Cutbacks limit prison workshop programmesWorkshops at Mountjoy Prison are often unable to operate because of staff and funding cutbacks, Mountjoy governor John Lonergan…Fri May 20 2005 - 01:00
Labour laws key to immigration policy, report saysNew labour immigration policies will fail unless employment laws are strictly enforced, a new report published by Trinity College…Fri May 20 2005 - 01:00
Connolly hospital to extend immigrant projectRecommendations to make hospitals more open and welcoming to immigrants and ethnic minorities are to be drawn up, following the…Fri May 20 2005 - 01:00
Conference told abuse of elderly on a par with child abuseThe abuse of older people was on a par with child abuse but society does not always see it that way, a conference on older people…Thu May 19 2005 - 01:00
Brennan to meet banks on loans for lone parentsThe banks have been ordered to meet the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Séamus Brennan, following publication of a report…Tue May 17 2005 - 01:00
Group calls for breast screening for all women over 65Breast cancer screening must be made available to all women over 65 as a matter of urgency, the National Council for Ageing and…Tue May 17 2005 - 01:00
Calls for defibrillators to be available where people gatherCalls for the widespread availability of defibrillators wherever people gather have been made in the majority of submissions …Mon May 16 2005 - 01:00
Ageist attitudes to be challengedDiscrimination against older people in the provision of goods and services, in job advertisements, promotions and working conditions…Mon May 16 2005 - 01:00
Consumer agency to have closure powersA new national consumer agency to be launched on Wednesday will have the power to issue on-the-spot fines to businesses that …Mon May 16 2005 - 01:00
Mary Holland memorial lectureThe Irish Hospice Foundation has announced details of the first commemorative lecture for Irish Times journalist Mary Holland…Fri May 13 2005 - 01:00
Plight of dying patients criticisedThousands of patients are dying without privacy or dignity in hospitals every year because many hospitals have inadequate facilities…Fri May 13 2005 - 01:00
Sudanese thwart Dublin ceremonyAn award for a Sudanese human rights activist will be accepted by his wife and daughter in Dublin this morning, after he was …Fri May 13 2005 - 01:00
Clondalkin team win final of homeless leaguePlaying away from home is nothing new for the 17 teams that took part in the All-Ireland Homeless Street Soccer league finals…Thu May 12 2005 - 01:00
Tourism business here expected to riseMost tourism businesses expected this summer's trade to be up on last year with hotels being particularly bullish about the season…Tue May 10 2005 - 01:00
TG4 criticised over missing person posterTG4 has offered to help publicise the issue of missing persons, following criticism of an advertising campaign by the relatives…Tue May 10 2005 - 01:00
U2 ticket on sale on the internet for €553The surprise release of tickets on Saturday morning for U2's third and final Dublin concert in June has led to a flurry of activity…Tue May 10 2005 - 01:00
'It's there 24 hours a day'Jean Scott lives in a cul-de-sac in a quiet Dublin suburbTue May 10 2005 - 01:00
Gildernew's vote grows in constituency of Bobby SandsOmagh counts: Sinn Féin swept to victory in the two Westminster constituencies counted in Omagh yesterdaySat May 07 2005 - 01:00
Clinton invited to open aerodromeProperty developer Jim Mansfield is hoping that former US president Bill Clinton will open the refurbished Weston Aerodrome when…Thu May 05 2005 - 01:00
Bishop warns against 1916 being hijackedThe 1916 Rising was being hijacked by different organisations for their own purposes, the Bishop of Down and Connor Dr Donal …Thu May 05 2005 - 01:00
Wexford father urges greater support for familiesThe husband of Sharon Grace, who was found drowned with their two daughters in Wexford last month, said yesterday he was determined…Mon May 02 2005 - 01:00
Three killed on roads in Meath and TipperaryThree people have been killed since Friday in road accidents in Meath and Tipperary.Mon May 02 2005 - 01:00
No means test for increased carers' grantAn annual grant for full-time carers of older or disabled people will be increased from €835 to €1,000 from June 1st and it will…Mon May 02 2005 - 01:00
New pedestrian bridge over Liffey open to public next monthDublin got its third new pedestrian bridge over the Liffey at the weekend with the lowering into place of the new Seán O'Casey…Mon May 02 2005 - 01:00
Pregnant women told of alcohol dangersAn international expert has warned that there is no safe limit for alcohol intake for pregnant womenSat Apr 30 2005 - 01:00
O'Rahilly memorial unveiled in DublinThe life and death of the only 1916 Easter Rising leader to die in action was recalled yesterday when a memorial to The O'Rahilly…Sat Apr 30 2005 - 01:00
Charities call for school meals for poorThree charities have called on the Government to support plans to make healthy food accessible to all families.Fri Apr 29 2005 - 01:00
Only leader to die in action remembered in Dublin ceremonyA memorial will be unveiled in Dublin today to commemorate The O'Rahilly, the first of the 1916 Easter Rising leaders to be killed…Fri Apr 29 2005 - 01:00
Support group aims to promote positive mental health in youngEight Galway people concerned about depression and suicide in young people are starting a new support group.Thu Apr 28 2005 - 01:00
Twins die in hospital after less than 48 hoursThe conjoined twins who were born in the National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street, Dublin, on Monday died late on Tuesday night…Thu Apr 28 2005 - 01:00
Extra staff alleviate Dublin airport delaysThe delays experienced in the last week at Dublin airport due to increased security checks were alleviated yesterday with the…Tue Apr 26 2005 - 01:00
Study proposes greater role for student councilsSome teachers and boards of management do not even know that student councils exist in their schools, new research has found.Tue Apr 26 2005 - 01:00
Fourth Killarney festival to include comedy trailPaddy Casey, Snow Patrol, Status Quo and Meatloaf will be among the performers at this year's Killarney SummerFest, which runs…Tue Apr 26 2005 - 01:00
Study links excess drink with casual sexSome 98 per cent of college students who have casual sex while abroad do so under the influence of alcohol, new research has …Sat Apr 23 2005 - 01:00
Ahern to be asked to save 1916 buildingA campaign to save 16 Moore Street - the last headquarters of the leaders of the 1916 Rising - will be stepped up this weekend…Sat Apr 23 2005 - 01:00
Nigerians fail to find alternative housingFive Nigerian women and their seven children returned to their hostel in Foynes, Co Limerick, yesterday evening, after failing…Sat Apr 23 2005 - 01:00
Labour backs anti-social behaviour ordersThe Labour Party has backed the introduction of anti-social behaviour orders, but only as a last resort, party leader Pat Rabbitte…Sat Apr 23 2005 - 01:00
Mandatory testing for HIV of all pregnant women urgedA call for the mandatory testing of all pregnant women for HIV will be made at a HIV/sexual health conference in Dublin today…Fri Apr 22 2005 - 01:00
Hundreds protest at A&E conditionsHundreds of nurses and their colleagues protested with members of the public outside four hospitals yesterday as the Irish Nurses…Fri Apr 22 2005 - 01:00
Mental health rethink signalledIt is time for a "dramatic rethink" on mental health with more emphasis on mental well-being rather than mental illness, the …Thu Apr 21 2005 - 01:00
Warning on greater use of speed camerasData Protection Commissioner's report: The use of speed cameras to detect motor insurance and tax offences would require a change…Wed Apr 20 2005 - 01:00
Fluoride levels in water supply to be cut over fluorosis fearNew legislation: New legislation to reduce the level of fluoride added to the public water supply may be introduced by the Department…Tue Apr 19 2005 - 01:00
Inquiry after Irish man dies in ThailandThe death of a young Irish man in Thailand is not thought to be suspicious, sources said last night.Mon Apr 18 2005 - 01:00
Asylum seekers on hunger and thirst strike collapseTwo Nigerians on hunger and thirst strike collapsed at the weekend and were taken to hospital by ambulance.Mon Apr 18 2005 - 01:00
More Nigerians on hunger strike amid confusion over signing inAbout 250 Nigerian fathers of Irish-born citizens are claiming to be on hunger strike, following orders that they report to gardaí…Sat Apr 16 2005 - 01:00
Foreign nationals go on hunger strikeA group of about 70 Nigerian fathers of Irish-born citizens have gone on hunger strike in Dublin, following fears that they are…Fri Apr 15 2005 - 01:00
Child's progress hinges on bond with mother - studyA mother's bond with her child is far more crucial to a child's development than whether both parents work outside the home, …Fri Apr 15 2005 - 01:00
Victim's family says it will never forgive murdererWhen Mary Gough (27) was planning her wedding to Colin Whelan in the summer of 2000, he was surfing the internet looking for …Wed Apr 13 2005 - 01:00
High landfill costs blamed on delay in building incineratorDublin businesses are facing landfill charges more than three times the EU average because of delays in developing an incinerator…Tue Apr 12 2005 - 01:00
Woman married six months when body was foundMary Gough (27) had been married to Colin Whelan for just six months when her body was found at the bottom of the stairs in their…Tue Apr 12 2005 - 01:00