August 6th, 1945: The day ‘western civilisation’ came to an endUnthinkable: We’re at a point in history ‘between two civilisations’, argues Desmond FennellTue Oct 02 2018 - 05:00
A ‘third way’ of looking at religionUnthinkable: Two dead philosophers could provide the key to a more mature debate on faithTue Sept 18 2018 - 01:00
Out of My Head review: Finding out what makes ‘you’ youTim Parks grapples with one of life’s big questions: what is consciousness?Sat Jul 28 2018 - 05:00
Catholic Church teaching on homosexuality ‘evil’, McAleese saysFormer president to march with son and husband in Dublin Pride event on SaturdayFri Jun 29 2018 - 20:50
Meet Ireland’s young philosopher of the yearUnthinkable: The Irish Young Philosopher Awards hopes to become as big as the Young Scientist exhibitionTue Jun 05 2018 - 09:16
Is fighting in our genes? A biological theory of warfareUnthinkable: ‘Humans fight to achieve status and belonging,’ says former soldier Mike MartinTue May 29 2018 - 05:00
Was Ireland’s most prominent philosopher ‘too womanly’?Unthinkable: The Irish statesman Edmund Burke was a victim of reverse sexismTue May 22 2018 - 06:00
How do we create the right ‘environment’ for public debate?Unthinkable: Knowledge is an ‘epistemic good’ to which everyone should have accessTue May 15 2018 - 06:00
Would lowering voting age justify being tougher on under 18s?Unthinkable: Children who commit crimes deserve leniency only because they can’t vote, US academic arguesTue May 08 2018 - 06:00
Karl Marx at 200: What did he get right?Unthinkable: ‘Freedom was Marx’s central concern,’ says philosopher Peter SingerTue May 01 2018 - 06:00
Seven Types of Atheism by John Gray review: entertaining but troublingGray highlights the rich potential within atheism for good or evil – though he also attacks many forms of itSat Apr 28 2018 - 06:00
Is there a right to life? (You mightn’t like the answer)Unthinkable: There’s ‘a systematic ambiguity’ at the heart of human rights, TCD professor John Dillon saysTue Apr 24 2018 - 09:32
The gospel according to Jordan B PetersonWhile no new pearls of wisdom emerge from this controversial book, it is a useful endeavourSat Apr 21 2018 - 06:00
Sex in the digital age: Are consent apps the answer?Unthinkable: Technological ‘solutions’ to sexual assault could create new problemsTue Apr 17 2018 - 11:11
Why Goethe matters: The case for ‘a new schooling of attention’Unthinkable: Germany’s giant of literature had a view of science that still appeals to manyTue Apr 10 2018 - 05:00
The myth of morally neutral statisticsUnthinkable: The way we collect data and present it is tied up with our valuesTue Apr 03 2018 - 06:00
Everything you wanted to know about ageing (but were afraid to ask)Unthinkable: A philosopher and a lawyer have teamed up to try to answer older people’s deepest questionsTue Mar 20 2018 - 06:00
How secular should the state be?Unthinkable: Ireland needs to design its own model of separating religions from stateMon Mar 12 2018 - 05:30
Does inequality really matter?Unthinkable: ‘Luck egalitarianism’ reminds us that citizens don’t operate on a level playing fieldTue Mar 06 2018 - 22:23
Is it unreasonable to believe in miracles?Unthinkable: It’s hard to envisage ever being able to prove a miracle took placeMon Feb 26 2018 - 15:46
Enlightenment Now: A Manifesto for Science, Reason, Humanism and Progress by Stephen Pinker reviewOn economic matters, and especially the question of inequality, he comes perilously close to defending the status quoSat Feb 24 2018 - 06:00
Why we need ‘community philosophy’Unthinkable: Anyone can be a philosopher – if you’re open-minded enoughTue Feb 20 2018 - 01:30
In praise of the political U-turnUnthinkable: A political system that trades in certainties carries dangersTue Feb 13 2018 - 01:30
To infinity and beyond: The numbers game behind God’s ‘existence’Unthinkable: The nature of reality may depend on whether the infinite is comprehensibleTue Feb 06 2018 - 01:30
Have human rights created an ‘entitlement’ culture?Unthinkable: Concern about ‘rights inflation’ has led to a renewed focus on moral dutiesTue Jan 30 2018 - 01:05
Do you let clichés and slogans do the thinking for you?Unthinkable: We all use ‘potted thinking’ but it carries added risks in this social media ageSun Jan 21 2018 - 20:40
Does Catholic opinion deserve special reverence in Ireland?No, says Fr Gerry O’Hanlon, but we would all benefit from a more civil debateTue Jan 16 2018 - 04:30
The Ordinary Virtues review: Words of wisdom from Michael IgnatieffLiberals will take umbrage at this book – all the more reason why they should read itSat Jan 13 2018 - 06:00
How Peter Sutherland tried in vain to stop the Eighth AmendmentSutherland’s alternative referendum wording may have resulted in a more restrictive abortion regime in the long runSat Jan 13 2018 - 01:01
How to become wise: It takes more than GooglingThe primary location of wisdom is ‘in a person, not a book’, says Prof Paul O’GradyTue Jan 09 2018 - 04:30
Philosophy in the classroom: ‘It’s okay not to find an exact answer’Young Philosopher Awards seeks to recognise critical thinking and communication skillsTue Dec 19 2017 - 01:00
Why did the atheist go to Mass?Apologising, thinking, shaking a stranger’s hand. Good things happen in churchSun Dec 10 2017 - 06:00
Before you join the online mob, think. You could be nextUnthinkable: On social media, people can be cruel while sounding moralTue Dec 05 2017 - 06:05
We talk too much about rights - and not enough about loveUnthinkable: Ethical debate is at risk of becoming ‘cold and impersonal’, Tony Milligan warnsTue Nov 28 2017 - 06:05
Philosophers on the ‘intriguing ethics’ of sex robotsUnthinkable: Sexbots are under development. Don't ban them, an academic team advisesTue Nov 21 2017 - 06:05
Lack of critical thinking in schools and society a concern - HigginsPresident says that Emmanuel Macron’s ‘rhetoric’ won’t be enough to save EuropeThu Nov 16 2017 - 20:19
Never mind ‘Tiger Mom’, how does one parent ethically?Unthinkable: Parents have no rule book but they can make better or worse arguments for exercising powerTue Nov 14 2017 - 06:05
Is it ever really okay to forgive terrorist atrocities?The 30th anniversary of the Enniskillen bombing raises questions over the ethics of forgivenessWed Nov 08 2017 - 18:08
What does the rise of China mean for western values?Unthinkable: Chinese philosophy advocates virtue and social harmony – two things badly needed in public lifeTue Nov 07 2017 - 06:05
What future has the essay in a social media age?Unthinkable: Despite today’s fashion for talking in tweets, there’s life in the old art formTue Oct 31 2017 - 06:05
Pragmatism: A philosophy that’s as sensible as it is unpopularUnthinkable: People don’t like to compromise because it means admitting one’s fallibilityTue Oct 24 2017 - 06:15
Is your school ‘tastefully’ Catholic? The branding of educationUnthinkable: Snobbery surrounding First Communion shows up deep divisions in societyTue Oct 17 2017 - 06:05
How does anyone become an expert on anything?Unthinkable: To become an expert you need to embrace a set of scientific valuesTue Oct 10 2017 - 06:15
Does the scale of the universe make human life pointless?Unthinkable: Reflecting on our place within the cosmos can be deflatingTue Oct 03 2017 - 06:01
A new way of thinking about animal welfareUnthinkable: Eating the odd beef steak may be more ethical than living off eggs and fishTue Sept 19 2017 - 17:02
Playing video games? No, I’m doing philosophyUnthinkable: Gaming can teach us ‘how to prepare for death’, a new book arguesTue Sept 19 2017 - 06:30
A plan to save Europe: Pay every EU citizen a ‘Eurodividend’Unthinkable: Finland has piloted a basic income scheme; could the EU follow suit?Tue Sept 12 2017 - 06:15
Why poorly-designed cities are bad for your mental healthUnthinkable: Bad environmental design can cause stress, alienation and even depressionTue Sept 05 2017 - 06:15
Onora O’Neill: ‘We have some very skilful faking going on’It’s getting harder to distinguish between truth and lies but ‘people can learn to make better judgements’ about who to trust, says the Northern Irish philosopherSat Aug 26 2017 - 06:00
Paul Ricoeur: The philosopher behind Emmanuel MacronUnthinkable: Macron studied under Ricoeur. What could it mean for his presidency?Tue May 30 2017 - 10:04