Sir, – Of the multitude of letters you have published on the RTÉ fiasco, John Mark Downey’s (Letters, July 5th) is one of which our politicians need to take particular heed.
Many of the grandstanding statements from politicians, both inside and outside of Oireachtas committees, have a thinly veiled sense of vengeance about them and do not sit well with me, an ordinary citizen, in terms of due process and natural justice.
Mr Downey’s letter is very timely as Oireachtas members “wind up” to outdo each other, once again this week, with questions and expressions bristling with exasperation, censure and narcissism. – Yours, etc,
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Sir, – I totally agree with your correspondent John Downey in regard to the boorish behaviour and unco-ordinated questioning of the PAC committee on RTÉ's handling of payments to Ryan Tubridy.
Staff or board members are not going to present to the committee if they are about to receive a public hanging. No lessons have been learnt since the Angela Kerins saga.
The truth can be obtained only by outside forensic officers carrying out a detailed analysis of the relevant matters and presenting a report that identifies the parties involved.
It is difficult to see what additional value is gained from PAC questioning RTÉ employees.
It is clear that the pertaining culture in any organisation is the major influence in decision- making and it is a matter of following the leader.
Few employees have the moral fibre to disagree with bad decisions and are unlikely to shop their colleagues in front of the committee which makes the whole exercise pointless. – Yours, etc,
Westminster Road,
Dublin 18.
Sir, – John Mark Downey is not wrong in his analysis of the PAC members’ behaviour. It was like an episode of D’Unbelievables.
The PAC’s treatment of Angela Kerins backfired spectacularly, yet the politicians who cost the taxpayers a fortune with their grandstanding suffered no consequences. – Yours, etc,
Co Dublin.
Sir, – Should it not be renamed the Pack! – Yours, etc,
Dublin 6.
A chara, – What about Public Accounts Committee, The Musical? – Is mise,
Co Monaghan.