Brazil's president tells Higgins of her wish to see euro zone survive crisisBRAZIL’S PRESIDENT Dilma Rousseff expressed her strong desire to see the euro zone survive during talks with President Michael…Thu Oct 11 2012 - 01:00
Ex-president Lula da Silva to visit Ireland in 2013 at Higgins's invitationFormer Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is to visit Ireland next year at the invitation of President Higgins.Wed Oct 10 2012 - 01:00
Higgins presents Brazil's Lula with Irish jerseyTHERE WAS a sporting theme as President Michael D Higgins kicked-off his visit to Brazil by presenting the country’s former president…Tue Oct 09 2012 - 01:00
President concludes 'emotional' Chile visitON A rugged, windswept coast that recalled his former Connemara constituency, President Michael D Higgins ended what he called…Mon Oct 08 2012 - 01:00
Higgins pays tribute to AllendePresident Michael D Higgins paid his respects at the tomb of Salvador Allende on the final day of his visit to Chile, saying …Sun Oct 07 2012 - 01:00
Pinochet's victims should never be forgotten, says President HigginsTHE VISIT of President Michael D Higgins to South America had its first emotionally charged moments yesterday during a visit …Sat Oct 06 2012 - 01:00
Higgins urges closer ties with ChilePresident Michael D Higgins called for Chileans to participate in next year’s The Gathering festival of Irish culture and heritage…Sat Oct 06 2012 - 01:00
Higgins moves to reassure Chilean hosts on efforts to address euro crisisPRESIDENT MICHAEL D Higgins began a three-country tour of South America yesterday in Santiago, Chile, with a visit to the crypt…Fri Oct 05 2012 - 01:00
Higgins begins South American tourPresident Michael D Higgins started his three-country tour of South America today in Santiago with a visit to the crypt of Bernardo…Thu Oct 04 2012 - 01:00
Debate over 'military man' Chávez hots up ahead of electionDissenters say he runs Venezuela like a barracks, and that corruption is rife. Backers see a visionary leaderWed Oct 03 2012 - 01:00
Argentine president draws opposition ire for sending militant supporters into schoolsThe Kirchner regime is accused of organising illegal political activitiesMon Sept 17 2012 - 01:00
Government in Colombia begins Farc peace talksCOLOMBIA’S PRESIDENT has confirmed that his government is in “exploratory conversations” with the country’s Farc guerrilla group…Wed Aug 29 2012 - 01:00
Britain withdraws threat to enter Ecuador embassyTHE BRITISH government has withdrawn its threat to enter Ecuador’s London embassy in order to arrest Julian Assange, the president…Mon Aug 27 2012 - 01:00
Ecuador open to negotiating with Britain on AssangeECUADOR’S FOREIGN minister said yesterday his country is open to a negotiated solution to the stand-off with Britain over the…Tue Aug 21 2012 - 01:00
Colombian prosecutor calls for drug legalisation referendumCOLOMBIA’S CHIEF public prosecutor has called for a referendum on whether to legalise drug consumption, in response to plans …Mon Aug 20 2012 - 01:00
Ecuador seeks regional support over Assange rowECUADOR HAS embarked on a diplomatic offensive as it seeks to rally support of Latin American states in its stand-off with Britain…Sat Aug 18 2012 - 01:00
Chávez candidates spark militarisation fearsINCREASINGLY CONFIDENT of winning October’s presidential election, Venezuela’s president Hugo Chávez has been accused of seeking…Mon Aug 13 2012 - 01:00
Seven years on, Brazil's corruption 'trial of the century' under wayLETTER FROM BRAZIL: IT IS early days yet, but in Brazil they are already billing it “the trial of the century”.Thu Aug 02 2012 - 01:00
Chávez in Brazil for region's trade bloc talksVENEZUELAN PRESIDENT Hugo Chávez was due to arrive in Brazil last night to take part in the summit that will see his country …Tue Jul 31 2012 - 01:00
Evita Peron finally fits the bill as Argentina's first lady of noteBEFORE SHE died from cancer at the age of 33, Argentina’s first lady Eva Perón supposedly uttered the phrase: “I will return …Fri Jul 27 2012 - 01:00
Were black magic rituals all in a day's work for Brazil's ex-president?A former first lady says her ex-husband took part in basement rites and animal sacrificesTue Jul 17 2012 - 01:00
Needs of lepers overlooked in race to please World Cup fansWhile Brazilian lepers are no longer shunned, scarce funds are being denied them by the stateTue Jul 03 2012 - 01:00
Cup of dreams or poisoned chalice?The final whistle at tomorrow’s Euro 2012 final will begin the countdown to the 2014 World Cup, in BrazilSat Jun 30 2012 - 01:00
Neighbours protest as Paraguay impeaches presidentAFTER FRIDAY’S summary impeachment of president Fernando Lugo, Paraguay’s new government risks being isolated as the country’…Mon Jun 25 2012 - 01:00
Amazon under threat again as Brazil's boom takes high tollWith demand rising for electricity, Brazil is looking to the Amazon it did so much to protectSat Jun 23 2012 - 01:00
Dreams dashed as reality hits home for Haitians in BrazilMany fled their devastated homeland on promises of big salaries in a booming economySat May 19 2012 - 01:00
Last of the big Brazilian spenders may samba right past IrelandJUST A few short years ago a hot topic of conversation among well-heeled Brazilians was their rough treatment at US consulates…Thu May 17 2012 - 01:00
Madrid furious as Argentina takes over oil companySpain, in the grip of hardship, feels stabbed in the back by erstwhile friend ArgentinaWed Apr 18 2012 - 01:00
Three years on from Dwyer's killing in Bolivia, case still mired in contradictionsTODAY MARKS the third anniversary of the killing of Irishman Michael Dwyer in Bolivia with the full circumstances surrounding…Mon Apr 16 2012 - 01:00
Nobel laureates want Britain to start talks on FalklandsSIX WINNERS of the Nobel peace prize have called on Britain to start talks with Argentina over the sovereignty of the Falkland…Thu Mar 29 2012 - 01:00
Battle over legacy of Falklands War continues 30 years onFor those who fought on either side of the conflict, the memories linger longWed Mar 28 2012 - 01:00
Potential for major Falklands oil find infuriates ArgentinaWHEN STEPHEN Luxton was nine years old, Argentina’s military finally caught up with his father.Tue Mar 27 2012 - 01:00
Lifeblood of Argentina's capital pulsates at street levelBUENOS AIRES LETTER: There is plenty to see when wandering through South America’s greatest walking metropolisWed Mar 07 2012 - 00:00
A civilised dispute in a sparsely populated Spanish border townOLIVENZA LETTER: OF ALL Europe’s outstanding border disputes, few can be as dormant as the one between Spain and Portugal over…Wed Feb 29 2012 - 00:00
Farc renounces kidnapping civiliansTHE WEEKEND announcement by Colombia’s biggest guerrilla organisation that it will stop kidnapping civilians for ransom brings…Tue Feb 28 2012 - 00:00
How Morales has gone from defender of Mother Earth to grinding roadbuilderBOLIVIAN LETTER : THE ONE fact that almost everyone knows about Evo Morales is that he is Bolivia’s first ever indigenous president…Wed Oct 12 2011 - 01:00
Venezuela's leader fights a new enemyPROFILE: HUGO CHÁVEZ: Despite a battle with cancer, Venezuela's ebullient president insists he can stay in power until 2031, …Sat Jul 30 2011 - 01:00
The scandals: How no one was held accountableWHEN NÉSTOR Kirchner was sworn in as president in May 2003 he vowed to root out the culture of corruption that many Argentinians…Wed May 18 2011 - 01:00
Life for ex-soldiers over role in 1976 murder of prisonersEIGHT FORMER soldiers have been sentenced to life imprisonment in Argentina for their role in an emblematic massacre of political…Wed May 18 2011 - 01:00
'You don't want to do an Argentina': Restructuring advice for Ireland“IF YOU decide to engage in a dialogue with your creditors, if you want to do a restructuring, you don’t want to do an Argentina…Tue May 17 2011 - 01:00
'I lost my job and my wife left me taking our son . . . the crash cost me my family'The consequences of default are still felt by those who lost savings after the devaluationMon May 16 2011 - 01:00
Disorientation several blocks south of a place with no addressMANAGUA LETTER: Asking the name of a street can earn you blank stares in a capital city still enduring the dilapidation of a…Wed Apr 13 2011 - 01:00
Sacked official claims she was Kirchner's loverA PUBLIC official fired from her job in Argentina’s government has claimed she was the long-time lover of the husband and predecessor…Mon Feb 07 2011 - 00:00
Recent mudslides, a freak of nature or new threat to Brazilians?SÃO PAULO LETTER: Torrents have wreaked havoc with landscape and people. A warning system is neededFri Feb 04 2011 - 00:00
Cocaine traffickers have proven both vicious and resilientUS PRESIDENT Richard Nixon formally declared a war on drugs in 1971, but the current global architecture of prohibition dates…Thu Jan 27 2011 - 00:00
Dwyer 'lured to death in Bolivia'United States diplomats suspected that Irishman Michael Dwyer may have been lured to his death in Bolivia as part of a plot by…Sun Jan 02 2011 - 00:00
Dwyer 'lured to death in Bolivia'United States diplomats suspected that Irishman Michael Dwyer may have been lured to his death in Bolivia as part of a plot by…Sat Jan 01 2011 - 00:00
Botching of exam raises tensions on Brazil's access to educationSAO PAULO LETTER: The theft of the state paper in 2009 and a big mix-up this year amount to a chaotic exam systemWed Nov 17 2010 - 00:00
The cost of saving the rainforestBrazil has reversed its decades- long destruction of the Amazon jungle, and raised the hope that the rainforest could be saved…Sat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
Argentina marks bicentenary but political corruption enduresBUENOS AIRES LETTER: The pity for the country’s long-suffering citizens is that the politicians keep taking everyone else down…Fri May 28 2010 - 01:00