Low oil prices will have knock-on effects of deflation and environmental harmIt takes a while for people to react to shifting oil prices but market law prevailsTue Feb 10 2015 - 02:30
Home-grown business is driving the recovery more strongly than multinationalsForeign direct investment is vital to jobs but the real source of growth is indigenousTue Feb 03 2015 - 12:00
John FitzGerald: electricity bills should reflect falling gas priceIf electricity prices do not fall in coming months, the regulator should protect the interests of the consumerTue Jan 27 2015 - 01:45
Counting the cost of election promisesPolitical parties here still not subject to independent costing of election undertakingsTue Jan 20 2015 - 01:25
‘Vital Statistics’ sheds light on inequalities in life expectancyCSO figures show a strong class gradient in health status and life expectancyTue Jan 13 2015 - 01:20
John FitzGerald: What Europe could do about low inflationMario Draghi would like to see a more stimulatory fiscal policy in EuropeMon Jan 05 2015 - 16:55
Recovering economy may make homing pigeons of emigrantsA major change for emigrants has been the dramatic fall in the cost of staying in touchMon Dec 22 2014 - 18:42
Extensive research contradicts Ukip view of immigrationPopular prejudice rather than facts is driving the UK debate on EU migrationTue Dec 16 2014 - 12:19
The EU’s struggle with climate changePast mistakes have made emissions policy even more importantTue Dec 09 2014 - 01:35
Housing shortages and rising rents result of failure to plan for growing populationThe rise in population means we need to increase the supply of homes to rent and to buyTue Dec 02 2014 - 09:46
Getting Ireland’s budget balance rightFiscal strategy is important in order to guide decisions of political parties and wider publicTue Nov 25 2014 - 08:04
EU must factor in our real economic gainsEurope’s methodology for determining the right fiscal stance is wrong for IrelandFri Jul 11 2014 - 01:00
Week of good news for economy-watchersGrowth has returned and it has spread across most sectorsFri Jul 04 2014 - 18:28
Finding jobs for the unemployed is the key to diminishing the risk of povertyOpinion: Any increase in marginal tax rates would disproportionately affect women and their participation in the workforceThu Jan 16 2014 - 00:01
We all have to share the burden of adjustmentWHAT IS TO BE DONE? The key foundations for economic recovery are a shared understanding of the problems and an equitable distribution…Mon Feb 02 2009 - 00:00
City relies less on commercial ratesComment: There's little justification for the whinging about Dublin, says Mr David Pierce, president of the Dublin Chamber of…Fri Nov 12 2004 - 00:00
The ESRI's viewCommet: As job losses again capture the economic headlines, there is a danger that today's woes will come to be seen as the …Fri Jul 18 2003 - 01:00
Spend money on R&D but spend it wiselyThe importance of research and development (R&D) in promoting rapid growth in a modern economy is now very widely recognised…Fri Feb 25 2000 - 00:00
The Presidential ElectionSir, - The attempt to discredit Adi Roche has all the hallmarks of a political smear campaignFri Oct 10 1997 - 01:00
COUNTRY SPORTS PROTESTSir, On Thursday of this week, thousands of "fieldsport" fans will demonstrate in London's Hyde Park against a Bill moved by …Wed Jul 09 1997 - 01:00
BAN BLOOD SPORTSSir, - I appeal to your readers no to forget animals at election timeThu May 29 1997 - 01:00
DEAD FISHSir, - I have to express my serious concerns about the gill nets on Lough Corrib and MaskTue Apr 29 1997 - 01:00
ANIMAL AND HUMANSir, - Kathryn Holmquist's, report "What are we eating? (November 2nd) certainly provides food for thoughtThu Nov 07 1996 - 00:00
LETTERS TO THE EDITORSir, We are deeply concerned at the infiltration by coursing and hunt followers of animal welfare groups affiliated to the ISPCA…Wed Jun 26 1996 - 01:00
ANIMAL PSYCHIATRYSir, - I have just been reading that Harry the gorilla, who resides at Dublin Zoo, is beingTue May 07 1996 - 01:00