Snowflake by Louise Nealon: A clever coming-of-age novelBook review: This college-life narrative has an eye for comedy even when the narrator is enjoying a moment of self-pityMon May 17 2021 - 06:00
Boys Don’t Cry: Hard choices growing up in a gritty DublinFiona Scarlett’s novel of two young brothers trying to get by is moving but never mawkishSun Apr 25 2021 - 06:00
Line by Niall Bourke: Where life is one long queueBook review: This sharply funny and astute novel centres around a line of people so long that generations have born and died hoping to reach the frontFri Apr 16 2021 - 06:00
Winter Papers 6: There’s nothing here that doesn’t earn its keepBook review: If you’re hungering for intelligent creative responses to 2020, Barry and Smith have what you’re looking forSun Nov 29 2020 - 06:00
That Old Country Music: Playful and beautifully crafted stories from Kevin BarryBook review: Kevin Barry’s latest collection displays the author’s talent for the formTue Oct 27 2020 - 06:00
The Art of the Glimpse: Endlessly interesting selection of short storiesBook review: This wide-ranging collection features old and new Irish authors – with a few surprisesMon Oct 12 2020 - 06:00
OK, Let’s Do Your Stupid Idea: hilarity, pathos and midlife crisisIrish Times writer Patrick Freyne consoles and entertains but his essays work best when the stakes are lowTue Sept 15 2020 - 06:00
Sarah Moss: Exiting Britain, arriving in IrelandI remembered why we were leaving England every time I read the news, every time the nation stood on doorsteps and clappedSat Aug 22 2020 - 06:00
Sarah Moss: Brexit and Heaney’s bog bodiesAuthor’s novel Ghost Wall attempts to skewer English penchant for nostalgic writingSat Jun 08 2019 - 06:00
Sarah Moss: in defence of historical fictionThe ethics of fiction are about the ability to imagine what it might be like if things were different. Historical fiction is able to imagine the stories missing from popular historyWed Jul 20 2016 - 13:39