Father (26) shot dead on his birthday, inquest hears

David Patrick Lynch found in waste ground opposite Clare Hall Shopping Centre in 2009

Pamela Williams, told Dublin Coroner’s Court she heard four loud bangs. “I heard one bang initially and then three in quick succession. I thought it was nothing, just fireworks. ” File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

A father-of-three killed on his 26th birthday died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head.

David Patrick Lynch from Railway Road, Clongriffin, Dublin 13, was found in waste ground opposite Clare Hall Shopping Centre in north Dublin on March 30th, 2009.

He was aware of previous threats to his life but was not in fear of his life at the time of his death, an inquest heard.

"He didn't actually say that but I knew he was [in fear of his life]. At that particular time he wasn't worried but beforehand he was," his older brother Gerard Lynch told Dublin Coroner's Court.


Christine Smith, Mr Lynch's partner said she was aware of a threat to his life.

"I always knew there would have been that threat there," she told Coroner Brian Farrell.

David Lynch spent March 29th, 2009, – his 26th birthday – at his mother's house, where he lived. His mother, Collette Lynch said he was in great form all day.

"We were talking about kids and grandkids," she said. He made a few calls and arranged to meet his friend, Robbie Lawlor in Clare Hall that night.

“He left around 10pm to meet Robbie,” Ms Lynch said.

Four loud bangs

Pamela Williams, who lives opposite the waste ground area was reading her book in bed when she heard four loud bangs.

“I heard one bang initially and then three in quick succession. I thought it was nothing, just fireworks,” she said.

Daniella Paduraru was walking her dog the following day when she discovered the body lying face down in waste ground across the road from Newtown Court apartments near Belcamp.

“My dog smelled the body, he pulled me over,” she said. When she realised it was a body she ran to the complex manager.

Det Insp Kenneth Keeling said a number of arrests were made and a file was submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions but no charges were brought in relation to Mr Lynch's violent death. The gun used to shoot Mr Lynch, a 9mm calibre semi-automatic pistol, was never found and the investigation remains open.

Mr Lynch sustained four gunshots wounds to the head, one entered the top of his head and the rest entered the back of his head. He suffered catastrophic brain injury and died instantly.

“We don’t know if there was a gunman or gunmen but what we do know is that he died instantaneously,” Dr Farrell said.

The coroner appealed to anyone with information to come forward and assist gardaí in their ongoing inquiries.