Indian fighter jets shoot down Pakistani maritime patrol aircraft, killing 16 servicemenIndian fighter jets shot down a Pakistani maritime reconnaissance aircraft on a training flight yesterday, killing all 16 servicemen…Wed Aug 11 1999 - 01:00
Bloody, burnt bodies strewn on railsBloodied and badly burnt bodies were strewn over the site of a head-on train crash in eastern India yesterday in which up to …Tue Aug 03 1999 - 01:00
Customers at only liquor shop in Srinagar fear they could be killedSecreted between a police and a paramilitary base in northern Kashmir state's capital, Srinagar, lies the only liquor shop in…Wed Jul 21 1999 - 01:00
The cold reality of a logistics nightmare after the heat of battleIndia may have won a decisive military victory over Pakistan-backed intruders in northern Kashmir but it has lost the battle …Tue Jul 20 1999 - 01:00
Kashmir casualties up despite calls to pull outWith 38 Indian soldiers killed in one assault against Islamic intruders in the disputed state of Kashmir, casualties in the two…Sat Jul 10 1999 - 01:00
Loyal Gurkha gets less than Tommy AtkinsThe death of a British Gurkha soldier recently in Kosovo, detonating unexploded NATO bombs, has reopened the dispute in Nepal…Thu Jul 08 1999 - 01:00
Indian army consolidates control over seized landThe Indian army moved forward yesterday to establish control in the strategic mountain areas it has recaptured from invaders …Tue Jun 22 1999 - 01:00
Indian anger rises as bodies of soldiers are brought homeAnger against Pakistan rose in India yesterday as bodies of soldiers who died fighting Islamic intruders in northern Kashmir …Thu Jun 17 1999 - 01:00
Indian strategists want swift `surgical strike' at supply linesDespite the Indian army's various successes in driving out Islamic mercenaries from its territory in northern Kashmir state over…Tue Jun 15 1999 - 01:00
PM warns Indians to prepare for warWith India and Pakistan having failed to reach any compromise on ways to defuse the month-long fighting in northern Kashmir state…Mon Jun 14 1999 - 01:00
Pakistan hands over bodies of six soldiersThe mutilated and disfigured bodies of six Indian soldiers were yesterday handed over by neighbouring Pakistan in northern Kashmir…Fri Jun 11 1999 - 01:00
India warns Pakistan over altering borderThe Indian Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, warned Pakistan yesterday that any attempt to alter the disputed border in…Tue Jun 08 1999 - 01:00
India prepares ground assault in Kashmir to repel Islamic rebelsIndia resumed air strikes yesterday against hundreds of Islamic guerrillas it has been battling with for over a month in northern…Mon Jun 07 1999 - 01:00
India deploys sophisticated fighters in bombing raidsIndia yesterday stepped up its aerial bombing missions in northern Kashmir state by bringing Mirage 2000 fighters, among the …Tue Jun 01 1999 - 01:00
Tensions heighten after Indian helicopter is shot down by Stinger missileTensions between India and Pakistan escalated yesterday after an Indian helicopter gunship was shot down by Pakistan-backed Muslim…Sat May 29 1999 - 01:00
Kashmir's fragile border peace is shattered by gunfire every dayThe fragile peace between nuclear-capable India and Pakistan is shattered every day along the 776 km-long line of control between…Sat May 29 1999 - 01:00
India loses two planes in Kashmir skirmishesIndia yesterday lost two fighter aircraft over northern Kashmir state, but claimed only one of them was shot down by Pakistan…Fri May 28 1999 - 01:00
India launches strikes against infiltratorsIndian fighter aircraft and helicopters yesterday launched strikes against over 600 well-armed Pakistani-backed Muslim mercenaries…Thu May 27 1999 - 01:00
Congress hails Gandhi as `unquestioned leader'India's Congress party yesterday welcomed Italian-born Ms Sonia Gandhi back as its president at a massive gathering of its members…Wed May 26 1999 - 01:00
Congress revolt on Gandhi widens rift as party faces electionsMrs Sonia Gandhi, president of India's main opposition Congress party, offered to resign from her post yesterday following a …Tue May 18 1999 - 01:00
Command system for India's nuclear weapons still unclearOne year after conducting multiple nuclear tests, India has still to resolve the mechanics of being a nuclear weapon state.Tue May 11 1999 - 01:00
President gives Gandhi more time to form new governmentIndia's Congress party, led by the Italian-born Ms Sonia Gandhi, was yesterday given more time to try and form India's new government…Sat Apr 24 1999 - 01:00
Gandhi support claim disputedIndia's opposition leader, Ms Sonia Gandhi (52), yesterday claimed her Congress party would form a new government within two …Thu Apr 22 1999 - 01:00
Indian parties struggle to prevent financial crisisHectic lobbying continued yesterday as Indian opposition parties tried to cobble together a coalition government to replace the…Tue Apr 20 1999 - 01:00
India and Pakistan add to arms tensionIndia and Pakistan both successfully test-fired short and long-range missiles capable of carrying conventional and nuclear warheads…Sat Apr 17 1999 - 01:00
A capital choking to death on its garbageIndia's capital, New Delhi, will be an overcrowded, powerless slum buried deep under garbage by 2001 unless immediate measures…Tue Feb 16 1999 - 00:00
Militant Hindus blamed for burning to death of missionary and two sonsPolice in the eastern Indian state of Orissa have begun a manhunt for a Hindu militant suspected of killing a respected Australian…Mon Jan 25 1999 - 00:00
Militants call off threat to Pakistan's cricket tourHindu militants called off their threat yesterday to disrupt the coming cricket test series in India with arch rivals Pakistan…Fri Jan 22 1999 - 00:00
Flocking to bar for breath of fresh airScores of people are flocking to India's first oxygen bar in the capital New Delhi, the world's second most polluted city after…Sat Dec 12 1998 - 00:00
India begins massive military manoeuvresIndia began a massive military exercise yesterday, its first since becoming a nuclear state, involving nearly 100,000 personnel…Thu Dec 03 1998 - 00:00
Elephants seek mahouts and maternity leaveThe elephants of India are prospering and multiplying, but a simultaneous decline in the numbers of human beings willing to work…Wed Sept 09 1998 - 01:00
`Life without respite' irks populace in nuclear ageIndia's capital, New Delhi, seems to be under the influence of a malevolent star this summer, as anything that could go wrong…Tue Aug 11 1998 - 01:00
Drive carefully, it's a zoo out thereDriving in India, the country with the world's highest accident rate, can be little short of a nightmareWed Jul 22 1998 - 01:00
Lighting-up time is not for the poorAt $32 a throw - or nearly twice the monthly wage of the average Indian - Cuban cigars are the latest rage amongst the rich in…Tue Jul 07 1998 - 01:00
Indian PM calls for a `unified front'India yesterday said that Pakistan's multiple nuclear test had vindicated its decision to conduct its own nuclear explosions …Fri May 29 1998 - 01:00
250-strong scientific team toiled secretly on project for four yearsDetails have emerged of the secrecy with which India conducted the scientific work leading up to last week's five underground…Sat May 16 1998 - 01:00
Indian PM makes world appeal against economic sanctions as two more N-tests are conductedA defiant India conducted two more underground nuclear tests yesterday, two days after carrying out three others at the same …Thu May 14 1998 - 01:00
Tests seen as sign of might, maturity, on world stageIndian public opinion appeared unfazed yesterday by international condemnation of its three underground nuclear tests, announced…Wed May 13 1998 - 01:00
Pakistan pledges to defend itself after Indian N-testsSurprise nuclear tests by India yesterday provoked shock, apprehension and disappointment from the world community and a pledge…Tue May 12 1998 - 01:00
Indians go to the polls after tense, violent campaignIndia goes to the polls today amid tight security after a campaign during which some 80 people were killed in violence from armed…Mon Feb 16 1998 - 00:00
Famous and forgotten names come to life in election frayHitler, Lenin and Frankenstein are all contesting India's general elections from the north-eastern state of Meghalaya later this…Fri Feb 13 1998 - 00:00
Clarke puts off award ceremonyThe investiture ceremony at which the science fiction writer, Arthur CTue Feb 03 1998 - 00:00
Gandhi's assassins sentenced to deathAll 26 people found guilty of assassinating the former Indian prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, over six years ago have been sentenced…Thu Jan 29 1998 - 00:00
Legalise prostitution, says ministerThe Indian Health Minister, Ms Renuka Chowdhary, has proposed legalising prostitution to control the spread of the HIV-AIDS virus…Tue Dec 02 1997 - 00:00
Condom with your coffee sir?India's Health and Family Welfare Ministry has started a countrywide campaign to contain a burgeoning population and provide …Thu Oct 30 1997 - 00:00
Queen to honour British massacre victimsQueen Elizabeth will formally begin a week-long state visit today, at the imposing presidential palace whose first occupant was…Mon Oct 13 1997 - 01:00
State funeral in contrast with life of austerityThe state funeral of Mother Teresa in Calcutta, where she looked after the poor, sick and the unwanted for over 50 years, was…Mon Sept 15 1997 - 01:00
Thousands file past the body of Mother TeresaThousands of mourners filed past the body of Mother Teresa lying in state at St Thomas's Church in the eastern India city of …Mon Sept 08 1997 - 01:00
Order's future hangs in the balanceThere is hardly anyone in India who does not recognise with respect and affection the deeply-lined face of Mother TeresaMon Sept 08 1997 - 01:00
India still plagued by territorial disputesWhat exactly is the entity known as India? The country's land and maritime boundaries remain unresolved 50 years after independence…Fri Aug 15 1997 - 01:00