We are born optimists. Against the news cycle of rising energy costs, hikes in food prices, staff shortages and the heartbreaking fallout of restaurant closures around the country, we have been astonished at how many new restaurants there are on this list, and the number of openings that are yet to come.

This list is all about value – something we always seek out but is now more relevant than ever. So what you’ll find here are the smaller operators, many of them casual, where you’re as likely to be tucking into a bowl of steaming noodles as a few small plates in a wine bar, plus a handful of higher-end places where you’ll find real value on lunch or dinner menus.
As ever, a lot of travel, eating and research was involved. We picked the brains of serious eaters and chefs around Ireland, and have included some of their recommendations. Editing a list down to 100 is always difficult, so we’ve prioritised the new places. But please do make sure that you also support the old stalwarts as well as your local favourites. Corinna Hardgrave