It's been a while since Mickey Mouse headlined a movie, but gamers apparently can't get enough of him. The relentless rodent recently returned in the marvellous Epic Mickey 2, and now he's making inroads in the app game market. Introduced in lovely hand-drawn-style animation, we see the enterprising mouse in need of water for different reasons, from running a lemonade stand to putting out fires. Your job is to clear the way so the water flows to Mickey. The app is based on the hugely popular Where's My Water? franchise; the action takes place in different landscapes with water blocked by diverse obstacles such as sand, stone and lava. Clear the way and funnel water into a pipe, using the environment to your advantage. You can manipulate the wind to move water, for example, or clouds to carry it. It's a charmingly put together little app game, as addictive as it is gently amusing. There are also elegant animations bookending each level.
Where’s My Mickey?