‘Brexit’ uncertainty undermining political stability, conference hearsSpeakers voice concern over Brexit at annual British-Irish chamber of commerce conferenceFri Feb 27 2015 - 22:48
Lottery restores service after ticket terminals crash againFranchise confirms a portion of its retail network was knocked out for two hoursFri Feb 27 2015 - 17:08
Room rental website Airbnb to create 200 new jobs in DublinCompany has its European headquarters in RingsendFri Feb 27 2015 - 14:52
Eircom sees revenue fall by 4% as fixed-line business contractsTelecoms company sees fixed line access decline by 22,000 in second half of 2014Fri Feb 27 2015 - 08:43
'If the money isn’t used the way we expect it to be used, we’ll take it back'Backed by Euro bucks, the SBCI is Ireland’s big bid to get banks lending to businesses. It’s boss says they’ll be watching closelyFri Feb 27 2015 - 01:55
Food and beverage stocks drive European markets higherDublin’s Iseq index underperforms European bourses but remains positiveFri Feb 27 2015 - 01:00
Financial staff enjoy biggest bounce in income last yearCSO figures show average weekly earnings, rose in most sectors of the economy last yearThu Feb 26 2015 - 14:36
Quality of public transport ranks as top priority, survey finds‘Vital Signs’ report suggests people are most unhappy with housingThu Feb 26 2015 - 01:00
Self-employed and those on middle and lower incomes bear brunt of recessionResearch paper partly upholds squeezed middle theoryWed Feb 25 2015 - 22:46
Kingspan to cut back on acquisitionsGroup to spend about €60m this year on capital projects, less than half of last yearTue Feb 24 2015 - 01:05
Apple to invest €850m in new Galway data centreAthenry facility, to be operational in 2017, will help run its online services like iTunes and mapsMon Feb 23 2015 - 08:52
Kingspan reports 16% jump in earnings on back of UK salesBuilding materials group says Irish market is gradually rebuilding itself after crashMon Feb 23 2015 - 08:14
Honohan wrote to Noonan to complain about mortgage insurance planLetter followed announcement of initiative to aid first-time buyers with their depositsSat Feb 21 2015 - 10:55
Irish firms with international links are more likely to innovateESRI-backed research finds correlation between internationalisation and productivityFri Feb 20 2015 - 13:57
New banking initiative to cut up to 2% off loans to SMEsState-backed bank will channel €400m into sector via AIB and BoIFri Feb 20 2015 - 08:11
Stocks tread water on Greek uncertaintyInvestors remain wary after Germany rejects Greek proposal to extend its bailoutThu Feb 19 2015 - 22:27
Irish consumer prices now falling at fastest rate in four yearsInflation sinks to -0.6% on falling oil prices, raising fresh fears of prolonged deflationThu Feb 19 2015 - 12:33
Nama to pay junior bondholders dividend of €84m next monthState agency says payment reflects improved outlook for repaying its senior debtWed Feb 18 2015 - 16:37
Working days lost to industrial disputes trebles in 2014CSO figures show disputes in education sector accounted for over half of days lostWed Feb 18 2015 - 12:08
Firms in food service sector buoyed by new optimismSurvey by Pallas Foods published to coincide with 3-day food service industry eventTue Feb 17 2015 - 14:48
Consultation on taxing unused development land launchedDepartment of Finance seeks submission on impact of using tax to address housing shortageTue Feb 17 2015 - 14:45
Petroceltic gets backing of advisory groups ahead of EGMExplorer is trying to fend off moves to oust its chief executive Brian O’CathainTue Feb 17 2015 - 11:29
Chemicals account for 58% of value of Irish exports in 2014Latest CSO figures underscore role of big pharma in Irish economyFri Feb 13 2015 - 14:59
Numbers game: looking inside the great Lotto machine meltdownSystems crash has led people to ask if it was right to privatise the National Lottery franchiseFri Feb 13 2015 - 01:35
Number of mortgages in arrears continues to declineLatest data show split mortgages are second most popular restructuring optionThu Feb 12 2015 - 13:08
British EU exit could damage Irish economy severely, says economistColm McCarthy describes prospect of Britain leaving the EU as ‘remote but not entirely unlikely’Wed Feb 11 2015 - 01:00
Supermac’s name row escalates as McDonald’s lodges protestUS chain is attempting to block Supermac’s from registering its company name in EuropeTue Feb 10 2015 - 14:58
UCD spin-out company wins European Space Agency contractParameter Space will develop software to assess data returning from ESA’s Gaia satelliteTue Feb 10 2015 - 10:16
ABP Foods becomes first European firm to secure US beef dealLouth-based processor has agreed to supply US giant Sysco in deal worth up to €15m a yearMon Feb 09 2015 - 17:57
Worldview ups war of words with Petroceltic as EGM approachesSwiss investment group calls on shareholders to oust chief executive Brian O’CathainMon Feb 09 2015 - 13:07
Lottery meltdown raises questions about private operator’s cheaper technologyCompany faces serious reputational damage if it does not fix situation quicklyMon Feb 09 2015 - 10:48
Regulator seeks report on lotto delay as €10m win unclaimedNewly installed lottery regulator requests report on issues which forced postponementMon Feb 09 2015 - 10:45
Lakeland Dairies begins €36m expansion of milk powder plantInvestment, which creates 81 jobs, comes ahead of abolition of milk quotasMon Feb 09 2015 - 08:08
Coveney trade mission marks lifting of US embargo on beefMinister plans to build on Ireland’s ‘first-mover’ advantage in marketMon Feb 09 2015 - 08:01
Risk to homeowners whose loans were sold to unregulated firms highlightedCentral Bank publishes first Consumer Protection Outlook reportFri Feb 06 2015 - 12:58
Monaghan-based forklift maker to create 200 new jobsCombilif to unveil plans for new €40 million plant to be built near the Monaghan bypassFri Feb 06 2015 - 11:31
Lottery’s new private operator criticised over systems failureProblems that forced the Lotto to be moved to Thursday have proven lucky for one ticket holderFri Feb 06 2015 - 09:40
Lottery defers €10m jackpot draw after technical problemsMidweek draw will be held tonight because of outage which downed terminalsThu Feb 05 2015 - 09:10
Saddled with debt: Ireland’s lost generationCSO survey graphically illustrates the plight of Ireland’s squeezed middleTue Feb 03 2015 - 10:42
Milking the opportunity: €35m for two dairy innovation centresInvestment by Government and industry to position Ireland as a world leader in dairy innovationMon Feb 02 2015 - 07:52
BT Ireland’s revenue hit by £6m currency swingCompany which employs 2,000 staff here, says its underlying revenue was flat for quarterFri Jan 30 2015 - 15:33
Kenmare gets extension on deadline to restructure debtExploration company has been hit by the fall in commodity pricesFri Jan 30 2015 - 08:50
Irish mortgage debt ratio highest in euro area, says CSOCSO study provides key snapshot on financial status of Irish householdsFri Jan 30 2015 - 07:27
IMF queries strength of Irish economic growthWashington-based fund suggest GDP is being distorted by off-shore manufacturingFri Jan 30 2015 - 06:00
Weak corporate earnings drag European shares lowerAer Lingus had another weak session falling nearly 6 per cent to €2.32Fri Jan 30 2015 - 01:18
Property price inflation to moderate significantly - reportSociety of Chartered Surveyors Ireland says Central Bank’s lending proposals too restrictiveWed Jan 28 2015 - 16:08
Government and banks lobbied hard against 80% lending capDocuments reveal Central Bank pressed ahead with lending curbs despite oppositionWed Jan 28 2015 - 13:58
Controversy over hiring practices self-inflicted, says Greencore bossPatrick Coveney tells AGM company lost media war after sourcing workers in HungaryWed Jan 28 2015 - 01:00
Greencore enjoys 4.4% bump in sales despite tough UK marketConvenience food group records quarterly revenues of £331.9 millionTue Jan 27 2015 - 08:33
Exporters showcase Irish meat at major gastro event in LyonBord Bia and six meat firms exhibit at biennial Sirha gathering in France’s gastro capitalMon Jan 26 2015 - 12:14