Merger of institutes of technology clears first hurdleMinister approves application for technological university for Connacht and UlsterWed Oct 21 2015 - 14:43
DCU to create new institutes in war, water and ‘future journalism’ under €300m planUniversity seeks to double student numbers by 2029Wed Oct 21 2015 - 14:32
Unthinkable: When does a nudge become coercion?The man behind Obama’s ‘nudge unit’ says people need to be protected from their biasesTue Oct 20 2015 - 16:37
Higher Education Authority altered housing recommendationsProposals for student accommodation report withdrawn after departmental objectionsMon Oct 19 2015 - 01:00
Lecturers’ union cries foul over Trinity’s overseas recruitment planForty assistant professors to be employed under five-year ‘tenure-track’ contractsSat Oct 17 2015 - 09:35
Teachers seek contract with development involvedContinuous training should be integral not added ‘chore’, says school principals’ bodyFri Oct 16 2015 - 01:00
ASTI, TUI members reject Lansdowne Road pay dealUncertainty over whether ASTI to be bound by decision of Ictu to accept agreementWed Oct 14 2015 - 21:05
Primary school teaching should include various faiths, study saysAcademics argue nature of religious education not sufficiently debated in IrelandWed Oct 14 2015 - 14:40
Education: Over 2,200 new teaching posts being createdBudget 2016: Pupil-teacher ratio in primary schools being reduced from 28:1 to 27:1Tue Oct 13 2015 - 20:11
Extra teaching posts will rebuild goodwill after years of cutsAnalysis: Guidance counselling allocation to be ringfenced in schools under circularTue Oct 13 2015 - 19:37
Exams body blocks access to Leaving Cert marking schemeCommission says aspects of ordinary-level maths marking must ‘remain confidential’Mon Oct 12 2015 - 01:00
Trinity College library to enter technological ageProposal to declutter Long Room and create ‘Genius Bar’ for aspiring Mark ZuckerbergsSat Oct 10 2015 - 19:38
Are science and religion really in conflict? The Unthinkable debateThe Irish Times Unthinkable debate seeks resolution to the ‘God versus science’ rowFri Oct 09 2015 - 13:15
NCAD board meeting to discuss recruiting new directorProf Declan McGonagle to exit, full audit of college’s 2013 accounts to begin in NovemberThu Oct 08 2015 - 14:04
Allegations of irregular expenses claims at UL to be examinedHEA to appoint external investigator after its chief executive met whistleblowerWed Oct 07 2015 - 18:04
School completion programme under threat due to funding cutsESRI warns of loss of homework clubs, after-school programmes and counsellingWed Oct 07 2015 - 15:58
High rate of Leaving Cert Maths, Biology appeals successfulResults of appeals being sent to schools by courier because of uncertain postal situationWed Oct 07 2015 - 10:10
College awareness week to target areas of low participationInitiative aims to highlight options for school leavers in further and higher educationWed Oct 07 2015 - 09:09
The Government wants to put wifi networks into classroomsNew Leaving Cert subject proposed as €210 million allocated for digital strategyWed Oct 07 2015 - 01:00
Unthinkable: Should morality be treated as an experimental science?Moral truths can’t be spoon-fed to people by priests or sages, says Sarin Marchetti, invoking the wisdom of William JamesTue Oct 06 2015 - 09:30
Cog Notes: Is the ASTI fit for purpose?Kieran Christie takes over a divided union that has dodged hard decisionsTue Oct 06 2015 - 06:00
Bishops approve Hibernia College’s religious training programmeCatholic management body issues advice on running of school board electionsMon Oct 05 2015 - 01:00
HEA chief to meet University of Limerick ‘whistleblower’UL will ‘cooperate fully’ with any inquiry into claims of financial mismanagementSat Oct 03 2015 - 17:56
UCD closes gap on Trinity in latest university rankingsTCD drops to 160th in expanded world ranking - down from 43rd six years agoWed Sept 30 2015 - 21:03
Australian student loan scheme a match for Ireland - economistIrish policy makers told funding model ‘comes out on top’ for equity and impactWed Sept 30 2015 - 12:00
Fees and expenses of €5.7m paid to education boards in four yearsState Examinations Commission settles €12.25m tax liability with the RevenueWed Sept 30 2015 - 01:00
Abuses of €40 million school meals scheme exposedFive schools referred to Garda over payment irregularitiesTue Sept 29 2015 - 19:03
Unthinkable: Should college places be awarded by lottery?Using a lottery is preferable to distributing goods based on ‘bad reasons’, argues political scientist Peter StoneTue Sept 29 2015 - 06:00
Cog Notes: Entrepreneurial mindfulness comes to NUIG – but what is it?Plus: this year’s Fr Frank Maher Classical Music AwardsTue Sept 29 2015 - 01:00
Whistleblower claims learning support hours redeployedInvestigation urged over claims time held for special needs is going to management dutiesMon Sept 28 2015 - 01:00
ASTI appoint Kieran Christie as next general secretaryLong-time activist named to replace Pat King amid debate over recruitment procedureSat Sept 26 2015 - 16:34
ASTI orders teachers to boycott junior cycle trainingUnion narrowly rejects latest reform plan and decides to resume industrial actionSat Sept 26 2015 - 09:58
UL targets international students in effort to improve rankingLimerick college aims for 60% increase in foreign students in attempt to raise profileFri Sept 25 2015 - 17:23
New patronage model proposed for primary schoolsPartnership would give Catholic Church and State joint control over school managementThu Sept 24 2015 - 18:40
Teachers threaten further industrial action after split voteOnly 38 per cent of ASTI members opt to vote, rejecting plan by narrow marginThu Sept 24 2015 - 16:35
Junior Cycle reform: timeline and main pointsPlans to overhaul curriculum have been cause of contention for yearsThu Sept 24 2015 - 12:46
Faction ordered to stop using Asti name in campaignTeachers’ union accuses ‘Fightback’ group undermining elected leadershipWed Sept 23 2015 - 22:56
Minister urged to back growth of community national schoolsEducation and Training Boards planning 22 schools along community model by 2020Wed Sept 23 2015 - 18:27
Industry must ramp up role in ‘funding’ of higher educationBigger input required from employers to plug sector funding gap, conference toldWed Sept 23 2015 - 18:27
Universities seek ‘urgent action’ on student accommodation crisisPre-budget submission recommends tax relief for construction of new student housingTue Sept 22 2015 - 20:13
Unthinkable: Is Stoicism the answer to modern living?Mindfulness with an ethical twist is the Stoic way, explains philosopher Massimo PigliucciTue Sept 22 2015 - 08:21
Cog Notes: ‘Marital bliss’ in LimerickMinister Jan O’Sullivan quietly annuls planned union between teacher trainers MIC and ULTue Sept 22 2015 - 08:00
How Irish college students differ from AmericansStudents here do not participate in class as much as in the US, Irish survey findsTue Sept 22 2015 - 06:00
Trinity in line for parting gift from Chuck FeeneyPhilanthropist discussing investment in Trinity’s Institute of NeuroscienceFri Sept 18 2015 - 01:00
Digital learning plan will demand computer skills from teachersFive-year strategy set to include greater investment in broadband for schoolsThu Sept 17 2015 - 01:00
We must avoid ‘moral panic’ over technology in schools, expert saysDCU professor criticises OECD report that linked computer use with poor performanceWed Sept 16 2015 - 01:00
‘Fairer’ special needs resource allocation for trial in 47 schools‘Reform of allocation system needed and I’m committed to achieving that’ - O’SullivanTue Sept 15 2015 - 12:36
TCD and UCD drop lower in world university rankingsUCC and DIT also fall, but NUIG, DCU, UL and Maynooth University go up a few placesTue Sept 15 2015 - 06:17
Unthinkable: Are there truths that can’t be spoken?Cultivating ‘a sense of wonder that the world exists’ is central to Wittgenstein’s philosophyTue Sept 15 2015 - 06:00
Irish teens among best at using internetOECD ranks Irish 15-year-olds sixth out of 32 states for ‘navigation proficiency’Tue Sept 15 2015 - 01:01