Forum to examine digital jobs agenda

Speakers include Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte and renowned film-maker David Puttnam

David Puttnam: the renowned British film-maker will address the Digital Agenda Assembly in Dublin on Thursday. Photograph: David Sleator

The digital economy and the potential for jobs creation in an increasingly digital world will be the focus of a Digital Agenda Assembly, which is expected to attract more than 600 people to Dublin this week.

The largest, and final, event of the Irish presidency of the EU, the assembly will address challenges and opportunities in the fields of cloud, broadband, cybercrime, ICT skills, e-government, digital entrepreneurship, and the digital single market.

The continuing development of both the human and the digital infrastructure necessary to engineer Europe's economic recovery will be the key agenda points for the assembly.

Key speakers
Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte, renowned film-maker David Puttnam and vice president of the European Commission Neelie Kroes are to address the assembly on Thursday.

Digital entrepreneurs will present a range of technology developments and discuss how advances in technology can spur the Irish and European recovery.


Key speakers at the assembly include Google country manager for Ireland Shane Nolan, 13-year-old founder of Casey Games Jordan Casey, director of Intel Labs Europe Dr Martin Curley and Jerry Kennelly, CEO and founder of