London ‘Times’ digital plans will cause confusion, says Irish Times

Trademark dispute will be heard later this month by the High Court

The dispute concerns the use of the the name ‘The Times Irish Edition’, or any other title confusingly similar to ‘The Irish Times’

A dispute over an alleged infringement of an Irish Times trademark by the London ‘Times’ will be heard later this month by the High Court. The dispute concerns the use of the the name ‘The Times Irish Edition’, or any other title confusingly similar to ‘The Irish Times’, in a digital edition of the UK publication, as well as on a proposed app for phone users.

The new publication is a digital edition of the London ‘Times’ and is due to be part of a seven-day subscription package with ‘The Sunday Times’.

The Irish Times Ltd seeks to stop the use of the title, in any manner whatsoever, including by using that name as a domain name, Twitter account or email address.

It is also seeking to stop the UK publishers, Times Newspapers Ltd, promoting or launching a new digital publication with a digital masthead as set out in a mock-up seen by The Irish Times.


It also wants an order stopping the UK newspaper using the “T” logo at its Twitter account or any logo confusingly similar to the ‘Irish Times’ logo.

Jonathan Newman SC, for The Irish Times Ltd, said his client was concerned about a number of matters that could lead to confusion, particularly by somebody googling for The Irish Times.

Paul Coughlan BL, for Times Newspapers Ltd, said the issues between the parties had changed since the proceedings were first brought by The Irish Times Ltd. His side had given undertakings in relation to certain issues raised but The Irish Times Ltd was “now taking exception to other things”.

Mr Justice Brian McGovern said the latest dispute could be dealt with on July 21st.