Spread your wings beyond BarcelonaLeave the city behind and explore the fascinating Catalan towns and villages within easy reach, where you’ll find culture andgastronomy at every turnSat Jan 25 2014 - 01:00
Ireland and Garth Brooks: a love storyThe two Croke Park concerts announced this week take us back to the 1990s and the line-dancing crazeTue Jan 21 2014 - 17:26
Homophobia watchdog needed before marriage equality referendumLGBT rights debate shows how far Irish society needs to progressMon Jan 20 2014 - 12:00
Humble pie on the menu for Manchester UnitedHumility does not come naturally to United or their fansMon Jan 13 2014 - 12:00
The very Irish tale of Ralph Lauren’s niece in courtThe arrest of Jenny Lauren in Ireland has a US romcom feel about itTue Jan 07 2014 - 19:55
Slamming the door on decent designThe vast majority of modern Irish buildings are crap in comparison to what came before themMon Jan 06 2014 - 01:53
Men need to step up to their role in Feminism 4.0Gender equality cannot happen solely by women ‘leaning in’Mon Dec 30 2013 - 14:51
My best moment of 2013From becoming a grandmother for the first time to simply enjoying meeting customers in a shop, the best memories are personalSat Dec 28 2013 - 01:00
Paddy Power hits slam-dunk low with North Korean stuntBookmaker plans to stage basketball match in PyongyangMon Dec 23 2013 - 01:00
Follow that starWhat better way to end the year in pop culture than with a Nativity play featuring all of our favourite stars?Sat Dec 21 2013 - 01:00
‘Twelve pubs of Christmas’ is a booze orgy too far for IrelandIf there is such a thing as the personality of a country, you’d have to say that we’re a tearaway teenagerMon Dec 16 2013 - 01:00
Rugger brothers: the sporting ambitions of the Kearney boysThe rugby playing Kearney brothers tell Una Mullally about their sporting hopes, those falling out of nightclubs rumours, and who cooks their Christmas turkeySat Dec 14 2013 - 01:03
‘This thing is terrifying. What am I doing here?’On paper Other Voices is a music festival, but when its series of concerts in a tiny Dingle church mixes with the buzz and banter of the Co Kerry town, it becomes something much more magicalSat Dec 14 2013 - 01:00
Gender upender: a fuzzy chat with PeachesShe’s cool, confrontational and her spectacular live performances are legendary. Now she has written, directed and starred in her own movie. Peaches talks to Una Mullally over a bad phone line about her pioneering workFri Dec 13 2013 - 00:00
Live review: Other Voices day threeThe Dingle festival saved its best till last, when John Grant broke the whole church’s heartsWed Dec 11 2013 - 01:09
Arts play second fiddle on television‘Other Voices’ is a welcome survivor of RTÉ’s whittling of arts outputMon Dec 09 2013 - 01:00
Poetry, swagger and a little trembling at Other VoicesDavid Gray, Hozier, Lisa O’Neill and Patti Griffin make for the real deal in DingleSun Dec 08 2013 - 12:26
Dingle plays host to glittering array of musical talent‘Other Voices’ grows into one of the most acclaimed occasions in the music calendarFri Dec 06 2013 - 22:43
I’m with the choir: the group therapy of singing in unisonGroup singing releases endorphins, helps with bonding and (perhaps) heightens sexual attractiveness. An upcoming world record attempt in Dublin with more than 500 choirs should be quite a day, thenFri Dec 06 2013 - 01:00
Yearnalism: making a story out of nothingnessThe type of celebrity we attach ourselves to actually says an awful lot about the prevailing culture of the timeMon Dec 02 2013 - 06:49
We are in danger of becoming slaves to a broken systemIreland has a long and complex history with slavery, which continues todayMon Nov 25 2013 - 07:04
Lost for words? the Christmas books listFear not! We have great books for readers of all agesThu Nov 21 2013 - 01:00
Turning into a fast-food nation by fair means or fowlImpact of fast food will be one of the biggest public-health issues of the next decadeMon Nov 18 2013 - 15:00
The people need to be kept in mind as the future of Dublin is plannedThe city does not belong to Dublin City Council or to developers: it belongs to the people who live in itMon Nov 11 2013 - 13:17
Waiting for Godot won’t deliver better tech policyGovernment needs bold initiatives in education, not Beckettian fatalismMon Nov 04 2013 - 12:00
Crossing over: the hard road from online to televisionRTÉ’s ‘The Commute’ is the latest show to move to TV from online beginnings, after ‘The Hardy Bucks’ and ‘Damo and Ivor’. But the transition for those used to the DIY approach isn’t always smoothFri Nov 01 2013 - 01:00
The fear business: why it pays to scare peopleHalloween might have lost some of its scare factor amid sexy nurse costumes, but making people jump is still big businessWed Oct 30 2013 - 01:00
Remote killing with drones is building a wireless new axis of evilDetaching ourselves from the consequences of our actions is a growing trendMon Oct 28 2013 - 12:00
Myth of kidnap of children by particular ethnic groups has a disreputable historyOpinion: If we are judged on how we treat the least fortunate, we have some soul-searching to doFri Oct 25 2013 - 07:03
We are still haunted by the ghost of the Celtic TigerWe are in danger of seeing boomtime fripperies as touchstones of economic successMon Oct 21 2013 - 12:00
Good coffee and quips with David SedarisTrashing other books on the best-seller list . . . Teasing Dublin waitresses . . . There’s a sense of devilment about Sedaris, an arch humorist whose stories are a lesson in precision writingTue Oct 15 2013 - 01:00
Intelligent media at risk from drive for idiocySmart people can be ostracised by a media counting on the lowest common denominator for revenueMon Oct 14 2013 - 01:00
From slavery to schoolThe kamalari system, under which Nepalese girls are sold into domestic slavery, is thriving through generations. Thirteen thousand have been freed, partly through Plan Ireland’s Kamalari Abolition Project, but many are still trappedSat Oct 12 2013 - 01:00
Hozier’s soaring voice and searing heartFrom quiet beginnings, the ‘Take Me to Church’ singer’s music, and its political nous, are growing in depth and statureSat Oct 12 2013 - 01:00
Nothing compares to Sinéad O’ConnorO’Connor has been a dissenting voice in a country that favours consensusMon Oct 07 2013 - 01:01
Inspired by Katie: Ireland’s karate kid14-year-old Leeanne Royle is following Katie Taylor into the pantheon of Irish world championsSat Oct 05 2013 - 01:00
Online lifeline: making chatrooms a place of positive actionWhen they realised their brother Cormac was using chatrooms before his suicide, Oisín and Diarmuid Scollard set about creating a positive online space to address mental ill-healthSat Oct 05 2013 - 01:00
The young ones: brave new writing takes over Irish theatresIrish theatre is bursting with energy – but youth is all these artists have in commonFri Oct 04 2013 - 01:00
The other sides to our migration storiesLeaving aside economic necessity, we have to face the fact that a lot of emigration is opportunisticMon Sept 30 2013 - 01:00
Telling women to be careful gets men off the hookMen must accept that most violent crimes perpetrated against women are by men, and that they have the power to stop thisMon Sept 23 2013 - 01:00
Comfort food and a dinner date with Neil WatkinsThe performer pushed all sorts of personal and public boundaries with his last Fringe show. Now he’s back with its antithesis, and he wants to throw one hell of a partyWed Sept 18 2013 - 01:00
Student life is no bed of roses these daysWe act as if students make no contribution to societyMon Sept 16 2013 - 12:00
Turns the gut, lights the mindSorcha Kenny’s new show is well-travelled ground but a visceral delivery makes it crackle with powerSat Sept 14 2013 - 13:25
Space cowboysWith their stunning live shows, Le Galaxie always make a festival betterSat Sept 14 2013 - 01:00
The blogs of warWar of Attrition might be using social media as a source, but it’s got a dynamite punchFri Sept 13 2013 - 13:30
Pop goes the Fringe showTen minutes of fame is not enough for an hour’s entertainmentWed Sept 11 2013 - 14:00
All aboard for fantasy islandThis story of one man’s fantasies is told with simple effectivenessMon Sept 09 2013 - 14:38