Search for peace

Sir, – It is time we moved away from excessive emotionalism and righteousness in relation to the invasion of Ukraine.

This is a political problem, not a contest between good and evil.

It requires respect for all parties and a solution which addresses their needs and desires. It will also necessitate an understanding and appreciation of the political context in which that solution must be implemented.

Ireland, as a neutral country and one that has recently been involved in its own conflict resolution, should be at the forefront of efforts to persuade all sides to stay at the negotiating table.


We should desist, as we seem to be doing now, from cheerleading from the sidelines the efforts to further militarise the conflict and to demonise and humiliate Russia.

This can only lead to an escalation rather than a resolution of the conflict and further suffering for all parties. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Surely with Nato deploying extra troops in eastern Europe and talks of possible chemical strikes, the time has come for Ireland to become a centre for meaningful peace talks.

Ireland, not being a member of a military alliance, is ideally placed as a venue for such talks. Being neutral does not mean being silent. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.