John FitzGerald: Time to fix the problem of our leprechaun economics dataThe revision of the international standard for national accounts is imperfectFri Feb 10 2017 - 06:48
John FitzGerald: attractive urban centre key to regional developmentSkilled professionals can only to be lured to locations which offer careers with lifestylesFri Feb 03 2017 - 06:44
John FitzGerald: Expanding capacity of building sector takes timeLikely to be 2019 or 2020 before output of houses approaches a satisfactory levelFri Jan 27 2017 - 05:55
Ireland will pay price of Britain leaving customs unionCustoms decision will have an economic cost and create border between North and SouthFri Jan 20 2017 - 16:12
John FitzGerald: What to expect from long-term Brexit effectsPolicies of protectionism helped to ensure Ireland was a backwater for 50 yearsFri Jan 13 2017 - 09:33
Debate about second electricity interconnector needs to get realNew interconnector would cut prices and greenhouse gasesFri Jan 06 2017 - 14:17
The economics of Christmas: Why Santa Claus could be on to a loserConversation can be more important than the commercial value of any presentsFri Dec 23 2016 - 07:15
John FitzGerald: Economic forecasters must factor in surpriseWe need to plan for range of post-Brexit possibilities, from unfavourable to positiveFri Dec 16 2016 - 05:40
Be wary of constitutional ban on water network privatisationDespite much to rue about recent water policy, one clear success is Irish WaterFri Dec 09 2016 - 05:57
If history repeats itself Trump will be a high-spending, big-borrowing presidentRepublican fiscal profligacy has fuelled damaging boom and bust cycles in USFri Dec 02 2016 - 05:00
Vietnam’s vulnerability to climate change has lessons for IrelandHanoi conference examines links between growth and greenhouse-gas emissionsFri Nov 25 2016 - 06:32
John FitzGerald: Long way to go in fight against climate changeNational Mitigation Plan must tackle dependence on fossil fuels as matter of urgencyFri Nov 18 2016 - 06:00
Problems of US working class not rooted in globalisationIncreased automation in manufacturing has eliminated many ‘traditional’ jobsFri Nov 11 2016 - 07:00
Invention and prohibition essential to meet Paris climate targetsRoad to emission reduction starts with peat burning ban and investment supportFri Nov 11 2016 - 06:56
Disruption to hit shops if UK leaves customs unionChange in trade arrangements will cause a fracture in retail sector supply chainFri Nov 04 2016 - 07:06
John FitzGerald: Public pay ‘restoration’ must be gradualState must be wary of again widening pay gap between public and private-sector workersFri Oct 28 2016 - 11:36
Cross-Border shopping crosses a line following Brexit voteRetailers in the Republic face weakness of sterling and likely disruption of supply chainFri Oct 21 2016 - 05:45
John FitzGerald: Budget adds fuel to fast-growing economyFirst-time buyers’ tax refund will result in increased house prices at cost of €50 millionFri Oct 14 2016 - 05:30
John FitzGerald: Populism set to trump bravery in Budget 2017Intensive lobbying means short-term moves eclipse daring options to reallocate fundingFri Oct 07 2016 - 06:00
Is love and marriage driving the inequality carriage?Tendency to marry others with similar incomes contributes to rising inequalityFri Sept 30 2016 - 10:28
John FitzGerald: Despite controversy, Nama has served us wellThe Project Eagle loss isn’t real, but rather the difference between two hypotheticalsFri Sept 23 2016 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Increasing numbers in education could pay off for IrelandFall in labour force participation rates down to people staying longer in third-levelFri Sept 16 2016 - 06:00
Government’s ‘new politics’ faces tough test in budget decisionsRising expectations in the recovering economy have made the choices more difficultFri Sept 09 2016 - 09:49
Apple ruling could weaken State’s hand in future EU decisionsAny revision to national accounts could lead to €1.3bn one-off EU budget contributionFri Sept 02 2016 - 10:36
Ireland symbolises benefits of free trade as protectionism risesTrump and Brexit vote represent backlashes against against EU free-trade modelFri Aug 26 2016 - 05:35
'Leprechaun economics' set to change EU GDP calculationsProblems with Irish GDP measurement could arise in US and other major economiesFri Aug 19 2016 - 06:19
John FitzGerald: Negotiating table with UK reversed by BrexitHistory tells us that bilateral trade agreements with the UK do not suit IrelandFri Aug 12 2016 - 05:30
John FitzGerald: Greater accuracy on national accounts vital for budgetingA better read on the true position is a matter of urgency for the StateFri Aug 05 2016 - 05:45
Extra tax paid to EU must not obscure €2bn corporation bonanzaState should save corporation tax windfall and aim to run a budget surplus in 2017Fri Jul 29 2016 - 06:00
Major changes in UK may destabilise North’s economyLondon must be encouraged to live up to its economic commitments to the NorthFri Jul 22 2016 - 06:25
CSO needs to develop better tools to tell us what’s really going onEven on basis of ‘real’ growth, budget should give little awayFri Jul 15 2016 - 06:00
Carbon tax essential for decarbonising our economiesEmissions trading scheme ran aground when recession made permits worthlessFri Jul 08 2016 - 06:30
John FitzGerald: We must guard against the real risk of an overheating economyOur rapidly growing economy may require higher taxes in the next few yearsTue Jun 21 2016 - 10:16
John FitzGerald: National wellbeing and the feel-good factorAnalysis indicates effect on morale, but an impact also registers on electricity usageTue Jun 14 2016 - 07:00
John FitzGerald: Overlooked welfare system key to avoiding rise in inequalityImproved Irish setup now trying to support people to move from welfare into workTue Jun 07 2016 - 01:00
Recession may have done lasting damage to women in workplaceEarnings may be affected if economic penalty for taking time out of work persistsTue May 31 2016 - 01:00
Economist Brendan Walsh inspired generations of studentsBrendan Walsh was a sharp analyst of Irish economics and societyTue May 24 2016 - 01:00
Breaking up (government departments) is hard to doThe problems facing the Government will not be solved by reorganising departmentsTue May 17 2016 - 06:20
Rewriting history on Ireland’s recent crisisWith an uncertain future, you must examine both what might go right as well as wrongTue May 10 2016 - 01:00
John FitzGerald: Ireland must protect interests under BrexitAnything that may destabilise the Belfast Agreement would be a major concernTue May 03 2016 - 06:00
John FitzGerald: Brexit poses major threat to retail sectorBritain’s exit from EU would cause problems as competitiveness comes under pressureTue Apr 26 2016 - 01:00
Brexit could ratchet up pressure on Dublin housing marketLoss of 10,000 financial sector jobs in London may mean firms move in search of EU ‘asylum’Tue Apr 19 2016 - 08:00
John FitzGerald: Data collected by census is invaluable‘From an early stage in my career I have had a certain fascination for the census’Tue Apr 12 2016 - 08:02
Sustaining Northern standard of living is a costly exerciseUnited Ireland not possible if South has to pick up bill for subsidised Northern economyTue Apr 05 2016 - 10:25
John FitzGerald: NTMA actions a lesson in facing economic crisesBorrowing strategy of agency before and after bailout gave Ireland a valuable cushionTue Mar 29 2016 - 01:00
Roland Fryer’s research informed by his own life storyAward-winning economist first studied racial differences in educational performanceTue Mar 22 2016 - 13:09
National accounts skewed by foreign-owned firms and spurious R&DWith real growth running at 5% a major expansion in investment is needed soonTue Mar 15 2016 - 07:27
John FitzGerald: Learning from Britain’s housing crisisAddressing housing in Ireland can be helped by looking at good and bad policies in the UKTue Mar 08 2016 - 01:00
Overheating Irish economy would need urgent remedial actionAfter four years of buoyant growth it is important to consider whether the economy is expanding beyond its potentialTue Mar 01 2016 - 01:00