Swimmer rescued by RNLI volunteers near Seapoint on Thursday evening

Swimmer got into trouble in water near Blackrock at 6pm

The swimmer was found by the RNLI to be in a ‘hypothermic state and slipping in and out of consciousness’. Photograph: RNLI

A swimmer was rescued along the south Dublin coastline on Thursday evening after getting into difficulty near Blackrock.

A lifeboat was launched at 6pm on Thursday by an RNLI volunteer doing routine equipment checks at the nearby lifeboat station after the member of public was spotted struggling in the water.

The swimmer was pulled from the water by volunteers five minutes later and found to be in a “hypothermic state and slipping in and out of consciousness”, said the RNLI.

The lifeboat brought the swimmer to Seapoint Beach in Monkstown while the national ambulance service and Irish Coast Guard's Rescue 116 helicopter were called to the scene to provide further medical assistance.


By the time the person was handed over to the ambulance service, the swimmer’s condition had started to improve, said the RNLI.

RNLI volunteer Nathan Burke, who led the rescue, said timing had been “crucial” and that he was “very glad” he was at the station when the alarm was raised.

“The other two crew members arrived very quickly which ultimately resulted in a successful outcome,” said Mr Burke.

"This evening showed that it is very important for swimmers not to overestimate their ability and underestimate the unseen currents and cold water that make swimming in the sea in Ireland more challenging."

Weather conditions in Blackrock and Monkstown on Thursday afternoon were “sunny and clear with a warm breeze and a choppy sea swell”, said the RNLI.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter specialising in immigration issues and cohost of the In the News podcast