It seems that the Republic's top public relations executives do not have their heads in the clouds. They are, in fact, much higher.
According to a survey of 20 consultancies aimed at discovering the definitive PR wish list, Marketing magazine found that six of those interviewed said, given a choice, they would select the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) as a client.
It was felt that acting for NASA would require the retention of government and public support and so it would be a long-term, rewarding client. (Rewarding indeed.)
While the Olympics and the World Cup tied for second place, the political accounts nominated by the PR gurus also threw up some interesting findings - notably the selection of Padraig Slattery of Slattery PR. He identified Jackie Healy-Rae as a potential client because, he said, the Kerry TD would provide a "wonderful opportunity to have your speech-writing qualities recognised on an international stage".