Growing economy still faces downside risksForecast: There are considerable downside risks to economic growth next year, according to the Economic and Social Research …Tue Dec 21 2004 - 00:00
Fyffes case offers up more valuable insightBusiness Opinion: During three days of evidence in the High Court last week, the chief executive of Fyffes, Mr David McCann, …Mon Dec 20 2004 - 00:00
Compensation bill for Morrogh set to top €10mThe final bill for compensating investors in failed Cork stockbroker W&R Morrogh is expected to top €10 millionFri Dec 17 2004 - 00:00
Lack of bank competition denies small firms capitalCompetition report: The failure of the larger banks to pass on interest rate reductions on working capital loans is costing …Wed Dec 15 2004 - 00:00
Bula liquidator gets sworn statementThe sole remaining director of Bula Resources has submitted a sworn statement of affairs for the collapsed exploration company…Tue Dec 14 2004 - 00:00
For investor protection, go the US routeBusiness Opinion: An American journalism student on placement with The Irish Times recently asked me who, or to be more accurate…Mon Dec 06 2004 - 00:00
Fyffes' case to shine light on financial circleThe inner workings of Dublin's close-knit financial community will be on display next week when a high-profile insider-dealing…Fri Nov 26 2004 - 00:00
Operating profits at Eircom rise 8% to €74mOperating profits at Eircom rose by 8 per cent to €74 million in the six months to the end of September.Thu Nov 25 2004 - 00:00
Government may fail to meet its own target for capital outlayThanks to some fancy footwork around the 2005 Estimates published last week, the Minister for Finance says he has already found…Wed Nov 24 2004 - 00:00
Government was warned airline managers would leaveThe Government was warned six weeks ago that the senior management of Aer Lingus would leave if the company was not properly …Fri Nov 19 2004 - 00:00
Oil group reports losses of $12.4mConocoPhillips Ireland, the former state-owned oil company, made a loss of $12.4 million last yearSat Nov 13 2004 - 00:00
Car insurance drops 10% in yearThe price of motor insurance has fallen by 10 per cent in the last 12 months, according to the AATue Nov 09 2004 - 00:00
Transparency would benefit professionalsBusiness Opinion The big accountancy firms earned themselves a few Brownie points last week with the publication of the annual…Mon Nov 08 2004 - 00:00
Property tax needed for 'soft landing' in housing market - IMFThe International Monetary Fund has called for the introduction of a property tax to help ensure a soft landing for the housing…Fri Nov 05 2004 - 00:00
Time-poor public willing to pay for convenienceBusiness Opinion: This week sees the start of public hearings into the price of foodMon Nov 01 2004 - 00:00
Aer Arann makes EUR2.6m profitAer Arann, the Galway-based regional airline, made a profit before tax of €2.6 million last yearMon Nov 01 2004 - 00:00
Old hand steers property ship into dockland portBuilding a €40 million office block on spec is a risky undertaking at the best of times, but building one in a city with a substantial…Fri Oct 29 2004 - 01:00
Quinn's golf club hopes dashedQuinn Group has pulled out of the bidding for Wentworth Golf Club in Surrey following a counter bid by British retail entrepreneur…Thu Oct 28 2004 - 01:00
Broker to stop accepting 'contingent commissions'Coyle Hamilton Willis is to stop accepting controversial contingent commissions from insurersFri Oct 22 2004 - 01:00
Quinn's bid for Wentworth stallsThe Quinn Group's £122 million (€175 million) bid for Wentworth golf course in Surrey stalled yesterday amidst reports of a rival…Thu Oct 21 2004 - 01:00
Motor insurance firms double profits in 2003, says reviewOfficial figures released yesterday confirmed that motor insurance companies operating here more than doubled their profits last…Wed Oct 20 2004 - 01:00
Enterprise group was a waste of moneyBusiness Opinion: Competition, we are told, is a good thing and we should have more of it, particularly in transport, professional…Mon Oct 18 2004 - 01:00
State sector has to work out how it can go privateBusiness Opinion: Events at Aer Lingus are doubtless being watched with interest by senior management at other commercial state…Mon Oct 11 2004 - 01:00
Quinn Group to pay less than #100m for WentworthThe Quinn Group will pay less than £100 million (€145 million) in cash for Wentworth Group Holdings, the Surrey-based golf and…Fri Oct 08 2004 - 01:00
Lower prices mean better value, actuallyIt is hard to put your finger on it, but there is something about Richard Baker that is ever so slightly reminiscent of Tony …Fri Oct 08 2004 - 01:00
Change remains first item on the agendaTom Peters does not do understatement. But speaking via telephone last week from Boston he seems genuinely agitatedMon Oct 04 2004 - 01:00
Reshuffle shows that success is path to demotionBusiness Opinion: Two news items got conveniently lost in all the noise surrounding last week's cabinet reshuffleMon Oct 04 2004 - 01:00
NIB to refund fees to 47,000 clientsNational Irish Bank (NIB) is to refund 47,000 customers an average of €59 in the first part of a €10Thu Sept 30 2004 - 01:00
Wentworth bid seems high price for Quinn to payBusiness Opinion: Some day, presumably in the not too distant future, they will discover oil under the fairways of Wentworth…Mon Sept 27 2004 - 01:00
Quinn Group offers £122m for WentworthQuinn Group has upped its offer for Wentworth Group Holdings to £122 million (€178 million)Thu Sept 23 2004 - 01:00
State urged to become more 'capital friendly'Significant tax changes to make the Republic more "capital friendly" are needed to secure the future of the International Financial…Mon Sept 20 2004 - 01:00
Procrastination on tax decisions could hurt IFSCBusiness Opinion: The timing was a little unfortunateMon Sept 20 2004 - 01:00
Quinlan to decide on Wentworth counterbidQuinlan Private will decide next week whether to make a bid for Wentworth golf clubFri Sept 17 2004 - 01:00
House prices resemble 'dotcom bubble'Irish house prices resemble technology shares prior to the dotcom crash in 2000, according to an analysis by Davy Stockbrokers…Fri Sept 17 2004 - 01:00
IN&M operating profit rises 25%Independent News & Media (IN&M) has reported "record" interim results, with turnover for the first six months of the …Thu Sept 16 2004 - 01:00
Just how well paid are tight-lipped solicitors?Business Opinion: It really should come as no surprise to hear, as we did last week, that the number of people seeking to train…Mon Sept 06 2004 - 01:00
Ardagh Glass faces Quinn threatArdagh Glass Ltd has warned shareholders that it faces a dual threat of higher energy prices and significant competition in its…Thu Sept 02 2004 - 01:00
Unanswered questions over Gresham sagaBusiness Opinion: It is getting on for two months now since Red Sea Hotels folded its tent and walked away from Gresham Hotels…Mon Aug 23 2004 - 01:00
Dublin Airport 'sufficient to 2008'The existing facilities at Dublin Airport have the capacity to handle up to 22 million passengers a year and should be sufficient…Wed Aug 04 2004 - 01:00
Key REO shareholder complains of accounting policiesMr Noel Smyth, one of the larger shareholders in Real Estate Opportunities (REO), has complained to the Jersey Financial Services…Thu Jul 29 2004 - 01:00
Top 10 reasons for McCreevy to be cheerfulBUSINESS OPINION: The hangdog look on his face said it allMon Jul 26 2004 - 01:00
United Drug raises $102mUnited Drug has raised $102 million (€83.12 million) in a private placement with a group of UK and US insurance companiesFri Jul 23 2004 - 01:00
ACCBank profits doubleACCBank, the Irish subsidiary of the Dutch group Rabobank, has doubled post-tax profits to €29Fri Jul 23 2004 - 01:00
Grafton gets August 6th deadline for Heiton bidThe Irish Takeover Panel has given Grafton Group until August 6th to table an offer for its smaller rival Heiton GroupThu Jul 22 2004 - 01:00
Licence auction could pull plug on local radioBusiness Opinion: Tomorrow, the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland will make public details of the applications for the latest…Mon Jul 19 2004 - 01:00
Irish Times returns to profitability in 2003The Irish Times Ltd, publisher of The Irish Times , has returned to profitability, reporting a pre-tax profit of €8Fri Jul 09 2004 - 01:00
Call for State to concentrate on needs of businessThe needs of business should be at the heart of Government policy-making, according to a blueprint for industrial development…Thu Jul 08 2004 - 01:00
Report urges merger to create single regulatory bodyThe Enterprise Strategy Group report, which will be published today, is expected to recommend a merging of the gas, electricity…Wed Jul 07 2004 - 01:00