Iraqi forces battling Isis ‘close to reaching’ Mosul airport

US commander believes Mosul and Raqqa in Syria will be recaptured in next six months

Smoke rises  during a battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State militants south of Mosul, Iraq. Photograph: Alaa Al-Marjani/Reuters
Smoke rises during a battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State militants south of Mosul, Iraq. Photograph: Alaa Al-Marjani/Reuters

US-backed Iraqi forces battling Islamic State fighters have fought their way close to Mosul's airport on the second day of a ground offensive on the jihadists' remaining stronghold in the western side of the city, military statements said on Monday.

Federal police and elite interior ministry units known as Rapid Response are leading the charge toward the airport on the southern outskirts of Mosul and plan to turn it into a close support base for the push into western Mosul, commanders have said.

They dislodged Islamic State fighters from the hilltop village of Albu Saif which overlooks the airport, reaching its “vicinity”, an Iraqi military statement said.

The militants are essentially under siege in western Mosul, along with an estimated 750,000 civilians, after they were forced out of the eastern part of the city in the first phase of the campaign that ended last month, after 100 days of fighting.


“They are striking and engaging our forces and pulling back towards Mosul,” Major Mortada Ali Abd of the Rapid Response units told a Reuters correspondent south of Mosul. “God willing Albu Saif will be fully liberated today.”

Elite Counter-Terrorism Service units headed to frontlines around the western side of Mosul, a city divided in two by the Tigris River. Helicopters were seen strafing the Albu Saif hill during the day to clear it of snipers, while machine-gun fire and rocket propelled grenades could be heard.

The advancing forces also disabled a car bomb, used by militants to obstruct attacking forces. The Iraqi forces have been advancing so far in sparsely populated areas and there were no families seen escaping. The fighting will get tougher as they get nearer to the city itself and the risk greater for civilians.

Food shortages

Up to 400,000 civilians could be displaced by the offensive as residents of western Mosul suffer food and fuel shortages and markets are closed, United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Iraq Lise Grande said on Saturday.

Commanders expect the battle to be more difficult than in the east of the city, which Iraqi forces took control of last month after three months of fighting. Tanks and armoured vehicles cannot pass through its narrow alleyways. The militants have developed a network of passageways and tunnels to enable them to hide and fight among civilians, disappear after hit-and-run operations and track government troop movements, according to residents.

Western Mosul contains the old city centre, with its ancient souks, government administrative buildings, and the mosque from which Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared his self-styled caliphate over parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014. The city is the largest urban centre captured by Islamic State in both countries.

The US commander in Iraq, army Lieut Gen Stephen Townsend, told a news conference in Baghdad on Monday he had been putting US military advisers closer to front lines in Mosul. "We adjusted our posture during the east Mosul fight and we embedded advisers a bit further down into the formation," he said, speaking during an unannounced visit of defence secretary Jim Mattis to Baghdad.

Major strongholds

Lieut Gen Townsend has said he believes US-backed forces will recapture both of Islamic State’s major strongholds – Mosul and the city of Raqqa in Syria – within the next six months. Islamic State was thought to have up to 6,000 fighters in Mosul when the government’s offensive started in mid-October. Of those, more than 1,000 have been killed, according to Iraqi estimates.

The remainder now face a 100,000-strong force made up of Iraqi armed forces, including elite paratroopers and police, Kurdish forces and Iranian-trained Shia paramilitary groups. The westward road that links the city to Syria was cut in November by the Shia paramilitary known as Popular Mobilisation forces.

The militants are in charge of the road that links Mosul to Tal Afar, a town they control 60 km to the west.

Coalition aircraft and artillery have continued to bombard targets in the west during the break that followed the taking of eastern Mosul. The United States, which has deployed more than 5,000 troops in the fighting, leads an international coalition providing air and ground support to the Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

Gen Mattis told reporters before arriving in Baghdad the US military was not in Iraq to seize the country's oil, distancing himself from remarks by President Donald Trump.

– (Reuters)