Plan to establish group to look into gamblingFINE GAEL has agreed to an approach by Minister for Justice Brian Lenihan to set up an all-party Oireachtas committee to investigate…Fri Mar 28 2008 - 00:00
Stardust victims' families raise concerns on inquiryTHE FAMILIES of the Stardust victims discovered that the barrister appointed to investigate the 1981 fire had represented gardaí…Fri Mar 28 2008 - 00:00
Waterford officials ruled out of zoning inquiryTHE GARDA has confirmed that an investigation into an attempt to rezone 400 acres in Dungarvan, Co Waterford, does not involve…Wed Mar 26 2008 - 00:00
Laws on casino regulation delayedMINISTER FOR Justice Brian Lenihan has decided to delay making any decision about legislating on unregulated casinos and to seek…Mon Mar 17 2008 - 00:00
Irish illegals living in US a 'deep concern', says TaoiseachTHE PLIGHT of Irish people living illegally in the US is of "deep concern" to Ireland, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern last night told…Mon Mar 17 2008 - 00:00
Ahern to hold talks with Bush in Oval OfficeTAOISEACH BERTIE Ahern will meet United States president George Bush in the White House today - in one of the last occasions …Mon Mar 17 2008 - 00:00
Senate orders Leyden to withdraw DPP criticismFIANNA FÁIL Senator Terry Leyden has been ordered by the Seanad to withdraw a claim that the Director of Public Prosecutions, …Sat Mar 15 2008 - 00:00
Fahey tops list of TD property holdingsFIANNA FÁIL Minister of State Frank Fahey has once again produced one of the longest entries on Dáil Éireann's Register of Members…Fri Mar 14 2008 - 00:00
False claims by foreign nationals focus of surveyFOREIGN NATIONALS are over eight times more likely to attempt fraudulent child benefit claims than Irish-born parents, according…Thu Mar 13 2008 - 00:00
June 12th now likely date for Lisbon Treaty voteTHE GOVERNMENT is likely to choose Thursday, June 12th, to hold the Lisbon Treaty referendum - a fortnight later than had been…Wed Mar 12 2008 - 00:00
NI instability may scare investors, Sinn Féin warnsUNITED STATES investors could be frightened off if Northern Ireland is faced with political instability over the devolution of…Tue Mar 11 2008 - 00:00
Thousands losing out on tax refunds due to four-year ruleMORE THAN 10,000 taxpayers are losing out on about €10 million in refunds from the Revenue Commissioners, following its decision…Tue Mar 11 2008 - 00:00
Curbs to be put on private waste firms operating in Dublin areaTENS OF thousands of households in Dublin can expect to pay more for their rubbish collections following a decision by the capital…Mon Mar 10 2008 - 00:00
Plan to build motorway service stationsTHE NATIONAL Roads Authority (NRA) will this week lodge planning applications to build three service stations on two of the country…Mon Mar 10 2008 - 00:00
Opposition to seek capitation grant riseTHE GOVERNMENT will come under Opposition pressure this week to double the capitation grant for primary school students from …Mon Mar 10 2008 - 00:00
Irish Cancer Society in transport dealHUNDREDS OF cancer sufferers living long distances from treatment centres are to be helped under an agreement reached between…Mon Mar 10 2008 - 00:00
Tax break may save Cork hospice up to €8mCONTROVERSIAL TAX breaks introduced yesterday by the Minister for Finance, Brian Cowen, in the face of bitter Opposition attacks…Fri Mar 07 2008 - 00:00
Lenihan to bar officials from role in TV showsTHE DEPARTMENT of Justice is to bar senior State officials from featuring in television documentaries following controversy over…Fri Mar 07 2008 - 00:00
No agreement yet in autism talksTALKS BETWEEN Department of Education officials and autism campaigners are still under way, and agreement has not yet been reached…Thu Mar 06 2008 - 00:00
Lisbon Treaty would turn EU into 'rival' of US, says HigginsLISBON TREATY supporters want to turn the European Union into "an ally, and sometimes rival" of the United States, Socialist …Thu Mar 06 2008 - 00:00
Unions 'rethinking relationship' with EUUNIONS: SENIOR EUROPEAN trade unionists are reconsidering their long-held support for the European Union because it is now continually…Mon Mar 03 2008 - 00:00
Leadership wins heated debate on party's tax policiesTAXATION: THE SINN Féin leadership won a crucial debate among delegates about the party's current and future tax policies despite…Mon Mar 03 2008 - 00:00
Greens surprised at Ahern's 2012 indicationTAOISEACH BERTIE Ahern's indication that he wants to stay in office until 2012 has caused surprise in the Green Party, which …Fri Feb 29 2008 - 00:00
Shift of power from Paisley will not affect North accord, says AhernNORTHERN IRELAND will survive the passing of Dr Ian Paisley from power, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern said yesterday…Fri Feb 29 2008 - 00:00
Lisbon Treaty poses 'no threat' to Irish neutralityIRELAND'S MILITARY neutrality will not be affected by the passage of the Lisbon Treaty, Swedish European commissioner Margot …Fri Feb 29 2008 - 00:00
TDs expected to defend fast-track passportsBACKBENCH TDs from all political parties are expected to oppose any attempt to end special rules that allow them to secure passports…Wed Feb 27 2008 - 00:00
Tánaiste says Ahern's leadership is not in questionTÁNAISTE BRIAN Cowen has insisted that Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's leadership is not in question, and that he has the confidence…Wed Feb 27 2008 - 00:00
Taoiseach 'enjoys my support', says CowenTHE DECISION by the constituency organisation of Taoiseach Bertie Ahern to lend Celia Larkin £30,000 to buy a house was not "…Mon Feb 25 2008 - 00:00
Ó Cuív predicts UUP as coalition partnersTHE ULSTER Unionist Party (UUP) will consider Fianna Fáil as future coalition partners in Northern Ireland in years to come, …Mon Feb 25 2008 - 00:00
Ahern says he is not damaged by loan to LarkinTAOISEACH BERTIE Ahern has insisted his authority has not been damaged by the disclosure that his former partner bought a house…Mon Feb 25 2008 - 00:00
Taoiseach pleads for Lisbon Treaty Yes voteIRELAND'S HAND at EU negotiations will be strengthened by a Yes vote in the upcoming Lisbon Treaty referendum because no other…Mon Feb 25 2008 - 00:00
O'Donoghue's efforts to reform Dáil deserve supportInside Politics: Given the reams elsewhere which well cover Bertie Ahern's increasing tribunal difficulties, Inside Politics…Sat Feb 23 2008 - 00:00
TDs refuse to let Senators use Dáil while Seanad is refurbishedTDs have refused to grant Senators the use of the Dáil chamber on non-sitting days during the year-long multi-million euro refurbishment…Sat Feb 23 2008 - 00:00
Developers benefit by €250m due to tax loopholeProperty developers have been spared hundreds of millions of euro in stamp duty taxes following a decision by Minister for Finance…Sat Feb 23 2008 - 00:00
Adams criticises Ahern's remarksTaoiseach Bertie Ahern's labelling of opponents of the Lisbon Treaty as "loo-laas" and the "looney left" has been criticised …Fri Feb 22 2008 - 00:00
Plagiarism admitted on speech by BurtonFine Gael Dublin North East TD Terence Flanagan has admitted he plagiarised a speech made by Labour deputy leader Joan Burton…Thu Feb 21 2008 - 00:00
Hanafin to meet TDs next month on autistic educationMinister for Education Mary Hanafin is to meet Fianna Fáil TDs in early March to discuss difficulties with educating autistic…Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
Ahern says British file exists on Finucane murderThe British security services are refusing to hand over papers that would establish if they were involved in or knew in advance…Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
FF group to meet Harney on pharmacy rowFour Fianna Fáil Ministers of State are to lead a delegation of Fianna Fáil TDs to Minister for Health Mary Harney to demand …Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
Senators reject relocation planSenators have refused to accept the Office of Public Works' decision that they should move to the Natural History Museum for …Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
FF TDs to debate autism controversyFianna Fáil TDs are to debate the Department of Education's attitude towards the education of autistic children at a parliamentary…Tue Feb 19 2008 - 00:00
Ictu to seek work agency reformsEmployment agencies should be regulated by the State and Irish employers should be prosecuted for using ones that operate illegally…Tue Feb 19 2008 - 00:00
DPP objects to accusation of persecutionDirector of Public Prosecutions James Hamilton has strongly objected to a Fianna Fáil Senator's charge that he is "persecuting…Fri Feb 15 2008 - 00:00
Natural history museum to host Seanad's political beastsThe natural history museum, famous for a collection of rare and unusual artefacts, is about to get some more.Fri Feb 15 2008 - 00:00
Fianna Fáil TDs accuse HSE over treatment of chemistsSignificant divisions have opened up between the Government and Fianna Fáil backbenchers over the worsening row between the Health…Thu Feb 14 2008 - 00:00
Gormley levy plan may lead to rise in refuse chargesState levies on rubbish dumped in landfill, which are to rise by a third in the near future are set to increase even further …Wed Feb 13 2008 - 00:00
Catching the waveCHASING INNOVATION: Legislating for new discoveries is a constant challenge that requires a fleixible approachMon Feb 11 2008 - 00:00
New Dublin transport body to have key roleMajor projects may be blocked if developers, councils fail to provide proper transport servicesMon Feb 11 2008 - 00:00
Minister sets out tougher planning rules on housingTougher planning rules, which will force developers and local authorities to build better-quality homes close to shops and schools…Mon Feb 11 2008 - 00:00
Business in Republic key to prosperity in North, says PaisleyMajor businesses in the Republic will play a significant role in Northern Ireland's economic regeneration, Northern Ireland's…Fri Feb 08 2008 - 00:00