Pad's Lads do the bizz for the boss - from CorkGOLF: COME THE end of the Johnnie Walker Championship on Sunday afternoon Damien McGrane and Ryder Cup hopeful Simon Dyson would…Thu Sept 02 2010 - 01:00
Transfer issues do not disrupt squadTRANSFER DEADLINE day, as it proved, caused minimal disruption to the Republic of Ireland’s preparations for Friday’s Euro 2012…Wed Sept 01 2010 - 01:00
Andrews to miss Ireland's opening two gamesBLACKBURN ROVERS midfielder Keith Andrews will miss the opening two games of the Republic of Ireland’s Euro 2012 qualifying campaign…Mon Aug 30 2010 - 01:00
Pawd-rayg pick leaves nasty taste in mouths of Sky Sports crewTV VIEW: A LOVELY man, that Colin Montgomerie. Very lovelyMon Aug 30 2010 - 01:00
Dubs learn hard way never to trust a langer with a SatNavTV VIEW: MICHAEL LYSTER was flummoxed, almost as much as the folk on the HillMon Aug 23 2010 - 01:00
'Tangerine Dream!' . . . because anything can happen in sportTV VIEW: He meant well, you can be sure, but Richard Keys’ fretting at the weekend about post-World Cup fatigue, rustiness, …Mon Aug 16 2010 - 01:00
Oosthuizen stays dead calm as Open season turns into a hootTV VIEW: There were times on Friday afternoon when watching the British Open was a similar enough televisual experience to viewing…Mon Jul 19 2010 - 01:00
McVeigh just going from strength to strength on the linksTHE IRISH TIMES/IRISH SPORTS COUNCIL SPORTSWOMAN AWARDS: IF IT wasn’t for the exploits of the Republic of Ireland under-17 …Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
Reid calls time on his Ireland careerSOCCER/ INTERNATIONAL NEWS: NINE YEARS after being given his Republic of Ireland debut by Mick McCarthy, Steven Reid has announced…Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
Tiki-taka tops total thuggery, thank GodON THE COUCH: All aquiver for our 64th match but puzzled looks at introduction to the evening’s viewingMon Jul 12 2010 - 01:00
Gilesie goes for the winners - even if he won't have their babyON THE COUCH: Germany and Spain was a match-up for which the term ‘intriguing prospect’ was coinedThu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
Not pretty on the eye as Kuyt gets closer to outdoing CruyffON THE COUCH: Fidel may question our geography but we won’t be looking outside Europe in this African dramaWed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00
Exhausted analysts pulled from pillar to postON THE COUCH: Saturday’s dramatic quarter-finals leave the chastened pundits marvelling at the actionMon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Best to wait for O'Neill's own accountBIOGRAPHY: Martin O’Neill: The Biography By Simon Moss John Blake Publishing, 265pp. £17.99Sat Jul 03 2010 - 01:00
Brady sorry for going Dutch after 'nasty match'ON THE COUCH: On a day of big matches in Leitrim and Port Elizabeth, Liam Brady has regrets for backing the oranjeSat Jul 03 2010 - 01:00
Watson's play-off win pays off for SKeenanBBAFTER OUR overall leaderboard experienced a rather dramatic shake-up last week following the US Open, there was a return to some…Thu Jul 01 2010 - 01:00
Horseflies and dodgy curries spice it up for top managersLAST WEEK we broke the news to Chris Wood’s 242 managers that the combination of a dodgy curry, a flooded flat and three days…Thu Jul 01 2010 - 01:00
Restraint goes out the window as the lynch mobs gatherON THE COUCH: There was little sympathy on the English telly for their Three Turkeys – sorry, LionsTue Jun 29 2010 - 01:00
Liam delighted as Sepp scores another own goalON THE COUCH: Yesterday was an ‘infamous day’ for football, but Liam Brady is still smilingMon Jun 28 2010 - 01:00
No paradise for Mick as parasite football reignsON THE COUCH : Portugal versus Brazil was a bit of a bummer despite Gary Lineker’s predictionsSat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
Ireland wary of Spain's attacking threat but remain confidentUNDER-17 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL: REPUBLIC OF IRELAND v SPAIN (Today, 12.30pm, RTÉSat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
Chippy takes no pleasure in result. JestingNobody loves Raymond, it seems. Let’s hope no harpsichord makers were watchingWed Jun 23 2010 - 01:00
Web watch: What they saidIT WAS a case of watching them watching us yesterday as L’Equipe did a round-up on their website of the international reaction…Wed Jun 23 2010 - 01:00
McDowell ignores buzz of vuvuzelas as Ossie gets stuck inON THE COUCH: We felt a bit for Gregory Havret, as a victory for him would surely have put a bit of a sporting smile on the …Tue Jun 22 2010 - 01:00
Barron really knows his businessANDY BARRON is, you might say, football’s ultimate journeyman, his travels taking him from Miramar Rangers (New Zealand) to William…Mon Jun 21 2010 - 01:00
ITV's A-team aghast as England hit a new lowON THE COUCH: Pundits’ pre-match confidence disappears as Cape of Good Hope turns into Cape FearSat Jun 19 2010 - 01:00
St Jude winner no help to this hopeless cause“GOLF IS a funny game – sometimes it gives, sometimes it takes away,” said Lee Westwood after winning the St Jude Classic last…Thu Jun 17 2010 - 01:00
Birdies chasing Baldies in race to bottom of Masters tableIF YOU thought the battle for top spot on our overall leaderboard was a lively one it barely compares to the ongoing skirmish…Thu Jun 17 2010 - 01:00
The Didi Men know what they're on aboutWORLD CUP 2010: ON THE COUCH: Like his native country, then, Didi Hamann has surprised and impressed with his early World Cup…Wed Jun 16 2010 - 01:00
Where has all the perspective gone?ON THE COUCH: Brilliant England continue their relentless march to glory. But wait...Mon Jun 14 2010 - 01:00
The hangover factor set to be real headache for managersLUKE DONALD’S winning form at the Madrid Masters in week eight was enough to convince 25 of our managers that he was worth recruiting…Thu Jun 10 2010 - 01:00
Wayward Lads stay put on week of big changesHIS LEAD might have been cut by just over €40,000 in week nine but Donal Coleman remains our leading manager, the first in this…Thu Jun 10 2010 - 01:00
Prolific star epitomises Cork's hungerIRISH TIMES/IRISH SPORTS COUNCIL SPORTSWOMEN AWARD FOR MAY: Valerie Mulcahy (Gaelic football)Wed Jun 09 2010 - 01:00
Gilltown Gigolo is at your service for a cool €85,000TV VIEW: TRULY, THESE are bleak days for football-phobes, and it is, of course, only going to get worse once the World Cup actually…Mon Jun 07 2010 - 01:00
Mickleson's in no-man's land but is about to be GrizzledGOLF USPGA TOUR: WHEN WE were looking up the field for this week’s Crowne Plaza Invitational at the Colonial Country Club in…Thu May 27 2010 - 01:00
Ruud can't pick up Keys as Sky's Madrid effort less than sufficientTV VIEW: Mary Hannigan takes a look at television's take on the sporting weekend.Mon May 24 2010 - 01:00
Singh and Leonard cut out by dreaded MDFWHAT DOES MDF stand for? Well, it could be lots of things, among them medium-density fibreboard, the Maryland Death Fest (a festival…Thu May 20 2010 - 01:00
Transfers swing it for Black and AmberIF WEEK six of the Golf Masters was a bit of wash-out for your team(s) the only consolation we can offer is that you were far…Thu May 20 2010 - 01:00
The greenhouse effect has Jason's temperature soaringTV VIEW: JASON McATEER admitted he doesn’t like change, that he’s infinitely happier when things stay just as they always were…Mon May 17 2010 - 01:00
Railway target national outdoor titleWOMEN’S HOCKEY ROUND-UP: A WEEK after enduring the agony of losing the Irish Senior Cup final on penalty strokes, Railway Union…Fri May 14 2010 - 01:00
Managers' strands of hair go Westwood“I’M DISAPPOINTED, but it’s not something I’m going to pull my hair out over,” said Lee Westwood after The Players Championship…Thu May 13 2010 - 01:00
Ishikawa trying the patience of faithful dozen managersWHEN 18-year-old Ryo Ishikawa made Rory McIlroy seem almost mortal by shooting that extraordinary 58 at The Crowns tournament…Thu May 13 2010 - 01:00
No ifs, buts or maybes as woeful Wigan fail to heed Sky's scriptTV VIEW: “NO MORE ifs, buts or maybes,” promised Richard Keys, just before Andy Gray analysed the task ahead for Chelsea…Mon May 10 2010 - 01:00
Loreto will prove formidable rivalsWOMEN’S HOCKEY IRISH SENIOR CUP FINAL: AFTER PLAYING four games in five days at the World Cup qualifier in Chile before returning…Fri May 07 2010 - 01:00
Managers wipe away tears of frustrationWHILE WE were busy doffing our caps to Rory McIlroy on Sunday night we couldn’t but spare a thought for his 60-odd former managers…Thu May 06 2010 - 01:00
Waiting game just one of many thorny dilemmasIT WAS only last week that we offered, on behalf of their 695 managers, speedy recoveries to Steve Stricker, Retief Goosen and…Thu May 06 2010 - 01:00
Rafa's Diddy Men miss the bus to Knotty AshTV VIEW: ON REFLECTION, that gag doing the rounds last week wasn’t funny at all: “Liverpool have just announced their side to…Mon May 03 2010 - 01:00