Augmented reality event comes to Dublin

International conference aims to ‘explain and demystify’ the technology for marketers

Google Glass: one of the technologies to feature at the augmented reality marketing conference in Dublin next month

Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse will be the physical-world host for an augmented reality (AR) marketing conference next month, with AR experts from across Europe and the US lined up to “explain and demystify” a rapidly growing media segment.

The organiser,, has billed the conference and exhibition as the first in Europe to “specifically showcase the role that augmented reality has in integrated marketing communications”.

Wearable tech
The full-day event on April 15th will feature demonstrations of Google Glass and other wearable tech, as well as the presentation of AR marketing case studies featuring Heinz, L'Oréal, Maybelline and Renault, which are among the brands to have incorporated AR into their communication strategies.

Speakers include Jess Butcher, chief marketing officer and co-founder of London-based augmented reality app company Blippar, which has developed a real-time image recognition app for Google Glass.


Augmented reality "visionary" Dave Lorenzini and Brian Mullins, chief executive of AR software developer start-up Daqri, will also address the event.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics