Public sector pay deal

A chara, – It is with amusement I read that the public sector unions have “agreed to implement extensive reforms in work practices…

A chara, – It is with amusement I read that the public sector unions have “agreed to implement extensive reforms in work practices and conditions of employment throughout the entire public service” (Breaking News, March 30th). Surely it is the responsibility of the Government, as the employer, to implement these changes and not the responsibility of the unions? The unions should be merely agreeing to facilitate the implementation of these measures. Is this another example of the incomprehensible power wielded by these unions? – Is mise,


Palmerston Park, Dublin 6

Madam, – I am in a state of disbelief that our Government can promise the entire public sector workers that they will face no further pay cuts until 2014.

We have an overburdened private sector paying the bill.

Most private sector workers are down 10 per cent to 20 per cent in their salaries and a huge amount in the private sector have already lost their jobs.


I myself am down 24 per cent in my take-home pay.

All public sector employees in full-time employment have the luxury of a guaranteed job in addition to a hugely lucrative pension fund which very few private sector employees can afford.

The “partnership” that was created to ensure public sector workers were aligned to private sector during the boom years has proven to be anything but partnership.

When the bad times came, we did not see willingness in the public sector to adhere to the “partnership” principles. They will take pay rises in excess of inflation during the boom, but during deflationary periods they want the same as previously paid? If anybody in the private sector were to behave in the way the Passport Office employees are, they would not be in employment for very long.

Surely for any industry to be efficient competition for places is a healthy thing. Why are we allowing people to under-perform, under- deliver and yet maintain the luxury of a guaranteed job? All public sector employees should be measured on performance-related objectives. The taxpayer should not pay for those who are consistently underperforming.

We need a Government to run the country as a business, and get value for the taxpayer’s money.


Riverwood Glebe,

Castleknock, Dublin 15

Madam, – It seems we have yet another right royal fudge on our hands: public sector transformation and pay-cut clawbacks will be adjudicated on by an “implementation body” in 12 months’ time and there will be a guarantee of no further pay cuts until at least 2014.

Tough love indeed. And of course, the unions haven’t had their say yet. The caveat regarding further deterioration in the economy is simply window dressing. It should be a case of back to the drawing board, but of course, the die has been cast. The smiling faces of union leaders and Government officials say it all. – Yours, etc,


The Demesne,

Killester, Dublin 5.

Madam, – This awful spineless Government has now ensured that there is no chance of any recovery for our economy or society. I welcome a transforming IMF as soon as possible! – Yours, etc,




Co Leitrim.