‘Spiderman’ art thief sentenced over €104m Paris heist

Picasso and Matisse works among the paintings stolen in dramatic 2010 theft

Vjeran Tomic faces the media at  his trial in Paris, France. Photograph: Thibault Camus/AP Photo
Vjeran Tomic faces the media at his trial in Paris, France. Photograph: Thibault Camus/AP Photo

An agile thief nicknamed “Spiderman”, an antiques dealer and an art expert have been sentenced to prison and ordered to pay the city of Paris, France, for stealing five masterpieces worth €104 million from the Modern Art Museum.

The paintings - by Picasso, Matisse, Modigliani, Braque and Fernand Léger - have not been seen since the dramatic 2010 heist.

The Paris court convicted “Spiderman” Vjeran Tomic of stealing the paintings and sentenced him to eight years in prison.

Jean-Michel Corvez, the antiques dealer who orchestrated the theft, was sentenced to seven years.


Yonathan Birn, an art expert who stored the paintings and told the court he destroyed them out of fear of getting caught, screamed at the judge who sentenced him to six years in prison.