‘Sunday World’ appeals €900,000 libel damagesJury found man was libelled in article describing him as a ‘Traveller drug king’Tue Jul 28 2015 - 22:03
Jackson Way seeks €12.8m as compensation for M50 landCourt order was made to company of businessman Jim Kennedy in 2003Tue Jul 28 2015 - 21:58
Legal challenge over export of Beit paintings settledMinister for Arts consents to declaration ministerial power should not have been delegatedTue Jul 28 2015 - 18:29
Gay man brings legal challenge over blood donation banTomás Henegan argues blood donation is his civic responsibilityMon Jul 27 2015 - 17:50
Judge refuses injunctions over Irish edition of London TimesThe Irish Times Ltd had sought injunctions arising from planned launch of digital publicationMon Jul 27 2015 - 15:53
‘Phoenix’ magazine appeals judge’s refusal not to hear casePublisher facing contempt hearings over Ian Bailey articlesMon Jul 27 2015 - 14:19
Judge removes liquidator of Co Kildare hotelRevenue questioned handling of liquidation and raised issue of remuneration and feesFri Jul 24 2015 - 20:37
Teacher ‘whistleblower’ settles dispute with schoolMan claimed teaching colleague told him of having sex with a female graduate studentFri Jul 24 2015 - 18:32
Queen’s £100,000 fruit bowl ‘last seen’ in Athlone fridgeSale of Wedgwood bowl at centre of family disputeFri Jul 24 2015 - 17:53
Investigation into FF Senator’s expenses ‘can proceed’Brian Ó Domhnaill’s argument that SIPO members should be bilingual is rejectedFri Jul 24 2015 - 13:18
School did ‘nothing’ on claim teacher had sex with graduateWhistleblower claims teacher said he exposed himself in a sports facilityThu Jul 23 2015 - 19:14
Whistleblower teacher takes case against schoolMale teacher who made allegations against colleague is challenging resulting treatmentThu Jul 23 2015 - 14:03
UK newspaper group claims right to ‘Times’ titlePublisher says ‘The Irish Times’ has no arguable case for trademark infringementWed Jul 22 2015 - 21:43
Fear of job losses as examiner appointed to Mothercare IrelandFirm says it will trade as normal during the examinership processWed Jul 22 2015 - 12:14
Trademark of ‘The Irish Times’ could be ‘blurred and diluted’Newspaper wants injunctions restraining use of the words ‘The Times Irish Edition’Tue Jul 21 2015 - 19:03
Best menswear group goes into examinershipClery’s closure had ‘catastrophic’ effect on cashflow of company already struggling with high rents and falling salesTue Jul 21 2015 - 18:17
Aldi entitled to injunction against Dunnes, High Court rulesAldi injunction relates to practices by Dunnes Stores linked to its trademarksTue Jul 21 2015 - 16:32
Secular body challenges decision on patron for new Cork schoolSecular Schools Ireland Ltd says it was not afforded fair proceduresTue Jul 21 2015 - 01:00
State alleges contempt by ‘Phoenix’ in coverage of Ian Bailey caseJudge refuses to recuse himself from contempt proceedings against magazineTue Jul 21 2015 - 01:00
Hurling star case struck out as leased machines handed overPaul Codd undertakes to co-operate with official administering his bankruptcyTue Jul 21 2015 - 01:00
Solicitor struck off for ‘totally dishonouring’ undertakingICS Building Society suffered loss of €450,000 it advanced to Paul LambertFri Jul 17 2015 - 19:53
Move to extend Thomas McFeely’s bankruptcy by five yearsPriory Hall developer accused of not disclosing all of his assetsFri Jul 17 2015 - 19:28
Former Wexford hurler Paul Codd freed from prisonAll-Ireland medal winner undertakes to co-operated with bankruptcy officialsFri Jul 17 2015 - 19:14
High Court rules man with locked-in syndrome to receive €10mEoin O’Mahony (32) sustained devastating brain injuries after Cork hospital procedureFri Jul 17 2015 - 13:04
Girl ‘very distressed’ at psychiatric care delay, court hearsTeenager due to return from English facility pending availability of suitable placementThu Jul 16 2015 - 18:53
Bus Éireann apologises for death of haulage workerCompany accepts responsibility after man died when 10,000-litre oil tank fell on himThu Jul 16 2015 - 18:48
Fisherman awarded €60,000 in damages for ankle fractureChristopher Brien was injured after climbing a makeshift gate along a Dargle River pathThu Jul 16 2015 - 18:12
Minister entitled to affirm deportation orders for woman and sonJudges agree woman and son established no legal basis for orders restraining deportationsThu Jul 16 2015 - 16:25
Refusal of request for disclosure of documents settledMan who raped daughter had sought any documents Garda Commissioner and DPP had which might be linked to any other allegations made by daughterThu Jul 16 2015 - 01:02
Roma woman challenges refusal to pay her social welfareMother-of-two claims Department of Social Protection in breach of EU lawWed Jul 15 2015 - 17:10
School gets order quashing direction to enrol autistic boyLucan East Educate Together National School claimed stipulation was ‘irrational’Wed Jul 15 2015 - 15:17
An Taisce challenges approval for Kerry road-widening schemeBody argues environmental impact study should have been carried outTue Jul 14 2015 - 18:07
Nama firm pursues businessman for £9m at the Commercial CourtUS-based Michael Breslin pursued over unpaid loans of £22 millionMon Jul 13 2015 - 18:21
Gayle Dunne applies for orders permitting her lawyers to cross-examine a US lawyerCommercial Court will hear the application by wife of developer Sean DunneMon Jul 13 2015 - 18:03
Businessman sues Larry Goodman firms over 7.5% share of Baggot Street siteCompanies in Larry Goodman’s Parma Developments group reject Andrew Griffith’s claimsMon Jul 13 2015 - 17:38
Greg Kavanagh withdraws injunction over Dublin developments‘Ronaldo of the property market’ says steps are being taken to deprive him of profitsFri Jul 10 2015 - 18:26
Court challenge to Meath biomass heat and power plant is lost13 residents from Nobber, Kingscourt and Kilmainhamwood sought to quash An Bord Pleanala decisionFri Jul 10 2015 - 17:16
Judge to rule later on receiver’s bid for possession of apartmentsMcGinley Construction opposing the application by Stephen Tennant, appointed receiver by Promontoria EagleFri Jul 10 2015 - 17:03
Avolon chief liable for over $10m to Friends FirstCourt of Appeal finds ‘sharp practice’ lead to clause being ‘slipped’ into deedFri Jul 10 2015 - 16:47
Developer resisting bid to take possessionDispute centres on 57 apartments in Dublin’s docklandsFri Jul 10 2015 - 13:18
Rent on Limerick retail premises set at €309,500Case highlights difficulty faced by tenants paying rent under leases fixed in boomFri Jul 10 2015 - 01:00
Court rules girl (10) should not be resuscitatedHigh Court judge rules child should not receive emergency life-saving interventionFri Jul 10 2015 - 01:00
Banks win greater protection in company liquidationsRevenue and other preferential creditors lose out in landmark Supreme Court ruling that could lead to amendment of new Companies ActThu Jul 09 2015 - 19:49
Nigerian woman and Irish-born child win challenge to deportation ordersJudges quashes orders over State’s ‘irrational and unlawful’ failure to consider their rightsWed Jul 08 2015 - 17:55
Boy with cerebral palsy receives further €450,000 paymentLatest payout to Adam Aylward, now 11, is to go towards his care for the next three yearsWed Jul 08 2015 - 01:00
Judge grants vulnerable woman’s plea for return to IrelandWoman had been detained for over 20 months in psychiatric unit in EnglandTue Jul 07 2015 - 18:51
Mother loses maternity benefit action over surrogacyWoman claimed State’s refusal to pay benefit amounted to unlawful discriminationTue Jul 07 2015 - 17:40
Trafficked woman challenges refusal to pay child benefit paymentsChild was born in Ireland and has refugee statusMon Jul 06 2015 - 16:36
School brings High Court challenge to ruling on autistic boyLucan school claims Department of Education’s direction is ‘irrational’Mon Jul 06 2015 - 16:05
Woman entitled to late ex-husband’s pension, High Court rulesDivorced wife of late educational authority director has pension rights, court rulesSat Jul 04 2015 - 01:00