Syria's Palestinian community caught in the cross-fireTHE ENTRANCE to Yarmouk is marked by a roundabout decorated with a curious ball sculpture and a burnt-out police station, protected…Thu Aug 02 2012 - 01:00
Regime urges UN to halt arms flow and promote talksTHE POLITICS: THE ESCALATING conflict in Syria has prompted the government to dispatch a letter to the UN Security Council demanding…Wed Aug 01 2012 - 01:00
UN observer tells of devastation at rebel positionsCONFIRMATION OF the devastating effects of the Syrian army assaults on rebel positions came yesterday from the head of the United…Tue Jul 31 2012 - 01:00
Syrian rebels fight for city amid hopes of a 'safe haven'FIGHTING CONTINUED in four rebel-infiltrated districts of Aleppo yesterday after US secretary of state Hillary Clinton expressed…Thu Jul 26 2012 - 01:00
Fighting intensifies in loyalist city of AleppoHEAVY FIGHTING yesterday engulfed Aleppo, Syria’s commercial hub, threatening to damage or destroy the old city, a world heritage…Wed Jul 25 2012 - 01:00
Syria claims its chemical weapons arsenal secureDAMASCUS YESTERDAY assured the international community its arsenal of chemical and biological weapons was secure and that it …Tue Jul 24 2012 - 01:00
Syrian army reasserts control over rebel areasTHE SYRIAN army yesterday reasserted control over several districts of the capital and nearby towns as rebels clashed with troops…Mon Jul 23 2012 - 01:00
Regime launches offensive in DamascusSYRIAN CLASHES: SYRIAN TROOPS yesterday launched an offensive in Damascus and the frontier provinces, reasserting control of…Sat Jul 21 2012 - 01:00
EU prepares for possible influxREFUGEES: THE EUROPEAN Union is preparing for the possibility of having to deal with up to 200,000 refugees – EU passport-holders…Fri Jul 20 2012 - 01:00
Army targets rebel enclaves in Damascus raidsSYRIAN GOVERNMENT forces went on the offensive yesterday following the rebel bombing that killed three members of president Bashar…Fri Jul 20 2012 - 01:00
Syrian bombing: Key regime figures killed in attackTHOUSANDS OF Syrians took to the streets of Damascus yesterday cheering and chanting after a bomber penetrated the city’s military…Thu Jul 19 2012 - 01:00
Russia accuses West of inciting Syrian oppositionRUSSIA HAS accused the West of inciting the Syrian rebels who killed four senior figures of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’…Thu Jul 19 2012 - 01:00
UN warns fighters in Syria not to kill civiliansUN HUMANITARIAN chief Valerie Amos yesterday warned combatants involved in the Syrian conflict to avoid loss of civilian life…Wed Jul 18 2012 - 01:00
Prospects of ending Syria deadlock poorAS FIGHTING erupted yesterday between troops and rebels around Damascus, largely free of violence over the past 16 months, diplomats…Tue Jul 17 2012 - 01:00
Syria denies it carried out massacre in TremsehDAMASCUS YESTERDAY denied the charge by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan that the army had used heavy weapons and helicopters …Mon Jul 16 2012 - 01:00
Russia, China unlikely to agree to UN chapter 7 resolutionANALYSIS: Some opposition groups could use Tremseh to put pressure on UN for resolution that includes military sanctionSat Jul 14 2012 - 01:00
Opposition in Syria say attack left 220 deadUNITED NATIONS observers in Syria yesterday described an attack on a village in the Hama region – where opposition sources say…Sat Jul 14 2012 - 01:00
Flow of weapons being used as bargaining toolANALYSIS : The slowing of arms supplies to Syrian rebels could be seen as a way to get them to agree to talksFri Jul 13 2012 - 01:00
Syria threatens to punish defectorSYRIA’S FOREIGN ministry yesterday said that Nawaf al-Fares, the country’s defecting ambassador to Iraq, had been “relieved of…Fri Jul 13 2012 - 01:00
Morsi visit aimed at easing Saudi tiesON HIS first visit abroad since his inauguration, Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi, yesterday travelled to Saudi Arabia for meetings…Thu Jul 12 2012 - 01:00
Egypt parliament calls on appeals court to rule on dissolutionPOLITICIANS IN Egypt met in formal session yesterday long enough to defy the military and the supreme constitutional court by…Wed Jul 11 2012 - 01:00
Showdown over power looms in Egypt after court rulingEGYPT’S SUPREME constitutional court yesterday upheld a previous ruling that the election of the lower house of parliament was…Tue Jul 10 2012 - 01:00
Annan holds 'constructive' talks with Assad on ending violenceIN DAMASCUS to revive his six-point peace plan, UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan said yesterday that he had “candid and constructive…Tue Jul 10 2012 - 01:00
Conference promises to boost aid to Syrian rebelsTHE FRIENDS of Syria conference in Paris yesterday demanded President Bashar al-Assad stand down, urged implementation of the…Sat Jul 07 2012 - 01:00
Syrian violence escalating, says head of UN teamCHIEF OF the UN monitoring mission in Syria Gen Robert Mood yesterday declared that violence had escalated to an unprecedented…Fri Jul 06 2012 - 01:00
Arafat's body to be exhumed after polonium discoverySENIOR PALESTINIAN official Saeb Erekat yesterday called for an international inquiry into the death of former president Yasser…Thu Jul 05 2012 - 01:00
UN general criticises empty talk on SyriaNORWEGIAN GENERAL Robert Mood, head of the UN monitoring mission in Syria, has accused representatives of the world powers of…Thu Jul 05 2012 - 01:00
Syrian state running 27 torture sites, group saysSYRIA’S FOUR main military and intelligence agencies operate 27 torture centres across the country where detainees are beaten…Wed Jul 04 2012 - 01:00
Assad says he will step down only if rejected in electionsSYRIAN PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad said yesterday he was prepared to step down if Syrians reject him in an election but insisted…Wed Jul 04 2012 - 01:00
Syria rebels boycott opposition conferenceTHE CONFERENCE of Syria’s opposition groups that met yesterday in Cairo was torpedoed by the boycotting of the event by Syrian…Tue Jul 03 2012 - 01:00
Syria rejects Geneva plan for political transitionTHE SYRIAN regime and opposition groups have rejected a plan for the formation of a transitional government agreed by world leaders…Mon Jul 02 2012 - 01:00
Egypt leader challenges military ruleBEFORE TENS of thousands of supporters gathered yesterday in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, seat of the country’s revolution, Egypt’s…Sat Jun 30 2012 - 01:00
Egyptians celebrate as Morsi elected presidentWHEN THE Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi was yesterday proclaimed Egypt’s first elected civilian president, a great cheer …Mon Jun 25 2012 - 01:00
Egypt's military rulers defy protestersEGYPT’S MILITARY rulers responded defiantly to yesterday’s rally in Cairo’s Tahrir Square by tens of thousands of citizens of…Sat Jun 23 2012 - 01:00
Rivals claim victory in Egypt's run-off voteEGYPT’S OUSTED president Hosni Mubarak yesterday lay in an intensive care unit in a military hospital as both his potential successors…Thu Jun 21 2012 - 01:00
Protesters back in Tahrir Square over presidential resultTHOUSANDS OF cheerful Egyptians waving national flags flocked to Cairo’s Tahrir Square last night to condemn the “coup d’etat…Wed Jun 20 2012 - 01:00
Brotherhood win neutered by Egypt's armyEGYPT’S MILITARY pre-empted yesterday’s announcement by the Muslim Brotherhood that its candidate Mohamad Morsy had won the presidential…Tue Jun 19 2012 - 01:00
Egyptians go to polls for presidency with muted enthusiasmTHERE WERE white-suited policemen but no lines of voters outside the arts academy in the leafy, upscale Zamalek district of Cairo…Mon Jun 18 2012 - 01:00
Military lurks behind Egyptian presidential pollON THE eve of today’s controversial presidential election, the revolutionaries of Tahrir Square, the cradle of the 2011 Egyptian…Sat Jun 16 2012 - 01:00
Egypt court scuppers democratic assemblyEGYPTIANS REACTED with shock and anger yesterday when the country’s constitutional court delivered two dramatic decisions that…Fri Jun 15 2012 - 01:00
Amnesty accuses Syria of 'reckless' attacks on citizensAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL yesterday charged Syrian armed forces of “rampaging through towns and villages, systematically dragging…Thu Jun 14 2012 - 01:00
Annan 'gravely concerned' by Syrian escalationUN-ARAB LEAGUE envoy Kofi Annan is “gravely concerned” about an escalation in fighting between the Syrian army and rebels, his…Tue Jun 12 2012 - 01:00
Syrian opposition elects Kurd to top roleSYRIAN FORCES yesterday shelled rebel strongholds across the country as the expatriate opposition Syrian National Council, meeting…Mon Jun 11 2012 - 01:00
UN team sifts site of alleged massacreUNITED NATIONS monitors yesterday found neither living nor dead in the Syrian hamlet of Qubair where pro-government forces stand…Sat Jun 09 2012 - 01:00
Mainland's austerity measures grind down island's economic wellbeingCYPRUS: Jobless figures are up fivefold as cash-strapped island prepares to take rotating EU presidencySat Jun 09 2012 - 01:00
Egyptians rail against Mubarak verdictTENS OF thousands of Egyptians have massed in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and on the streets and squares of Alexandria, Suez, Zagazig…Wed Jun 06 2012 - 01:00
Eliminated candidates say Egyptian election fraudulentTHREE CANDIDATES eliminated in the first round of Egypt’s presidential election said yesterday that irregularities had invalidated…Tue Jun 05 2012 - 01:00
Egyptians protest over Mubarak sentencesEGYPTIANS WHO initially cheered the sentencing of ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak to life imprisonment by a Cairo court…Mon Jun 04 2012 - 01:00
Assad denies his regime was behind Houla massacreIN HIS first address to his country’s newly elected Syrian president Bashar al-Assad denied his regime’s culpability in the May…Mon Jun 04 2012 - 01:00
UN condemns Houla massacre and calls for inquiryTHE UN Human Rights Council yesterday condemned the May 25th massacre of 108 Syrians, including 49 childrenSat Jun 02 2012 - 01:00