Just a year after releasing their solid debut Down Like Gold, Isle of Wight brothers Michael and David Champion return with its follow-up. These 12 tracks are more sure-footed, but the duo still sup from the same lyrical pool of loneliness, isolation and lovelorn despondency. Luckily, their musical compositions, informed by their idiosyncratic vocals and harmonies, are sunnier. They range from 1970s AOR piano ballads (Sophia) to acoustic folk (Forever Be Upstanding at the Door), but electronic undercurrents and drum machine beats heard on the title track are pervasive. The subsequent clash of genres isn't quite seamless, ultimately giving the album an uneven tone. Any stylistic imbalance is easily overlooked, but maybe album number three will get it just right. champschampschamps.com
Champs: Vamala | Album Review