Five Minutes in Heaven, by Lisa Alther (Penguin, £8.99 in UK)Where Jude comes from a small town in Virginia - they call it "graveyard love": a love that lasts until both lovers are dead …Sat Feb 17 1996 - 00:00
FINE TUNINGIN a freezing attic room in a none too salubrious street in Dublin's city centre, a group of singers sit shivering on rickety…Thu Feb 15 1996 - 00:00
LA BOHEME - 100 years of PassionFORGET the flowers, the chocs and the heart shaped balloonsSat Feb 10 1996 - 00:00
User, by Bruce Benderson (Penguin, £6.99 in UK)Weird, strung out, superbly written, Bruce Benderson's study of New York street culture ventures to the darkest corners of its…Sat Feb 10 1996 - 00:00
The Macmillan Dictionary of Religious Quotations, compiled and edited by Margaret Pepper (Macmillan, £7.99 in UK)Dictionary of Christian Quotations might have been a more appropriate title for this sprightly little volume the Bible makes …Sat Feb 10 1996 - 00:00
Dangerous Minds, by Lou Anne Johnson (St Martin's, £4.99 in UK)"Soon to be a major motion picture starring Michelle Pfeiffer," declares the cover inside, however, things are not a bad as might…Sat Feb 10 1996 - 00:00
What the diva did in the warBIOGRAPHIES of acclaimed opera singers generally begin with a bit of harmless scene setting a poverty stricken childhoods perhaps…Tue Feb 06 1996 - 00:00
Justice City, by D.C. Compton (Gollancz, £5.99 in UK)Part futuristic fantasy, part murder mystery, Justice Cite is set in the spotlessly clean punishment block of the future where…Sat Feb 03 1996 - 00:00
Thesiger, by Michael Asher (Penguin, £9.99 in UK)There are a number of things even his greatest admirers must wonder about Wilfred ThesigerSat Feb 03 1996 - 00:00
Grey Area, by Will Self (Penguin, £6.99 in UK)Will Self takes the jumble of apparently random experiences that constitutes everyday life in the city - close encounters with…Sat Jan 20 1996 - 00:00
La Divina, by Anne Edwards (Pan, £5.99 in UK)Opera buffs won't need any translation of the title, and this novelisation of the life of Maria Callas opens with a formidable…Sat Jan 13 1996 - 00:00
A thoroughly marvellous Moor. The Moor's Last Sigh, by Salman Rushdie (Random House, 4 tapes, 6 hrs, £12.99 in UK)Sat Jan 13 1996 - 00:00
Prima Donna: a history, by Rupert Christiansen (Pimlico, £12.50)This is a marvellous book: witty, erudite, compassionate, an immaculately paced blend of technical detail and wacky anecdote, …Sat Jan 06 1996 - 00:00
The Mental Fitness Guide, by Gillian Butler and Tony Hope (OUP, £7.99 in UK)Hup, two, three, four, and no slouching at the backSat Jan 06 1996 - 00:00
Ladies of the Kasbah, by Dave Mull ins (Warner Books, £5.99 in UK)Dave Mullins's peep behind the curtains of Dublin's notorious brothel, closed down in 1991, is torn between hilarity at the business…Sat Jan 06 1996 - 00:00
A tenor and a gentleman"If you put an Irishman on a spit," said George Bernard Shaw, "you will always find an Irishman to baste him".Sat Jan 06 1996 - 00:00