Laurence Mackin’s cultural highs and lows of 2014

'Hamlet' grabbed its audience by the throat and refused to let go

What were your cultural highlights of 2014?

The Schaubühne's Hamlet, at Dublin Theatre Festival, grabbed its audience by the throat and refused to let go until the rest was silence. Sturm und drama of the most rock'n'roll kind. Portishead put in a peerless set at Electric Picnic that rivalled Hamlet for dark dramatics. And Ballyturk bewildered with its brilliance.

Glyndebourne opera returned to Ireland with a beautiful La Traviata. Drop Everything turned the island of Inis Oírr into one big arts party – an utter joy from sunrise to sunset (and beyond). The Gloaming and James Vincent McMorrow picked an elegant fight for best album of the year. And a three-day stint at the Red Bull Music Academy in Tokyo made me want to run away and join the musical circus.

And the year’s biggest disappointments?


Love/Hate. A terrific cast and plenty of potential were frustrated by limited writing, constant cliches and endless laps of the M50. Gangland crime never seemed so dull. And, of course, watching the arts being punted around by politicians for personal ends. As despicable as it was predictable.

What caught you by surprise?

The huge crowd that showed up to Downstairs Dublin, on Culture Night, and didn't let the rain stop play. And the fact that 10 of our best playwrights agreed to take part in the chaotic theatrical enterprise that was The Arc.

And what will you be glad to hear the last of?

Any suggestion that national museums should have to close or start charging entrance fees.

Who or what was 2014’s unsung hero?

Funders. While plenty of companies look to brand the hell out of an event, others were willing to respect the integrity of artists and treat them accordingly. And then there are the people who, week in, week out, click those Donate buttons for projects that are still in the planning stages.

Who’s your top tip for 2015?

Jack Garratt. I Couldn't Want You Anyway has been knocking around all year, but it's still the loveliest thing you could put in your ears. Expect him to be next year's big cheese.

2014 in three words?

Has been funded.