AIB and bonuses, Buckley’s INM farewell, and Spanish group takes slice of Apache Pizza

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from ‘The Irish Times’ business desk

Leslie Buckley, who stepped down as chairman of Independent News & Media on Thursday. Photograph: Dara Mac Donaill / The Irish Times

The so-called normalisation process at AIB continues apace with its annual report revealing that the board has devised a deferred share scheme for its executive directors and other key leaders within the bank. They will be entitled to receive deferred shares annually up to 100 per cent of their salary but they won't be able to monetise them until the State has received its full €20.8 billion in bailout funds. Ciarán Hancock has the details.

Leslie Buckley stepped down as chairman of Independent News & Media in Dublin on Thursday, at a sparsely attended shareholder meeting. Four new non-executive directors were appointed to the board, to bring it back in line with governance rules. Mark Paul looks back at Buckley's five and a half turbulent years in the chair.

Spanish group Telepizza has taken a majority slice of Irish takeaway chain Apache Pizza for up to €10.7 million. The Irish franchise holder for Burger King has also taken a bite from what is a tasty deal for the sellers. Mark Paul reports.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times