Cork woman makes it to the summit of EverestThe first Irish woman to climb Everest said yesterday she now wants to climb the world's seven highest summits.Wed May 19 2004 - 01:00
Lifejacket use on pleasure craft compulsory by JunePenalties of over €1,000 are being considered as part of the Government's draft legislation on compulsory lifejacket use on pleasure…Mon May 17 2004 - 01:00
Mayo Independent TD denies backing for Scallon candidatureThe Independent TD for Mayo, Dr Jerry Cowley, has denied that he has thrown his full support behind Dana Rosemary Scallon's European…Sat May 15 2004 - 01:00
Importance of lifejackets emphasisedA Mayo angler who lost his life on Lough Mask last year was not wearing a lifejacket, and did not have adequate warm clothing…Fri May 14 2004 - 01:00
Drogheda will be new home for Coast GuardThe new Coast Guard and Maritime Safety Agency is to be established in Drogheda, Co Louth, under the Government's decentralisation…Thu May 13 2004 - 01:00
FF candidates fail to agree on canvassing area for EU electionOpen warfare has been declared between the two Fianna Fáil candidates running for the European Parliament's North West constituency…Wed May 12 2004 - 01:00
Freak waves to become more commonGALWAY: Freak or rogue waves which cause serious shipping accidents may become more common, an EU conference on marine research…Wed May 12 2004 - 01:00
Pressure on Martin to intervene in hospice disputeThe Minister for Health, Mr Martin, is coming under increasing pressure to intervene in the Galway Hospice controversy, which…Tue May 11 2004 - 01:00
State could save on welfare by aiding Galway project for mothersThe Government could save up to 75 per cent of welfare contributions over 18 years if it supported an educational project involving…Tue May 11 2004 - 01:00
International scientific conference for GalwayThe risk of "freak waves" to international shipping, protection of the marine environment in the event of accidents, and research…Mon May 10 2004 - 01:00
Cyclist will follow the lights around Ireland in charity rideA Meath woman is to circumnavigate Ireland's lighthouses by land and sea to raise funds for Beaumont Hospital.Sat May 08 2004 - 01:00
€70m Galway Bay treatment plant opensA little bit of Norway was officially declared Irish territory in Galway Bay yesterday when the €70 million Mutton Island sewage…Fri May 07 2004 - 01:00
Reason for major alert unknownThe Coast Guard says it has no plans to investigate the cause of the major alert off the Wicklow coast on Sunday and Monday, …Wed May 05 2004 - 01:00
Derry dentist finishes walk to north polePolar challenge: A dentist from Co Derry has become the first Irish woman to walk to the magnetic north pole.Tue May 04 2004 - 01:00
Jigsaw was best bit of Estonia eventGalway: Jugglers, drummers, stilt-walkers and a possibly sacrilegious maypole marked Galway's EU day of welcomes for Estonia…Mon May 03 2004 - 01:00
Council go-ahead for Corrib gas land terminalMayo County Council has approved planning permission for Shell's onshore gas terminal as part of the €800 million Corrib gas …Sat May 01 2004 - 01:00
Delays continue in hospice bullying inquiryThe Western Health Board has still not interviewed any witnesses put forward by a woman who complained to it two years ago that…Fri Apr 30 2004 - 01:00
The climb goes on despite an emotional farewellEVEREST MISSION 'We will treat Everest as if we were asked to eat an elephant, and take it out bite by bite until we finally…Tue Apr 27 2004 - 01:00
Call to evaluate Shannon Airport stopoverA US Republican Party Congressman has called for an economic assessment of the value of the Shannon stopover before any decision…Tue Apr 27 2004 - 01:00
Galway engineer calls for audit of Corrib gas projectA Galway-based engineer has called on the Health and Safety Authority to commission an independent safety audit of all aspects…Mon Apr 26 2004 - 01:00
Galway street sculpture marks Estonia's accession to the EUAn unlikely chat between Oscar Wilde and Estonia's famous writer Eduard Wilde is the subject of a new street sculpture which …Mon Apr 26 2004 - 01:00
Ship group sets up in CorkThe Minister of State for the Marine, Mr John Browne, has welcomed a decision by international shipping group d'Amico Societa…Mon Apr 26 2004 - 01:00
O Cuiv calls for realistic approach to rail corridorThe Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Ó Cuív, has called for a realistic approach to the development of…Sat Apr 24 2004 - 01:00
Concern at action on ship radio licencesSailors in difficulty in Irish waters will be forced to depend on mobile phone coverage, which can be unreliable at sea, if a…Thu Apr 22 2004 - 01:00
Galway greets 'Europe without borders'Ten days ahead of the enlargement of the EU on May 1st, Galway embraced a new "Europe without borders" last night when it marked…Wed Apr 21 2004 - 01:00
Wind farm guidelines stress need for geological assessmentsNew planning guidelines on wind energy projects should prevent a recurrence of "Derrybrien landslide-type" situations, according…Wed Apr 21 2004 - 01:00
Minister 'hopeful' of solution to bank rowThe Minister of State for Labour, Mr Frank Fahey, believes the Bank of Ireland may be forced to compromise on its decision to…Tue Apr 20 2004 - 01:00
O Cuiv insists move to Donegal will workThe Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Ó Cuív, has insisted that the decentralisation of Foras na Gaeilge…Tue Apr 20 2004 - 01:00
Shannon stop-over to continueThe European Commission will not insist that the Shannon transatlantic stop-over is dropped under its open skies policy, according…Mon Apr 19 2004 - 01:00
Bacon criticises marine policyA draft review of the State's marine sector by economist Dr Peter Bacon has criticised the dual role of the Department of Communications…Mon Apr 19 2004 - 01:00
Four political parties join group to oppose referendum in GalwayFour political parties, a church leader and a representative of refugees and asylum seekers have combined to form Galway's opposition…Mon Apr 19 2004 - 01:00
Bank's mobile units make their final runThey have braved Atlantic storms and blinding rain, but the west basked in a hint of summer yesterday as the Bank of Ireland'…Sat Apr 17 2004 - 01:00
Irish climber has to leave EverestAn Irish climber has had to abandon his attempt on Mount Everest after he was evacuated from base camp in Nepal yesterday.Fri Apr 16 2004 - 01:00
Vote backs boycott of Coca-Cola goodsThe Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI) has voted to boycott Coca-Cola products in spite of the fact that it is not official ICTU…Fri Apr 16 2004 - 01:00
Publishing league tables doing 'untold damage', says TUIThey are a small minority, a "canker" in the educational systemThu Apr 15 2004 - 01:00
Call for an end to disadvantageDisadvantaged children cannot be focused on in isolation from their family, peers and community, the TUI president, Mr Derek …Thu Apr 15 2004 - 01:00
Outgoing president says Minister still has to prove himselfThe Minister for Education is good at "talking the talk" but has yet to prove that he can "walk the walk", the outgoing president…Wed Apr 14 2004 - 01:00
Union says teachers' pay levels must be attractiveThe flow of people from industry into teaching will only continue if the pay level of teachers is maintained, the TUI general…Wed Apr 14 2004 - 01:00
TUI claims 'breakdown in society' is fuelling school discipline crisisTUI conference: Teachers are bearing the brunt of a serious breakdown in society which is fuelling disciplinary problems in …Wed Apr 14 2004 - 01:00
Galway health board officials go 'clubbing' to check complianceGalway-based health board officials are gearing up to go "clubbing" this week as part of their drive to implement the smoking…Tue Apr 06 2004 - 01:00
New approach for woman doctor attempting Everest again"This is not a race." The words of Irish Wyeth Everest expedition team leader, Pat Falvey, at the weekend as he and fellow climbers…Tue Apr 06 2004 - 01:00
Ferries and fishing vessels seek direction on banFloating publicans and fishing crews shouldn't experience too many headaches over the smoking ban - once they are over 12 miles…Tue Apr 06 2004 - 01:00
Ferries and fishing vessels seek ruling on smoking banCar ferry operators are awaiting clarification about the workplace smoking ban as it applies to them after it was established…Tue Apr 06 2004 - 01:00
Call on Harney to intercede over end of mobile banksA Connemara community group has called on the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Ms Harney, to intervene in the row over withdrawal…Mon Apr 05 2004 - 01:00
Irish ports cash in on cruise shipsIreland has experienced "dramatic" growth in the cruise ship business, with a 96 per cent increase in passengers to Irish ports…Fri Apr 02 2004 - 01:00
Former FF senator says tendering for homes left him 'vilified'A former Fianna Fáil senator who led a controversial bid for the Údarás na Gaeltachta holiday home complex in Connemara is seeking…Thu Apr 01 2004 - 01:00
Fish-processing factory closes with loss of 16 jobsA Donegal fish-processing factory run by supertrawler owner Mr Kevin McHugh has closed with the loss of 16 permanent jobs.Tue Mar 30 2004 - 01:00
Children's 'discovery museum' opensAn upside-down world, an infinity tunnel, a musical raft and a skeleton on pedals are just some of the concepts involved in the…Mon Mar 29 2004 - 01:00
Outdoor cafe in Galway caters for hardy smokersMr Declan Garry, managing director of the Arabica coffee house chain, doesn't smoke himself, and had originally intended to run…Mon Mar 29 2004 - 01:00
Udaras cancels tender for holiday homesÚdarás na Gaeltachta has cancelled the tender for sale of its holiday home complex in Connemara, following controversy over the…Sat Mar 27 2004 - 00:00