Accused claims he was beaten by police

A man detained by Mexican police last Friday in connection with last week's murder of an Irish holidaymaker, Mr Eoghan Cranley…

A man detained by Mexican police last Friday in connection with last week's murder of an Irish holidaymaker, Mr Eoghan Cranley (24), has claimed he was beaten by police for 10 hours.

The Public Prosecutor's office says Mr Carlos Neftali Dominguez Salinas (17), who must be charged within 72 hours of his arrest, shot Mr Cranley with a heavy-calibre pistol during an attempted robbery on a beach in Acapulco last Tuesday.

The police claim Mr Salinas made a voluntary confession, but there were ugly marks on his body when I visited him yesterday in Acapulco's local prison.

Mr Salinas showed me bruises on his arms and back and sharp cuts on his legs, while he claimed his feet were burned and he was beaten around the head and ribs. He was still unable to use his hand and walked with difficulty.


Mr Salinas acknowledged he has had problems in the past involving cocaine addiction. At the age of 15 he was mixed up in a kidnap attempt and served five months in a borstal home. His father is dead, his mother lives in another part of the country, while his older sister is serving time for her involvement in a kidnap case two years ago.

Human Rights Watch, a US-based human rights monitor, described torture in Mexico as "a routine method of police interrogation".