - 00:00
Biofuels legislation publishedMinister for Energy Eamon Ryan today published details of regulations which will compel fuel suppliers to include biofuels in…Mon Nov 09 2009 - 00:00
Fuel groups must have 4% biofuels in annual salesCOMPANIES IN the fuel industry will be compelled to have 4 per cent of sales in biofuels under a new environmental regulation…Mon Nov 09 2009 - 00:00
Public-sector pay out of line 'before benchmarking'THE PAY premium Irish public servants enjoyed over their private-sector counterparts was higher than that in other EU countries…Fri Nov 06 2009 - 00:00
Gormley insists carbon levy in budget will be revenue-neutralTHE CARBON levy in December’s budget will not be used as a tax to raise revenue for the exchequer as has been suggested by the…Fri Oct 30 2009 - 00:00
Campaign to cut carbon footprintA new Government campaign has been launched to encourage people to do cut their own carbon footprint by ten per cent during 2010…Thu Oct 29 2009 - 00:00
Radical climate measures proposedThe Taoiseach would be legally responsible for ensuring that Ireland’s climate change targets were met under radical new laws…Wed Oct 28 2009 - 00:00
London Embassy's taxi and limousine bill over €250,000THE IRISH Embassy in London spent more than €250,000 on taxis and limousine hire during 2007 and 2008, according to figures released…Wed Oct 21 2009 - 01:00
Dempsey 'not sure' if Seanad has roleA SENIOR Minister has said that he is not sure there is a role for the Seanad any longer and that the number of TDs in the Dáil…Mon Oct 19 2009 - 01:00
Kenny's radical Seanad plan causes unease in FGANALYSIS: Those who seemed most put out by the party leader’s plan were not the Opposition, but Fine Gael SenatorsMon Oct 19 2009 - 01:00
Fine Gael senators give mixed reaction to Kenny planFINE GAEL senators have given a mixed response to party leader Enda Kenny’s dramatic plans to abolish the Seanad.Mon Oct 19 2009 - 01:00
Finances 'must be stabilised'Taoiseach Brian Cowen has indicated that confronting the new economic realities facing the country will necessitate public sector…Sun Oct 18 2009 - 01:00
FG promises to abolish SeanadFine Gael leader Enda Kenny has committed his party to abolishing Seanad Éireann if he becomes Taoiseach.Sat Oct 17 2009 - 01:00
Government moves to fill two Seanad vacanciesTHE GOVERNMENT has started moves to fill two vacancies in the Seanad caused by the death of Fianna Fáil Senator Tony Kett and…Fri Oct 16 2009 - 01:00
Ministers and senior officials in public sector face pay cutsGOVERNMENT Ministers and senior officials in the public sector will face substantial reductions in pay, Minister for Finance, …Fri Oct 16 2009 - 01:00
Rebuilding confidence 'key to budget'MINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan has said that trying to rebuild confidence in an economy where over 400,000 jobs have been…Fri Oct 16 2009 - 01:00
Large support for new dealThe Green Party Special Convention has overwhelmingly backed the Programme for Government and has also rejected, by a large majority…Sun Oct 11 2009 - 01:00
Changes will turn country around - partiesPRESS CONFERENCE: THE REVISED programme for government will have the capacity to transform Irish society and tackle the difficult…Sat Oct 10 2009 - 01:00
Overwhelming backing for partnership in governmentThe Green Party Special Convention has overwhelmingly backed the Programme for Government and has also rejected, by a large majority…Sat Oct 10 2009 - 01:00
O'Donoghue caught cold by Gilmore resignation callANALYSIS: The Ceann Comhairle twice pleaded with the Labour leader by phone not to 'do anything precipitous'Thu Oct 08 2009 - 01:00
Cowen spoke to Gormley three times before decisionLEADERS' TALKS: FIANNA FÁIL and the Greens last night insisted that Taoiseach Brian Cowen was not sounding out the position …Thu Oct 08 2009 - 01:00
O'Donoghue made appeal to GilmoreDEPARTING CEANN Comhairle John O'Donoghue appealed to Eamon Gilmore not to do "anything precipitous" just hours before the Labour…Thu Oct 08 2009 - 01:00
Report warns of threat to beaches from climate changeDRAMATIC CHANGES in climate could have an adverse effect on Irish tourism and heritage later this century, with popular beaches…Tue Oct 06 2009 - 01:00
O'Donoghue seeks to defend position with expenses reformCEANN COMHAIRLE John O’Donoghue has strongly indicated he does not intend to resign from his position by promising “detailed …Tue Oct 06 2009 - 01:00
Lowering of public service pay to be proposed in reportA “SIGNIFICANT lowering” of salaries for the highest earning employees in the public sector, including Taoiseach Brian Cowen …Mon Oct 05 2009 - 01:00
Anglo should become 'green bank'Anglo Irish Bank should be reconfigured as a green bank offering mortgages, bank loans and savings accounts that are environmentally…Thu Oct 01 2009 - 01:00
Lemass would back strategy - CowenSEÁN LEMASS would have viewed the crisis that Ireland faces as one primarily of solidarity and national purpose, Taoiseach Brian…Wed Sept 30 2009 - 01:00
Lisbon guarantees 'cast-iron' - GreensThe Green Party has argued that the guarantees that Ireland had received on retaining the State’s military neutrality are cast…Wed Sept 30 2009 - 01:00
Even without his quips, aura of honest Joe works a charmON THE CANVASS WITH JOE HIGGINS: Higgins is seen by the public as earnest, honest and totally incorruptibleWed Sept 30 2009 - 01:00
Tanaiste's stance on Molloy calls into question judgment againANALYSIS: Tánaiste's involvement and proximity to Lisbon vote magnifies the Fás pension issueTue Sept 29 2009 - 01:00
Cowen defends Tánaiste over Fás chief's €1m dealTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen and senior Ministers have defended the political judgment of Tánaiste Mary Coughlan in the face of mounting…Sat Sept 26 2009 - 01:00
Extravagant spending while on foreign trips led to public outcryANALYSIS: JUST AS bills for cleaning a moat, laying a pipe under a tennis court and installing an artificial island in a duck…Tue Sept 15 2009 - 01:00
Eight agencies involved in final details of NamaDEPARTMENT OF Finance officials said last night the Nama scheme to be introduced in the Dáil tomorrow would be among the most…Tue Sept 15 2009 - 01:00
O'Donoghue 'dragging dignity of office into mire'UNCERTAINTY SURROUNDING John O’Donoghue’s position as Ceann Comhairle arising from controversy over his foreign travel was eased…Tue Sept 15 2009 - 01:00
Labour to use every tactic at its disposal to oppose NamaTHE LABOUR Party has vowed to use every parliamentary tactic at its disposal to oppose the legislation that will establish the…Fri Sept 11 2009 - 01:00