Martin announces creation of 350 jobs in US e-commerce firm

In Shannon yesterday Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Micheál Martin announced the creation of 350 new jobs in US…

In Shannon yesterday Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Micheál Martin announced the creation of 350 new jobs in US e-commerce firm Digital River.

He also confirmed that 70 Enterprise Ireland jobs will be located in Shannon by the middle of next year.

Mr Martin said: "The Government decision to decentralise the headquarters of Enterprise Ireland stands."

The Minister was responding to questions on Enterprise Ireland taking out a 25-year lease on new offices for headquarters in Dublin. As part of the Government's decentralisation programme, the agency is due to relocate its headquarters and 400 jobs to Shannon.


Mr Martin said: "Enterprise Ireland is located in four separate locations in Dublin and the idea of moving to one makes absolute sense.

"The agency has taken out a normal commercial lease and there are break clauses in that lease if there are any changes in accommodation."

The Minister said that there will be 70 Enterprise Ireland jobs in Shannon by the middle of next year as part of the agency's role to support county and city enterprise boards.

Mr Martin conceded, however, that he does not have an exact timescale on Enterprise Ireland fully decentralising to Shannon.

He said: "We are making significant progress and will get a significant beachhead over the next number of months here."

Earlier, announcing the 350 new jobs as part of Digital River Ireland Ltd establishing its European headquarters at Shannon, Mr Martin said: "Digital River's decision to establish at Shannon Free Zone adds significantly to Ireland's emerging profile as a leading e-commerce business centre in Europe.

"This investment is very welcome news for Shannon and was secured by Shannon Development against strong competition from other European locations."

Already 84 people are employed at Digital River's temporary accommodation in the Shannon Free Zone and the company is set to be the first tenant of the new €200 million Westpark business park in Shannon.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times