Sir, We are deeply concerned at the infiltration by coursing and hunt followers of animal welfare groups affiliated to the ISPCA…

Sir, We are deeply concerned at the infiltration by coursing and hunt followers of animal welfare groups affiliated to the ISPCA. Let's be clear about this blood sports are among the most obscene forms of cruelty ever devised by man. They involve the setting of dogs against other animals, both domestic and wild, for the purpose of killing or injuring them. The blooding of hounds on live cats, hares, and fox cubs is an integral part of such "entertainment".

Paid up membership of an SPCA is incompatible with support for organised cruelty to animals. That should go without saying. To entrust the care and protection of animals to the hunting set would be akin to putting vampires in charge of the blood bank!

The ISPCA has a strict policy of opposition to blood sports which is binding on all member societies. It should therefore take immediate action to either disaffiliate the renegade societies or facilitate the expulsion from these of known animal baiters. Failure to act decisively on this issue could deal a severe blow to the Society's image and credibility and might even lead to a fall off in much needed public support for its activities.

Yours, etc., Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports, Lower Coyne Street, Kiikenny.