Morrissey's popularity among Mexicans and Latinos has been well-documented, but now it's time for his fans to return the favour. A supergroup of Mexican musicians have record a selection of The Smiths frontman's solo songs, some of which work more successfully than others. The proliferation of mariachi horns is expected, particularly on El Primero del Gang (The First of the Gang to Die) – but Cada Día es Domingo (Every Day is Like Sunday) is delightfully transformed into a laid-back Mexican disco-style version with female vocals, and The Last of the International Playboys becomes a swinging 1960s-style, handclap-riddled International Playgirl. It's fun but, unless you're a die-hard fan looking for something to smile about, it's mostly inessential.
Mexrissey-No Manchester: Morrissey, Mexican style