Carrolls meat factory manager claims unfair suspension

Alvara Carvahlo made protected disclosure to Food Safety Authority of Ireland

Carrolls said there was no basis for the injunctions sought at the High Court and denied any breaches of food safety standards.
Carrolls said there was no basis for the injunctions sought at the High Court and denied any breaches of food safety standards.

A meat factory production manager has brought High Court proceedings claiming he was unfairly suspended by his employer for a period.

Following his suspension, Alvara Carvahlo made a protected disclosure about alleged food safety breaches to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, the court heard.

Mr Carvahlo works for Carrolls Cuisine Unlimited Company, based in Tullamore, Co Offaly, which processes and packages meat products and employs 230 people. It strenuously denies any breaches of food safety regulations and says it takes its obligations in that regard "very seriously".

It has been in contact with the FSAI and the Department of Agriculture and said food safety standards at the plant are regularly audited and checked by bodies including the department and by its customers.


In his High Court proceedings, Mr Carvahlo, Harbour Drive, Tullamore, wants various orders, including an injunction restraining his employer continuing with any disciplinary process against him into alleged misconduct and restraining the company demoting or victimising him and requiring it deal with grievances he has raised.

The injunction application, sought pending the full hearing of the case, was heard by Ms Justice Eileen Creedon who has reserved judgment.

Mr Carvahlo has worked in the industry for 20 years and began work with Carrolls Cuisine in 2013. He was suspended last October allegedly for having a lack of respect and empathy for fellow employees.

In a sworn statement, the company’s managing director Kieran Carolan said there was no basis for the injunctions and denied any breaches of food safety standards.