Over 10,000 households had power cut off last year

Electricity disconnections decline 30 per cent due to installation of ‘pay as you go’ meters

A total of 5,895 households had their gas disconnected last year for non payment of bills. Photo: Bloomberg

More than 10,000 households had their electricity cut off last year due to non payment of bills, according to the latest figures from the Commission for Energy Regulation.

A total of 10,122 homes had their electricity disconnected for not paying bills, representing a 30 per cent decrease on 2012. Almost 5,900 had their gas disconnected, a 15.8 per cent decrease on 2012.

The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) attributed the decline in electricity disconnections to the installation of “Pay as you Go” meters.

It estimates 36 per cent of gas disconnections were in vacant properties, while 42 per cent of electricity disconnections were in vacant premises.