Hannah Arendt and the meaning of evilUnthinkable: Calling something evil is not a licence to shut down debateThu Dec 03 2020 - 05:00
Micheál Martin wants us to have ‘a meaningful Christmas’ – but what does that mean?Unthinkable: Perhaps existentialism can help us navigate the Taoiseach’s suggestionThu Nov 26 2020 - 05:00
Who is more racist, sexist and biased: You or your computer?Unthinkable: Algorithms embed prejudice with ‘no accountability’, says Abeba BirhaneThu Nov 19 2020 - 05:00
Carrots with minds of their own? The weird theory of panpsychismUnthinkable: A speculative hypothesis about the nature of consciousness has academics riled upThu Nov 12 2020 - 05:00
Who really understands Wittgenstein’s ‘bible’ of modern philosophy?Unthinkable: A short book, the Tractatus has had a big impact, says author David EdmondsThu Nov 05 2020 - 05:00
Five lessons of Stoicism: What I learned from living for a week as a StoicUnthinkable: Stoicism is primarily about throwing off the chains of irrational thoughtThu Oct 29 2020 - 05:00
Why work more than 15 hours a week?Unthinkable: It was good enough for your ancestors, says anthropologist James SuzmanThu Oct 22 2020 - 05:00
Ask yourself before reading: Is this newsworthy?Unthinkable: Philosopher Ian Olasov believes we should focus on things of ‘practical significance’Thu Oct 15 2020 - 05:00
Researched to death? How universities have sidelined teachingUnthinkable: Academia has its priorities backwards, says author Zena HitzThu Oct 08 2020 - 05:00
Has Christianity been good for us? It depends on your history bookUnthinkable: Author Charles Freeman believes we shouldn’t forget the sectarian legacy of Christian churchesThu Oct 01 2020 - 05:00
Cancel culture: can you defend people who say unpopular things?Unthinkable: Rival political philosophers can bring perspective to our current debatesThu Sept 24 2020 - 11:19
The forgotten women in philosophy: time to set the record straightUnthinkable: The Philosopher Queens originated from ‘a disheartening trip to the local bookshop’Thu Sept 17 2020 - 05:00
Are you Weird? Answer this question to find outUnthinkable: ‘Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic’ mindset is relatively new to societyThu Sept 10 2020 - 05:00
How do you stop male entitlement?Unthinkable: Kate Manne’s study of gender inequality makes uncomfortable reading but has a hopeful messageThu Sept 03 2020 - 05:00
Why admission to college should be decided by lottery, not pointsPhilosopher Michael Sandel wants to eradicate elitism, starting with educationTue Sept 01 2020 - 05:00
Slavoj Žižek: ‘Joe Biden is long-term the same catastrophe as Trump’The Slovenian philosopher divides opinion over his often-contradictory viewpointsSat Aug 01 2020 - 06:00
What are words worth: do poets and philosophers speak the same language?Unthinkable: Research project and poetry prize explore overlap between perceived rival disciplinesThu Jul 23 2020 - 22:29
Does religion deserve to be treated as a joke?Unthinkable: Some ridicule may help the Irish church to recover, says pastor Fraser HosfordThu Jul 16 2020 - 05:00
Why does philosophy have a problem with race?Unthinkable: Racist views must be confronted honestly, says philosopher Aislinn O’DonnellThu Jul 09 2020 - 05:00
How do you identify a legitimate government?Unthinkable: A government’s character is more important than its composition, author Arthur Applbaum saysThu Jul 02 2020 - 05:00
Covid-19 shows kindness can be enough to get us throughActs of neighbourliness, solidarity and self-sacrifice portray people to be mainly goodTue Jun 30 2020 - 01:00
Left floundering by the jet ski minds of a younger generationUnthinkable: Philosophy's future is in safe hands judging by the Young Philosopher AwardsThu Jun 25 2020 - 05:00
What to do about George Berkeley, Trinity figurehead and slave owner?Unthinkable: Ireland’s most celebrated philosopher was ‘also extremely morally fallible’Thu Jun 18 2020 - 05:00
Does philosophy belong to the academy or the community?Unthinkable: Plato need not intimidate – if you’ve got a good philosophical facilitatorThu Jun 11 2020 - 05:00
God, make way for Gaia: A deity even atheists can believe inUnthinkable: Is nature’s mother god sending us a message with Covid-19?Thu Jun 04 2020 - 05:00
Is it okay to have children in a time of climate chaos?Unthinkable: Conceivable Future is fostering a personal but ‘deeply political’ debateThu May 28 2020 - 05:00
A ‘really subversive idea’: Most people are pretty decentHuman beings’ friendliness and humility help us survive – but also make us dangerousSat May 23 2020 - 06:00
Lord of the Flies was fiction. In the real world things turned out differentlyOn one island the shipwrecked behaved well. On the other they ate their shipmateFri May 22 2020 - 06:01
Ten philosophers to help us through the coronavirus crisisUnthinkable: Sartre and Schopenhauer make the list but Peig Sayers deserves inclusion tooThu May 21 2020 - 05:00
Is Covid-19 lockdown our chance to regain a sense of wonder?Unthinkable: Tech companies feed us glamour that ‘provokes false enchantment’, says environmentalist Patrick CurryThu May 14 2020 - 05:01
Is ‘Up the Ra’ a man thing?Unthinkable: The ‘masculine’ character of Irish republicanism still influences today, says philosopher Dianna TaylorThu May 07 2020 - 05:00
Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?Unthinkable: A study suggests social exclusion or loss of power may be a factorThu Apr 30 2020 - 05:00
Are we all Kantians now? The Covid-19 effect on moral philosophyUnthinkable: The pandemic is exposing long-tolerated inequalitiesThu Apr 23 2020 - 05:00
Coronavirus: Is there a hidden purpose to the pandemic?Unthinkable: People – even atheists – tend to think things happen ‘for a reason’Thu Apr 16 2020 - 05:00
Life after coronavirus: will we emerge as better people?Unthinkable: The crisis may make us less consumerist, says psychologist Bruce HoodThu Apr 09 2020 - 05:00
Can’t travel because of Covid-19? There’s always the inner journeyUnthinkable: The coronavirus crisis is an opportunity for armchair tourism, says philosopher Emily ThomasThu Apr 02 2020 - 11:15
Coronavirus: How can philosophy help us in this time of crisis?Unthinkable: Philosophers might not be on the front line of the Covid-19 pandemic but they have a role to playThu Mar 26 2020 - 05:00
Don’t give up on the search for your soulUnthinkable: The idea of a soul helps us to understand ‘what it is to be human’, says philosopher John CottinghamThu Mar 19 2020 - 05:00
Trust no one: The cynical logic of social mediaMimicking online ethos is self-defeating for mainstream media, says ‘trust expert’ José Van DijckThu Mar 12 2020 - 05:00
Ireland has a strange relationship with the word ‘republican’Unthinkable: Ireland’s conception of republicanism is outside of the European normThu Mar 05 2020 - 05:00
What’s so funny about philosophers?Unthinkable: The original ‘sage-wannabes’ of Athens were considered slightly weird, a new book revealsThu Feb 27 2020 - 05:00
Would you kill one person to save five? Depends if you’re a millennial or notUnthinkable: Should we be worried about the apparent rise of utilitarianism?Thu Feb 20 2020 - 05:00
If someone hurts you, should you always blame them?Unthinkable: People can cause harm unwittingly through clumsiness or ignoranceThu Feb 13 2020 - 05:00
Want to make a real difference? Give to a neglected causeUnthinkable: ‘Effective altruism’ seeks to do the most good with limited resourcesThu Feb 06 2020 - 05:00
The psychologist who says it’s ‘important’ to punish childrenUnthinkable: Roy Baumeister is a long-time critic of the ‘self-esteem movement’Thu Jan 30 2020 - 05:00
Is there an answer to ‘the ultimate meaning’ of life?Unthinkable: Philosopher Patrick Masterson believes there is a ‘rational order’ to the universe whether or not God existsThu Jan 23 2020 - 05:00
Rise of the killer robots: The future of warUnthinkable: Autonomous weapons allow us to kill without a conscience. Atrocities are inevitableThu Jan 16 2020 - 05:00
Journalism has become ‘ridiculous’: The case for turning off the newsUnthinkable: Self-help writer Rolf Dobelli is ‘calmer and wiser’ since going ‘news free’Thu Jan 09 2020 - 05:00
Why humans can survive without religion but not ritualsUnthinkable: Sasha Sagan, daughter of cosmologist Carl Sagan, believes feast days are indispensableThu Jan 02 2020 - 05:00
There’s no meaning of life. Now, happy Christmas!Unthinkable: Meaning can be found in everything from a loving relationship to playing chess, says philosopher Jonathan RowsonThu Dec 19 2019 - 05:00