No, I'm not sure what sound a cavaquinho makes, either. But if you're looking for a band that fuses indie-pop (the kind that is, by a hair's breadth, the right side of twee) and an array of eccentric instruments (banjo, flute, violin, oboe, harmonium, several pianos, etc), then The Crayon Set and their debut album is just for you. Formed about five years ago, this Dublin outfit may have an unwieldy membership – eight at the last count, which is great for musicianship but not so for longevity. You'd never guess it from the collection of tightly knit tunes here. The Crayon Set are catchy as a virus and influenced by the likes of Belle and Sebastian and Velvet Underground. You casually listen for a get-out clause, but time and time again the tunes make you stay put. We really like.
I Wanted You, The Art of Letting Go, Eurodisco
The Crayon Set