Californian singer-songwriter Jessica Pratt might baulk at the terms "freak-folk", "psych-folk" and "anti-folk", but those are the niche genre areas in which she would have been residing had she been releasing records more than 10 years ago. These days, however, it's all a mix'n'match, and so what if you don't have a voice like an angel or a sonic template that's pristine? On Your Own Love Again is Pratt's second album, and while its fitfully weird home-recording hiss is indicative of her loose concept of form and structure, its sad songs score a bullseye most times. The vibe here references revered 1960s singer-songwriters such as Vashti Bunyan and Karen Dalton, but there's something very much of Pratt herself bubbling under such plaintive and often hypnotic tunes as Strange Melody, Moon Dude, Jacquelyn in the Background, and I've Got a
Jessica Pratt: On Your Own Love Again | Album Review