Three girls to face trial for robbery of Brazilian woman

Student set upon and ‘punched and kicked’ after she refused to give cigarette to gang

Judge John O’Connor ordered that three girls will face trial for robbery at the Dublin Children’s Court next month. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

Three teenage girls have pleaded not guilty to robbery of a female Brazilian student who was allegedly beaten and mugged in Dublin city centre after she refused to hand over a cigarette.

The alleged girl-gang robbery is said to have occurred at Dame Lane on November 29th last year.

The girls, all aged 16, are to contest the case and Judge John O’Connor ordered that they will face trial at the Dublin Children’s Court next month.

In an outline of the allegations, Garda Brian Cleary has told the city's juvenile court it was alleged that at 9.14pm on that date, the woman was approached and asked for a cigarette. After she refused she was "set on" and they "punched, kicked, struck her".


She was knocked to the ground and kicked again before her phone was taken from her pocket, Garda Cleary also told Judge John O’Connor.

Legal aid has been granted in the case and the judge has ordered disclosure of prosecution evidence to defence lawyers. Each girl faces a single count of robbery and each will remain on bail pending their trial.