The Attache Case Solution

You've been in a strange city, in negotiations with these idiots, for three days. Finally, they are ready to sign

You've been in a strange city, in negotiations with these idiots, for three days. Finally, they are ready to sign. All that their legal people require is an actual document, not a fax, with your signature, outlining the terms of the deal. The trick is to get them to sign it too, and bind them in before they realise how sweet it is for you.

That's no bother. Being, like, totally modern, you not only have a laptop but a mini-printer. You can just write up the document, print it up on your headed paper, and sign it here and now.

Then Planet Theory collides with Planet Reality. First it takes ages to find a flat surface that isn't actually the desk of an enemy exec, then the printer cord is twisted and won't connect to the computer. As the clock ticks, your panic mounts. Then, it's too late. Their slug-witted chief financial officer has had enough time to re-consider, and he does.

If only you had used the Attache Case Solution. It looks like a normal briefcase, but inside is a lightweight laptop, and a printer, both fixed into position. You can balance it on your lap, and it is always ready to print.


Just in case you drop the case, the computer and printer are surrounded with special shockabsorbing foam.

The Attache Case Solution, around £2,500 (€3,174), is available from Marc Wilson on at or on (01) 2957166.