Formal complaints about pharmacists increased by 36% last year

Regulator told of concerns about issues such as failure to supply medications, dispensing errors and behaviour or professionalism

The regulator received complaints about issues such as failure to supply medications, dispensing errors and the behaviour or professionalism of pharmacists. Photograph: PA Wire

The number of formal complaints made about pharmacists or pharmacies increased by 36 per cent last year in comparison with 2022, according to the pharmacy regulator.

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland published its 2023 annual report and financial statement on Tuesday, which showed a total of 135 expressions of concern were received, a 14 per cent increase from 2022.

Of these, 39 per cent related to pharmacy practice. Things complained about included pharmacy practice issues, failure to supply medications, dispensing errors and the behaviour or professionalism of pharmacists.

The majority of concerns (78 per cent) were raised by members of the public, while 16 per cent were raised by other pharmacists.


Additionally, 73 formal complaints about pharmacists or pharmacies were received, marking a 36 per cent increase on the previous year.

The annual report also highlighted a continued year-on-year increase in the number of pharmacists registering with the society, which stood at 7,483 at the end of the year.

A total of 524 pharmacists registered with the regulator for the first time last year, marking the highest single-year increase in registrations. Of those newly registered pharmacists, just over a third received their qualification from Irish universities, with a fifth graduating in the UK.

Additionally, there was a 165 per cent increase in pharmacists registering from EU countries compared with 2022. The total number of pharmacies registered was 1,985, an increase of four from 2022.

Speaking about the annual report, Joanne Kissane, the society’s registrar and chief officer, said the public is “entitled to a high standard of care” and the regulator “continued to uphold these standards”.

Shauna Bowers

Shauna Bowers

Shauna Bowers is Health Correspondent of The Irish Times